Comments on the launch!

The content in parentheses is about selling misery. Those who are in a hurry can just skip it.


(The matter has come to this, and I won’t hide it from everyone.

I have a showdown!

The author is actually the leader of a beggar gang somewhere.

During the day he begged for food, and at night he stayed up all night coding for everyone.

But just the day before yesterday, there was an old man in the same industry because he was jealous that my performance was better than his.

In a fit of rage, he smashed three of my fingers with his broken porcelain bowl.


Others only need thirty minutes to write a chapter, but the author needs eight or nine hours.

However, even so, I have no regrets at all.

Because I am proud to be an online writer!

And just yesterday, I took too long to go to the toilet, which caused my legs to feel like they were getting an electric shock, as if they were separated from me.

I went to the hospital and was diagnosed with permanent leg numbness.

In the morning, I again... I will omit 30,000 words below.

Therefore, I urge all readers who see this to order for the first time! To soothe the author’s soul! )



No kidding, let’s get back to the point.

Unknowingly, this book has reached 120,000 words.

As usual, we have reached the most critical period of this book.

That is to say, it is on the shelves!

Just tomorrow night at eight o'clock.

What happens next is a matter of life and death for this book.

Readers who like to read, please subscribe.

Because only in this way can this book survive.

Therefore, I request you not to keep books, because if you keep them, the author's bacteria will probably starve to death.

The update speed after it is put on the shelves will fluctuate depending on the subscription situation.

300 will be updated five times a day. 500, 6 updates per day. 800, 10 updates per day.

That's probably it.

Regarding the release of explosive updates, there must be some.

It should be about 20,000 to 30,000 words. The specific number depends on the hand speed of the author tonight (hahahahahaha, actually, I have been playing games in the past two days and forgot to save the manuscript. I just remembered that I want to put it on the shelf. )

It's useless to talk too much.

I just hope that readers who like this book will subscribe.

This is what I have said the most in the book review section. I am lucky that you can read my book.

The author bows here.

(By the way, who can defeat Qianjia De? His head was blown off by a hammer...)

(Keywords: It will be on the shelves at 8 o'clock tomorrow night. Hot updates. Please order first.)

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