After Shen Zicheng arrived at the company, he immediately called his secretary's number.

"Secretary Tian, ​​come to my office."


After Liu Chen had dinner, he first went to Anjia Company.

Three more houses have been rented out and a confirmation contract needs to be signed.

House 13-501: Lease period is half a year, rent is 600,000.

House 13-412: Lease period is two months, rent is 150,000.

House 13-703: Lease period is two years, rent is 2.9 million.

Depending on the size of the property and the length of the lease, the rent will also fluctuate.

After signing the contract, the rent for the three houses was transferred to Liu Chen's card.

A total of 3.65 million.

After handling these matters, Liu Chen stayed with Su Ran for a while at Anjia Agency.

When we went back, it was already evening.


Liu Chen's phone rang.

When I opened it, I saw it was Shen Zicheng calling.

A smile appeared on Liu Chen's lips.

He looked up at his watch and saw that it had been 6 hours since he left.

This amount of time is too much for many young people.

It looks like it should be almost good.

Liu Chen agreed to the call.

"Hahahaha! Mr. Liu, I'm really not sick at all!" Shen Zicheng's ecstatic voice came from the other side.

"Congratulations to Mr. Shen." Liu Chen smiled.

"This is all because of you..."

Next, Shen Zicheng described the results of his victory in an embellished way, bursting into tears as he spoke.

He said that Liu Chen was his savior and he must visit him to express his gratitude.

Liu Chen refused again and again, but still couldn't stop him.

I had no choice but to agree.


‘Dong-dong-dong! ’

There was a knock on the door.

Liu Chen opened the door, and Shen Zicheng immediately jumped into Liu Chen's arms and gave him a big hug.

She cried with snot and tears: "Mr. Liu, you have really helped me a lot. Shen is willing to work as a horse for you, wuwuwuwuwu..."

He cried so hard that he seemed to regard Liu Chen as his reborn parents.

"Calm down, calm down!" Liu Chen pushed him away.

Shen Zicheng wiped his eyes that were red from crying and said sincerely: "I thought I would never feel the taste of love again, thanks to you."

Liu Chen smiled and waved his hand, "It's a small effort, not worth mentioning."

"This is my little thought, I hope Mr. Liu can accept it."

As Shen Zicheng spoke, he took out a red jade stone from his bag.

This jade is like blood-like red silk, extremely rich in color.

Even if Liu Chen doesn't understand gems, he can still see how extraordinary this thing is.

Liu Chen declined: "Mr. Shen, this thing is too expensive, I can't have it."

"No, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. If you don't accept it, I'm afraid I will have trouble sleeping and eating in the future."

Shen Zicheng said sincerely.

Seeing Shen Zicheng's persistence, Liu Chen accepted it.

The two had a drink in the house.

During this period, about a dozen people in suits came, all of whom were entrusted by Shen Zicheng to give gifts.

There are luxury goods, red wine, clothes, watches, nutritional supplements and more.

Every piece is valuable!

Liu Chen's impression of Shen Zicheng became a little better.

As expected of someone who has been involved in big scenes all year round, he does everything in every aspect, making it impossible to find fault.


After Shen Zicheng left, Liu Chen used the computer to check the information on the jade stone.

Can't help but be surprised.

It turns out that this piece of jade is called the finest blood-red jadeite, which is one of the extremely rare jadeites.

At an auction a few years ago, a slightly flawed blood-red jadeite was auctioned for a high price of 170 million.

Not to mention the extremely high variety in Liu Chen’s hands.

A conservative estimate is that there are at least 300 million!

Liu Chen pursed his lips.

Be good!

This Shen Zicheng is such an honest man that he actually gave himself such a great gift.

But it's no wonder that Shen Zicheng, who was almost declared ineffective by doctors, was actually saved by himself and was alive and kicking again.

Anyone with a little bit of conscience will remember Liu Chen's lifelong kindness.

Liu Chen put the jade away.

I clicked on the ‘Zhihuasuan’ APP to see if there are any new products on the shelves.

But unfortunately, the product column is still empty.

I had no choice but to wash up and go to sleep.


In the days that followed, Liu Chen's life was simple.

Eat, drink, play, drive, collect rent, check if there are any products on the shelves...

Days like this happened again and again, lasting about a week or so.

One morning, it was suddenly interrupted by a phone call.

"Liu Chen! Do you still want to do it?"

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(ps: The author wants to ask everyone here, do you want to update during the day or at night?)

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