As soon as these words came out, Liu Yun was shocked and speechless.

As an insider, she naturally knows how precious the houses of Tomson Yipin are.

If Anjia really gets these houses, Anjia will be far behind.

If you want to catch up again, I'm afraid it won't be that easy.

Liu Yun still couldn't believe it and questioned loudly: "Didn't you say you only opened one order this morning?"

"How is it possible that there are more than a hundred apartments? It's a lie, right?"

Su Ran nodded and said nonchalantly: "Yes, these houses are all commissioned by a gentleman."

Hearing this, Liu Yun suddenly remembered the WeChat Moments her brother-in-law had posted in the morning.

It seems that this Tomson first-class mansion has been mentioned!

My brother-in-law works in real estate and often breaks news about major real estate events in his circle of friends.

Liu Yun quickly looked through the morning's records.

[Brother-in-law: Oh, friends! Let me tell you a shocking secret. Just now, an entire Tomson first-class building was bought by an unknown buyer! There are a total of 168 luxury homes! And according to rumors, the rich man is only in his twenties! ! ! #(嘚 Se)#(嘚 Se)#(嘚 Se)]

Seeing this, Liu Yun suddenly had a bad feeling.

The rich man this brother-in-law is talking about is the new landlord of the An family!

After all, there are only a handful of people in the entire Magic City who can own so many properties at the same time.

Liu Yun asked tentatively: "The landlord you just mentioned...isn't he very young?"


"That's right..."

After hearing this, Liu Yun lost all her fighting spirit, like a deflated rubber ball.

If this is really the case, then there is only one consequence for going against Anjia Company.


Anjia Agency was already very powerful, but now it has a whole building of Tomson first-class mansion.

Now he is no match for them at all.

Liu Yun weighed the pros and cons, changed her clothes and put on a flattering face, and said flatteringly: "Good sister, actually, I was teasing you just now."

"Let's have a nice chat!"

Su Ran shrugged and said with a smile: "I'm still anxious to deliver milk tea to Mr. Liu, so I won't tell you, good sister."

In order to anger Liu Yun, Su Ran bit the last three words of "good sister" very hard.

Then he turned around and left coolly.

Liu Yun was left with a look of despair.


Su Ran returned to the agency hall and handed the milk tea in her arms to Liu Chen.

"Mr. Liu, this milk tea is delicious!"

When Liu Chen took the milk tea, his fingers accidentally touched Su Ran's delicate fingers.

Su Ran's face suddenly turned red again.

I don't know why, but I can always be invincible no matter who I encounter.

But when I met Liu Chen, I felt like a little girl, too shy to speak.

Mr. Liu is so charming!

After Liu Chen drank milk tea, he took a taxi to Tomson Yipin.

The reputation of Tomson Yipin is well known, but Liu Chen has never visited it.

First, the security of Tomson Yipin is extremely tight, and non-owners cannot enter even half a step.

Secondly, with Liu Chen's pitiful salary before, if he wanted to buy a top-notch mansion like Tomson Yipin, even a hundred lives would not be enough to earn it.

But now I am different.

Not only does Kanai own one million, but he also has an entire Tomson first-class mansion under his name.

Naturally, there is no need to go back to your 30-square-meter rental house and feel aggrieved.

Soon, we arrived at our destination.

I saw that the entire community has adopted the most advanced technology, and various high technologies are emerging one after another.

Liu Chen felt as if he had traveled a hundred years into the future the first second he stepped into this place.

The security guards all looked heroic and stood tall and straight in a row.

According to rumors, these security guards are graduates of martial arts schools and have extremely strong fighting abilities. Their monthly salary is at least 50,000 yuan.

With such a group of tough security guards guarding here, which thief would dare to come?

I'm afraid not even the bones will be left!

The latest model of face-scanning authentication system is placed on the door. When a resident of Tomson Yipin buys the house, the property management company has uploaded the resident's three-dimensional face to the cloud, and the probability of error is almost zero.

But this put Liu Chen in trouble.


How can this thing be fixed?

These houses were purchased for me by ‘Zhihuashuai’ without me even showing up.

What should I do if the scan fails and I am locked out?

Just when Liu Chen was hesitating, the face scanning system had already scanned Liu Chen's face.

With a 'ding' sound.

The door opens automatically.

A line of words appeared on the high-tech display panel.

‘Welcome Mr. Liu home’

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