As the title...

To be serious, this book already has 100,000 words, but the flowers and review votes have not increased much anymore.


There are only dozens of flowers growing every day.

I don't even dare to ask for other things like rewards.

It will be on the shelves soon, and the author is very panicked

would like to ask.

Does anyone watch it again?

Please give me some flowers, review tickets, etc.

Because I say something from the bottom of my heart, these data after we put them on the shelves will really affect the recommendation position...

The author Jun has resigned and is writing novels full-time every day

If this book does not get good grades, it is very likely that you will starve to death (an exaggeration, but it’s almost done...)

Please help me brothers.

If there are no flowers or evaluation votes, it would be good to leave a message in the comment area to let me know if there are still people who want to read it again!

The author is grateful.

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