Capital Star, Ministry of the Federation.

As the supreme military authority of the Federation, the Ministry of State was built with great style.

Constructed entirely of grey stone reinforcement, it is majestic, and 80 well-defined pillars of light illuminate the building from all sides at a spacing of twelve meters.

It is still clearly visible at six thousand to eight thousand meters in the sky, and then gradually blurs and merges into a brilliant light, giving people the feeling of a huge space.

Let the entire National Release Department building look incomparably majestic, shocking!

It has the highest level of secrecy in the Confederation and is heavily guarded.

Until night, the Ministry of State is still brightly lit, and many people will stay up here all night.

Because now the Federation is engaged in a skirmish with the Sith Republic.

The Federation was falling into the ascendancy, with a full fleet almost completely wiped out, and the rest struggling to regain their fighting power.

The Sith Republic has been obsessed with the Skol galaxy for many years.

Although the Federation has always claimed that the Skol galaxy is the territory of the Federation, it also has de facto control over it.

But in fact, the Skol galaxy has always been an internationally disputed region.

Both the Federation and the Republic claim ownership of the Skol galaxy…

For thousands of years, the Skol galaxy has been changing hands between the Federation and the Sith Republic.

It’s just that for the last 200 years, the Skol galaxy has been under the control of the Federation.

But now, under the leadership of robert, the famous general of the Sith Republic, the Sith Republic has occupied half of the Skol galaxy.

Lieutenant General Yuan Zhenhua, the president’s confidante now, is now leading the Central Second Fleet to aid the Skol Galaxy.

This is a battle that must be won for the Federal military.

Otherwise, not only will the Face of the Federation Military be lost, but it will also lose the Skol Galaxy, an important mineral galaxy…

When the time comes, the angry citizens will spit on the Ministry of Defense!

So now until late at night, the Ministry of State affairs is busy sitting and preparing for this upcoming battle.

In particular, in the War Office, dozens of colonels and staff officers were fiercely arguing over the deduction and discussing the next move of the Sith Republic.

Wu Lifeng, vice minister of national defense, and Li De, director of the War Department, were frowning and thinking.

But unlike the staff officers who worked hard to win the war.

Wu Lifeng was thinking that after the victory in the war, Yuan Zhenhua would definitely enter the Ministry of National Defense.

At that time, Yuan Zhenhua, the vice minister who has made military achievements, will probably be above him…

Of course, this is something that Wu Lifeng does not want to see.

Luo Mingyue, as the lieutenant colonel of the second staff office of the War Office of the War Hall, was naturally in the hall of the War Hall.

Look at the star map under the holographic screen, and the percentage reduction of the entire Skol galaxy.

Luo Mingyue was silent.

He knew that if he did it now, the entire Central Second Fleet would be wiped out, and the Federation would completely lose control of the Skol galaxy in a short period of time.

At that time, the Federation Northern Star Domain will be affected…

But he had no choice…

From his early childhood, he was taught to secretly serve the Lu Family Gate Valve and give up his life when necessary.

Moreover, even the young master personally received himself, and he also arranged his own affairs.

He had nothing to hesitate about…

Luo Mingyue made an excuse and left the battle hall, which did not attract people’s attention.

After all, this combat meeting has lasted for 7 hours, and no matter who it is, it is inevitable that they will lose energy and go out to smoke a cigarette.

Luo Mingyue left the battle hall and hurried back to his second staff room with his head bowed.

At the door of the second staff room, there were two lieutenant staff officers who were smoking and chatting.

Seeing that Luo Mingyue quickly extinguished the cigarette, he saluted a military salute: “Director! ”

Luo Mingyue said with a cold face, “Don’t you want to go to the Battle Hall yet?” ”

The two young staff officers who had just graduated from the military academy nodded hurriedly, squeezed each other’s eyebrows and ran…

Luo Mingyue took out his access control card and entered the second staff room.

The office was empty, and he was alone.

Luo Mingyue was expressionless, quickly walked to his seat, opened the holographic screen, and entered the information file.

“Enter the archives of the central Second Fleet’s combat plans.”

A slightly mechanical intelligent voice sounded: “Lieutenant Colonel Luo Mingyue, this information is classified as A, all your records will be recorded by the system, please be sure.”

Luo Mingyue said lightly, “Sure.” ”

The light blue halo of the holographic screen shone on Luo Mingyue’s face, making him look a little strange.

But Luo Mingyue did not waver in the slightest.

He knew in his heart that what he was doing was being clearly monitored by the secrecy system of the Federal Ministry of State Release.

But he also knew that the director of the Intelligence Agency was also his own…

With the authority of the Agency of Intelligence, it was enough to cover up these messages for 48 hours.

That’s enough….

Ten minutes later, Luo Mingyue took the USB stick that had been copied and left the second staff room.

Walk towards the Intelligence Agency.

Along the way, I met many officers and greeted Luo Mingyue one after another.

I am afraid that no one thought that the lieutenant colonel in front of him was engaged in a treasonous act…


Entering the office of the director of the Intelligence Agency, Luo Mingyue saw Xu Donglai, the director of the Intelligence Agency, who had changed the color of the Ministry of State Affairs.

In addition to its powers over war reconnaissance intelligence, the Agency of Intelligence has an Internal Affairs Division, which is responsible for internal surveillance.

Xu Donglai, the 60-year-old director of the Intelligence Agency, is a real power figure in the Ministry of State Release.

Luo Mingyue saluted Xu Donglai with a military salute and handed over the information in his hand to Xu Donglai.

Xu Donglai took a closer look and nodded, “Lieutenant Colonel Luo, this should be the first time we have met.” ”

He smiled and shrugged, “Unfortunately we didn’t get a chance to have a drink…”

Luo Mingyue knew in his heart that they would soon be exposed, and by that time, they had already committed suicide….

That’s why Xu Donglai said that they didn’t have a chance to have a drink.

And Luo Mingyue’s mind also suddenly thought of a major general of the Intelligence Agency, he was the director of a staff office, plus the director of the confidential room.

The pieces that these Lu’s gate valves gave up were enough to shock them.

And what about the pieces that have not yet been exposed? …

Luo Mingyue took a deep breath, perhaps the strength of the Lu Gate Valve in the military realm.

More terrifying than everyone believes….

Of course, all this has nothing to do with him.

He, as well as Major General Xu Donglai, are all cogs in lu’s door valve, a terrible power machine, running silently.

Even if a few gears are worn out, it is normal….

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