City: I'm Really Not Rich

Chapter 83 Are You Active Again? 1010 (Subscribe~)

"Oh, that's it... Mr. Zhang, look at the rumors about Wanshan Tourism Company..."

"I was wondering...could you take a time when you're not busy and come forward to clarify?35

Hu Qingfu was completely unmoved by the rumors outside.

Because he is the one who has seen Zhang Chen's real wealth.


Absolute genius!

Can you throw away 400,000 yuan to the four major banks, and then have the spare energy to take care of the 20,000 yuan deposit of Bianhai Bank?!

Just when Hu Qingfu felt that Zhang Chen's assets were distributed.

As a result, Zhang Chen refreshed his cognitive upper limit again.

Not only did he buy the Jinmao Building in a high-profile manner, but he also offered sky-high wages to attract talents.

Finally, it was announced that they would spend another 100,000 yuan to restart the Wanshan Binhai Scenic Area?!

Did this guy print money?

TV shows don't dare to act like this, okay?

As a result, such an outrageous thing happened in reality!

Therefore, Hu Qingfu knew that the rumors outside were all rumors, and sooner or later they would be self-defeating.

But now the situation is very urgent.

It's almost time for another election.

If something goes wrong at this juncture, it would be a catastrophic blow to its own impact on the gubernatorial position.

Maybe even the most basic re-elected mayor of Bianhai City will lose the election in the end.

So he very much hopes that Zhang Chen can solve this matter as soon as possible.

But he can't say these words in his heart, otherwise it will become a vote bribery.

Once someone grabs the handle, then everything is for nothing.

So in order to prevent Zhang Chen from misunderstanding, he hurriedly added two more sentences:

"Of course, I'm just suggesting, not forcing, don't get me wrong!

"If you insist on doing things at your own pace, I...I can understand...35'

Hu Qingfu said it was understandable, but his tone had already revealed his true thoughts.

He urgently needs Zhang Chen to help him get rid of the current unfavorable situation.

Although Zhang Chen was half asleep, he could hear Hu Qingfu's difficulties.

In fact, even if Hu Qingfu didn't say it, he originally wanted to wait until the time fermented to the extreme before holding the press conference.

At this time, the development of things has reached the moment of highest concern.

When the press conference is held, the newly launched APP project will suddenly become the news that major media are scrambling to report.

This time, even the promotion money is saved.

810 Now even Hu Qingfu can't help but call himself to ask about this.

It shows that the popularity of this matter has just reached its peak now, and if it continues to brew, it will be easy to reverse.

It's time for Liang Lu to play!

Zhang Chen smiled slightly and said:

"I understand Hu Shichang, now is the time of the election, we are friends, I will not hold you back!

"Hope I can do a little bit for your election!"

Hearing Zhang Chen say this, Hu Qingfu instantly burst into tears.

If it weren't for him in the office now, he would probably be crying.

There are too many intrigues in officialdom, and if you are not careful, you can easily fall into the trap of political enemies and fail miserably.

Therefore, Hu Qingfu was very careful in every step he took.

Even when greeting people and dealing with people, they remain elegant and neutral.

Now that the general election is imminent, his pressure is many times greater than usual.

But these things, as the mayor of a city, can't be revealed to anyone at all.

Complaining to others is always a very dangerous thing in itself.

Once used by someone with a heart, it will become the last straw that crushes you.

Therefore, Hu Qingfu is full of self-confidence and light weight no matter on any occasion.

No matter how big the crisis or the pressure, you will face it with a smile.

But only he himself knew that all this was faked.

People around me need to help themselves in big and small matters, but they are rarely willing to help themselves.

There are countless people who are icing on the cake.

Now Zhang Chen has spoken his heart out when Hu Qingfu was in the most difficult time.

Not only are you willing to help yourself to solve problems, but even say that you are willing to help yourself?!

The people around him are either helpless to him, indeed, the people who can help him must be very energetic people.

Otherwise, who would dare to say such a thing lightly?

And many people with such energy, most of them are both sides, very smooth.

Hu Qingfu is also up for grabs.

If Hu Qingfu is about to be promoted to governor, they will definitely be the first to rush up and cheer.

