He Zhengdao looked ugly, Li Tianchen's skills were hundreds of times better than he imagined.

"Damn it! No wonder the three hummingbirds missed it. This kid is simply not human!"

Zhu Han sat there, motionless, squinting his eyes, staring at Li Tianchen without missing a beat, his eyes were extremely sharp, and his heart was shocked.

If it were him, he would never be as relaxed as Li Tianchen.

Brother and sister Zheng Yingbo breathed a sigh of relief, and smiles appeared on their faces.

At this time, the five or six masters who were fighting against Li Tianchen in the ring were horrified and their scalps were numb.

After actually fighting against Li Tianchen, we realized how deep his skills were.

The movements were extremely fast, as fast as lightning, and he couldn't touch the edge at all. Under their attacks, Li Tianchen was calm and at ease. wavv

And every time they used their best tricks, they seemed to be about to bump into Li Tianchen, but in the blink of an eye they lost sight of him.

This speed is simply ghostly!

After another twenty minutes, Li Tianchen saw that these people had no new tricks, so he patted them with both hands and sent them flying away.

The huge boxing arena was completely silent.

"Master Zhu Han, why don't you come down?"

Li Tianchen stood proudly and looked up at Zhu Han in the audience.


Countless eyes instantly focused on Zhu Han.

Zhu Han's face was deep. After all, he was also a master in the martial arts world. Although he was shocked by Li Tianchen's skills at this moment, he was not afraid of the stage. He was shocked on the spot and stepped onto the ring slowly.

"This kid just dodged blindly and knocked everyone away with a slight move. There was no trace of any moves, but every move he made was natural. Whether it was speed or strength, it was far more than twice that of everyone else. "

"His strength is more than one level higher than Hongfa and others."

"If I want to play against him, my biggest reliance is experience. I can never compete head-on with him!"

Zhu Han's mind was spinning, he stopped two meters away from Li Tianchen, cupped his fists and said, "I learn from the Yang School of Palm Techniques, which is a sect derived from Tai Chi and Bagua. I practice both Palm Techniques and Boxing, please!"

Seeing Zhu Han Zheng'er's ancient ritual of the Eight Classics, Li Tianchen returned the greeting and said calmly: "I have no master and have never learned any martial arts. I just rely on my muscles, bones, skin and flesh that are beyond ordinary people, so I asked Master Zhu for advice."

Never studied martial arts?

Zhu Han was slightly dissatisfied. He had never learned anything before and could he reach such an astonishing level now? Could it be that he is a genius?

However, since Li Tianchen said this, Zhu Han didn't hesitate to ask more questions. He immediately put his posture and said solemnly: "I can be regarded as your senior in the martial arts world, come on!"

Li Tianchen smiled slightly. This Zhu Han was quite particular about etiquette. He immediately said, "I'm sorry."

As he said that, he immediately stepped out with meteoric strides and punched straight out, with a faint sound of wind and thunder.

Zhu Han's eyes narrowed slightly. Li Tianchen's move was actually a jab in Muay Thai!

But it was Li Tianchen who had just fought with everyone and looked at all the fighting techniques that everyone had mastered. He had memorized many of the good moves. Now facing Zhu Han, he just needed to use them to practice.

Zhu Han didn't know that this was his first time using Muay Thai, and his expression was solemn. When he faced Li Tianchen, his pressure doubled. This punch didn't seem fancy, but its speed and strength were the strongest he had ever seen in his life.

With his strength, he doesn't dare to take it head-on now.

Zhu Han was awe-inspiring. He had praised Haikou to He Zhengdao before, but now he realized that he had underestimated Li Tianchen's strength.

This thought flashed through his mind. After all, Zhu Han was experienced and his movements were not slow and he quickly retreated.

But Li Tianchen didn't give him a chance to breathe. Before one punch was enough, another one came.

Some of the Muay Thai moves I learned from the red hair, such as boxing, elbow, knee, leg, etc., came to Zhu Han one after another.

The violent storm attack came quickly and violently, and Zhu Han cried out in his heart. If he had known that Li Tianchen was so fierce, he would not have trusted him.

The arena is only so big. If you retreat any further, you will really lose. Zhu Han gritted his teeth, shook his arm suddenly, and faced Li Tianchen's fist.


A dull sound came.

Zhu Han's body suddenly shook violently, he took a few steps back and almost fell off the ring.

Li Tianchen just shook his body, looked at Zhu Han and nodded: "You are indeed stronger than them."

I just played a round of Muay Thai, and my body finally warmed up. Mastering some fighting skills seems to be really helpful in polishing my body.

Zhu Han snorted coldly. After all, he was a martial arts master who had been famous for many years. Even if Li Tianchen was several times stronger than him, he still thought that he might not lose.

Zhu Han's steps were lightly separated to the left and right. His whole spine was like a big dragon. He arched and bounced in an instant. In the blink of an eye, he was in front of Li Tianchen.

Zhu Han's palms arched from left to right, like arranging flowers, and struck Li Tianchen's waist and ribs with lightness and restrained strength.

"The dragon-shaped fighting technique is so powerful. It uses a lot of sinister poison and gentle energy, and there are some artistic conceptions of old boxing techniques in it!"

The moment Zhu Han took action, many experts present noticed some subtle changes, and countless people were amazed.

As expected of Master Zhu! The top master in the Chinese martial arts world!

Zhu Han stepped forward and attacked from the front, but it was a false shot. He used both hands hard, and the real target was Li Tianchen's waist and ribs on both sides.

Ordinary practitioners often fight against each other. Seeing the momentum of the opponent's attack towards the center line, they will naturally block it from the center line. However, they are often a little careless, and their waist and ribs are smashed by this blow, and they are seriously injured even if they are not killed.

Zhu Hanneng's current status is because he has cultivated his martial arts attainments to the pinnacle. He integrates boxing skills with palm skills, uses virtual reality to perform them, and his fighting methods are very vicious. His attack locations are unexpected, and he often displays extraordinary results in actual combat. Better results.

When Li Tianchen saw that Zhu Han was really taking action, he also stopped playing. He wanted to experience the profound mysteries of Chinese martial arts. He found that Zhu Han was very powerful when he took action. He was about to step aside. He wanted Zhu Han to use all the methods he had mastered.

However, Li Tianchen had super strong senses and soon discovered the changes in Zhu Han's body strength and breath.

Therefore, Li Tianchen was not fooled by such an illusion. He took a step back gently, put his hands under his waist and suddenly shot out.

boom! boom! The two hands collided half a foot in front of Li Tianchen's abdomen.

The moment his hands collided, Zhu Han's expression changed and his ears trembled violently.

Real martial arts masters have extraordinary abilities such as distinguishing position and strength by listening to sounds, because when masters fight, any detail may determine the outcome.

But it was a pity that Zhu Han did not hear the snapping of bones as he expected.

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