City: Kill Tomson In An Instant For 9 Yuan At The Beginning

Chapter 25 I Can Make You Famous, But I Can Also Kill You!

"First, disrespect your hometown. If you think your hometown is not perfect, then you should build it and make it better instead of just criticizing it.

Second, they are lawless and think that if they have a certain number of fans, they can invade other people's privacy rights at will.

Third, as an entertainer, instead of maintaining a humble attitude, he is arrogant and domineering.

This completely goes against the qualities an artist should have. "

Every time Liu Chen said something, he would take away a finger.

Finally, he paused and said in a deep voice.

"So I declare that you have been hidden!"

Snow hiding means not to provide any resources to the artist during the signing period, so that he can completely disappear from the public's sight.

The liquidated damages are extremely huge, and it is impossible for ordinary artists to afford them, so they can only end with resentment.

This is the most severe punishment among entertainment companies.

Chang Hao was stunned for a moment after hearing this.

Then he burst out laughing: "Hahahahahaha, you still want to hide me? Who do you think you are?

Dongxuan Company's annual profits increased by nearly tens of millions because of me. How could they be stupid enough to hide me? "

Chang Hao thought Liu Chen was talking big words and laughed without any care.

I simply don’t believe that Liu Chen has this strength.

The bodyguard also raised the corners of his mouth slightly, as if looking at a fool.

Liu Chen sneered.

Then a series of phone calls were made.

This was the phone number he found in the morning, coming from the headquarters of Dongxuan Entertainment Company.

"Hello, hello." A clear female voice came from the other side.

"Give the phone to the most responsible person here and say my name is Liu Chen."

Chang Hao curled his lips and said disdainfully.

"You're just trying to be mysterious, I want to see how you hid me in the snow."

After Liu Chen said his name, there was a burst of noise on the phone.

He looked extremely flustered.

After about five or six seconds, a rough voice answered the phone.

"Is it Mr. Liu? I'm Zhang Haibo from Dongxuan Entertainment."

I saw the name Zhang Haibo when I was checking information in the morning.

He serves as the CEO of Dongxuan Entertainment Company and has great power. Basically, everything in the company, big and small, passes through his hands.

However, his tone at this moment seemed extremely humble.

Just in the morning, he received news of the company's transfer.

Their new boss’s name is Liu Chen!

"It's me. Now I want to announce something." Liu Chen said calmly.

"Okay, you say."

"From now on, stop all resources of the artist Chang Hao, refuse all his activities, and completely hide him." Liu Chen said slowly.

After saying these words, Zhang Haibo was obviously stunned for a while.

Then he raised the question in his mind.

"Ah? But Chang Hao is the most popular artist in our company right now..."

"What? Isn't it possible?" Liu Chen asked.

"Of course I don't dare. You are the boss of Dongxuan. You can make decisions freely. I will handle it right now." Zhang Haibo suddenly felt a cold sweat on the back of his head.

He quickly explained.

"Okay, within one week, you will completely make him disappear from the public eye."

After Liu Chen finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

Pulling Su Ran out of the barbecue restaurant.

Chang Hao thought Liu Chen had escaped.

With an arrogant look on his face, he said: "Tsk, I thought he was some big shot, but I didn't expect that he turned out to be a pretender..."

Before he finished speaking, the phone rang.

Looking at the caller ID, it was Zhang Haibo, CEO of Dongxuan Entertainment Company.

I immediately felt a bad premonition.

He gingerly connected the phone and asked flatteringly.

"Brother Zhang, what's the matter?"

"You stupid pig, what the hell did you do!"

There was a roar from the opposite side, making Chang Hao look confused.

Chang Hao said a little aggrieved: "Huh? I didn't do anything..."

"Okay, stop talking. From now on, the company will stop all your activities until the contract is terminated."


After saying this, he hung up the phone directly.

When Chang Hao heard this, he collapsed on the ground with a thump.

His face was ashen.

He is a long-term artist with a 30-year contract.

If the company doesn't give him any resources, it means that it will be completely hidden within thirty years.

He was already fifty years old when he came out again.

By then, who else will buy his account?

at the same time.

All TV series starring Chang Hao have been removed from the Internet.

Advertising contracts have also been terminated.

Public relations came forward and deleted all posts talking about Chang Hao.

If you search the name Chang Hao online, there are only four characters.

No such person found!

This is the power of an entertainment company.

I can make you famous, and I can also completely kill you.

Chang Hao's promising future was ruined just like that.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that he was the cause of his own misfortune.

Who asked him to offend the great god Liu Chen?

Chang Hao looked around, but couldn't find Liu Chen at all.

When Liu Chen finished the phone call, he took Su Ran and left.

Where can he find it?

Chang Hao's face turned purple with anger, and he vented his anger at the bodyguard: "It's all your fault!

If you hadn't had to grab that girl's phone, how could this have happened? "

The bodyguard said with a speechless expression.

"Isn't this what you said? Let me stop anyone who secretly takes pictures of you."

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