But if Hu Qingfu was unfortunate enough to lose, it would be those people who would step on him the hardest.

These people value only profit and (ajci) already.

Therefore, it is impossible for anyone to dare to say something like this to Hu Qingfu.

Speaking out, it is equivalent to making a trade-off of interests.

Before the prospect of Hu Qingfu's election is clear, they will never make any choice.

Zhang Chen dared to say such words, which means that he at least recognized himself and was willing to help.

He was the first person around Hu Qingfu to stand up for him.

How could Hu Qingfu not be moved by this?!

Hu Qingfu said with sincerity and sincerity, "Thank you!"

After the phone was silent for a while, Hu Qingfu's voice returned to calm, and he continued:

"Mr. Zhang has this kind of heart, I am very grateful, and I have received it!"

"It's just that the problems I'm encountering at the moment may not be so easy to solve, no matter what the result of this election is..."

"Mr. Zhang, you will always be my close friend of Hu Qingfu. After the election, I will definitely be the host. Please have a good drink!"

"But let's say, this time I can't take President Yang anymore, she's too scary!

I heard Hu Qingfu say so.

Zhang Chen suddenly remembered the last time he drank.

Yang Mi'er almost turned her face when Hu Qingfu sold Wanshan Binhai Scenic Area to her.

The aura was terrifying.

Hu Qingfu was so frightened that he ran away without eating any food.

Whenever I think of this incident, Zhang Chen is both funny and owes Hu Qingfu points.

"Haha, okay, listen to your boss, let's get together after the election!""

"Okay, but in the future, don't call me Hu Shi anymore, it looks like a natural, just call me Lao Hu!"9

"Okay, old Hu, then you don't have to call me Mr. Zhang, just call me Zhang Chen, or Brother Zhang Chen!"

"Okay Brother Zhang Chen! 99

"Okay, old Hu!"

The two chatted happily on the phone, laughed and hung up the phone.

The reason why Hu Qingfu did not speak out about his difficulties was because he felt that no one could turn things around in the current predicament.

What he lacks the most right now is the economic card!

Because the tourism resources of Bianhai City have been severely damaged, the economy has been declining year by year.

Although Hu Qingfu took office, through a series of measures, has slowed down this downward trend.

And with Zhang Chen's 20,000 yuan deposit injection, the companies in Bianhai City are gradually picking up.

But the unemployment rate is not so easy to rise up.

Only when an enterprise develops and grows can it increase employment.

Unemployment will gradually decrease.

However, if an enterprise wants to grow and develop, under the smoothest circumstances, it will take a year and a half to transition at the earliest.

It's not something that happens overnight.

In the past year and a half, what about the unemployed people and their families?

And the election is five days away.

It is simply impossible to suddenly increase the unemployment rate and increase the income of people and families within five days.

Unless there is a miracle!

And what this miracle is, Hu Qingfu can't even imagine.

So it's okay to stand up for this difficulty, why bother Zhang Chen by saying it?

Do you want Zhang Chen to give the people money to support his election?

Or think of another way!

Hu Qingfu stayed at the desk for a while, adjusted his mood, and then walked out of the office door quickly.

In front of Wanshan Building, mass demonstrations intensified.

Not only those who are popular to buy a house in Wanshan Binhai Scenic Area, but also those who lose money buying stocks in the tourism industry, almost all those who have a connection with Wanshan Tourism are here.

Even the villagers of Binhai Fishing Village spontaneously came to demonstrate with white banners.

It is written in red paint: return my home, honor the promise!

"Damn, Laozi released all the fish in the fish pond, signed the demolition contract, and the company ran away?"

"The one who promised to resettle us in the city, our family was the first to take the initiative to demolish the house, and now we are homeless!

"The demolition fund has not been in place. It turns out that the company ran away. This is too embarrassing! 35

"Yeah, I've sold all the fishing boats, how can I explain to my wife when I go back?"

"My baby will go to primary school in 2 months. If you don't give us an explanation, what should I do if I delay my baby's schooling?"

The clamor of the villagers was louder and louder.

If it weren't for the fact that there were teams of police on the scene to maintain order.

They can all rush into the Wanshan Building with wooden sticks and harpoons and smash them to vent their pain.

More and more people gathered.

At this time, Professor Chen's room on the live broadcast platform suddenly became popular.

This Professor Chen is the one who was banned by the TV station because of his anger at Wanshan Tourism Company in the TV show.

Previously, the barrage was slapped in the face.

Now I see that something has happened to Wanshan Tourism.

Professor Chen became active again, this time directly in the form of a mobile phone live broadcast.

Many people knew him, so they came to support him.

"Have you seen it? I have said long ago that Wanshan Tourism is a company without a sense of responsibility!

"It's a shell company from start to finish, a scam company! 35

"When I said it, you still didn't believe me, and slandered me and insulted me!"

"Including the TV station also blocked me!

"But I don't care, the so-called real gold is not afraid of fire, I am that gold!"

"Time will prove everything!"

"I didn't expect this time to come so quickly, so quickly verify my statement one by one! 55

Professor Chen looked at the camera with a proud face, and introduced his theories eloquently.

"What? Others who eat melons don't know what happened?"

"It's okay, we'll cut to the live news now, and I'll interpret the event with the news! 99

"You will soon know that, as a university professor, I have a deep theoretical foundation and practical experience! 35

"My judgment on Wanshan Tourism, a fraudulent company, will never be wrong!

Immediately afterwards, the live broadcast screen became a picture-in-picture effect.

The main screen is playing the picture from the live news, and there is a small box in the lower right corner of the picture.

Inside is Professor Chen's live broadcast room.

Originally, the popularity of Wanshan tourism was very high.

In addition, Professor Chen is also a hot and controversial figure in this incident.

So this live broadcast room is extremely popular.

It didn't take long for it to reach nearly one million views, and this number is still increasing rapidly.

As soon as the main screen turned, the camera was aimed at the indignant fishermen who were begging for demolition money not far away.

"Did you see it?! 99

"I just said Wanshan Tourism is a shell company!"

"Not only did he promise to give fishermen 1 to 1.5 yuan per household for demolition and relocation, but he also promised to give each household a two-bedroom, one-hall house in Bianhai City!

"It even promises that the area of ​​the house is more than 80 square meters!"

"Listen to everyone, what a good thing, the pie is falling from the sky!

"Let's not talk about the house prices in the center of Bianhai City, but just say that the second-hand houses in the old city cost 2-3 cents per square meter!

"80 square meters is the price of 1 yuan 6 yuan to 2 yuan 4 yuan, plus the demolition fee, a household can actually get a maximum of 4 yuan?!"

"Please, it's impossible to give so much money even for the demolition of the city center?"

"We are Bianhai City, not a magic capital, the capital, how could it be possible to give so much money?"

"It's clearly a scam, a gimmick, a trick to fool people!

The more Professor Chen spoke, the more excited he became. The spittle was flying, and a few drops even accidentally fell on the camera lens.

If the spit flies on the screen, it doesn't actually look that big.

But if it comes to the lens, that occupies the area of ​​the lens...

tsk tsk...

Such a big piece...

Someone originally planned to give a reward to Professor Chen.

As a result, seeing such a disgusting scene, the fans turned to passers-by in an instant.

Professor Chen wiped the lens and continued to say excitedly:

"Everyone is looking at this mighty police force of one or two hundred people! 35

"This is a complete waste of our police resources, spending our taxpayers' money, and acting as a shield for scammers!

"At the beginning, I said that Wanshan Tourism had something to do with high-level government officials, and the TV station even banned me!"

"It now seems that my speculation is completely correct. I belong to the type of political persecution, who dares to tell the truth!"

"What the world lacks most now is a spokesperson like me who dares to speak out about social injustice!

Professor Chen said that he was excited and couldn't help but dance.

However, at this time, a strange scene suddenly appeared on the main screen.

The fishermen, who were still criticizing the Wanshan Tourism Company just now, began to look down at their mobile phones one after another.

And they whispered what they said.

After a while, everyone packed up the banners and sticks, and left the venue quickly with their heads down.

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