The applause has not stopped from just now until this moment, and my hands are sore.

The audience was also stunned and dumbfounded.

Erha is already very powerful if he can train to be like just now.

Now, this is simply not too bad!

Cheers erupted!

"One more, one more!"

"Keep going!"

Some of the crowd blew their whistle and roared.

Erhamen climbed out of the water and shook the water droplets on his body.

The cheers in front of them made them feel very meaningful.

After seeing the performance, Lin Jiayao and the others from the logistics team recovered from the wonderful performance just now and applauded.

"Oops, go get a towel!"

Suddenly, Qin Baoer shuddered, as if he had remembered something.

He shouted at the two beside him.

It turns out that they almost forgot what Shen Lang ordered!

The three people were in a hurry, and finally one of them came to the stage with a thick towel to wipe the water droplets off the body for Erhamen.

to prevent colds.

The opening scene had already been performed, and Wen Lan also took Tie Zhu and the three to rest and replenish their strength.

Get ready for the next show.

Offstage, the team led by Ami has finished dressing up.

"Boss, your performance is amazing!"

"Yes, yes, we see our blood boiling!"

Erha, who was behind him, rushed to Tie Zhu in front of it, boasting like a flattery.

"Since we are so powerful, you have to work hard to catch up with us."

"Quick! Go and tell me well those people who say that our IQ is not enough..."

"Let them see the possibility of our miracles... not a cover!!"

"Follow your orders, boss!"

Tie Zhu cheered for the team on his mouth, but his eyes kept looking at Amei.

A little pink skirt added energy to Ami.

The sun hat also makes it look very personal.


So beautiful!

Sure enough, it's a dog.

Tie Zhu's eyes were straight, and he stuck out his tongue wildly physiologically, as if drooling all over the floor.

"Hehe...Ami, this time it's my turn to cheer you on offstage."

"You can do it for sure!"

With Tie Zhu's affirmation and hard work these days, Ami is also full of confidence.

Then, he stepped onto the stage.

Shen Lang made gestures, and the two men squatted down and sat in an orderly manner.

Lin Jiayao and Qin Baoer brought a small blackboard to set up, while Yan Jingjing put the writing implements in front of each Erha.

"What is this for?"

Someone in the audience asked questions.

"Don't you want to ask Erha to write? I don't think it's possible..."

"That is, although the performance just now was great, it's not a problem to train for half a year. After a long time, the muscles will form memory, but can this writing or something be done with the IQ of Erha?"

"Could it be that you are playing tricks on mysteries? You performed well just now, but you can't be ruined by this..."

At first, the audience only held the attitude of watching a joke.

At this moment, I am worried about this performance.

Shen Lang on the stage took chalk and wrote a calculation problem on the blackboard in a leisurely manner.

This is not a simple math problem, but a combination of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Even people who are good at verbal arithmetic will make mistakes if they are not careful.

Lin Jiayao picked up the whistle and blew, the two men quickly bit the black pen with their mouths, and wrote the answer on the cardboard.

"I'm done!"

"I wrote it too!"


Ami was the first to write it, and the following Erhas stopped writing and handed in the answer.

Qin Baoer projected the cardboard on the screen to show the audience.

Answers are proofread and no one is wrong.

"There won't be any mechanism for this? It's like magic!"

"Fuck, this is actually written correctly..."

"Oh! I don't want to live anymore. I have lived for most of my life, and my IQ is not as good as one or two."

This miraculous picture caused a commotion in the audience.

But it's not over yet, how can you be satisfied with this?

In order to avoid suspicion or controversy, and to add interactivity to the performance, Shen Lang randomly selected a lucky guest and asked him to write a random calculation problem on the blackboard.

This male audience is ruthless.

As soon as I came up, there was a regular Olympiad calculation problem.

But Shen Lang has already made preparations, and this little problem is not difficult for Ami and them.

It is no exaggeration to say that now their level can participate in math competitions with middle school students!

Just when the male audience was triumphant and thought that the Erhas would be forced back to their original shape.

Ami had already written down the answer quietly, holding the cardboard at the man's feet.

" is this possible?!"

"No, this math Olympiad problem can't even be solved by an outstanding three-good student!"

The man picked up the answer and glanced at it disdainfully. He thought the answer was wrong and wanted to make a joke...

But the eyes moved back again before taking off the cardboard.

The squinted eyes were widened, and the mouth opened to the size of an egg, but it took a long time to close, and finally, under the expectations of the audience, they exclaimed in amazement!

He couldn't believe it, and the other Erha also came up with the answer, which was still correct.

The man left the stage bewildered, and it seemed that he was too frightened to eat tonight.

As a teacher, he wants to bring these Erhas back to serve as students!

The show continues.

Shen Lang asked Yan Jingjing to randomly select an ancient poem on her mobile phone and show it on the big screen.

The audience did not understand the intention, and after applauding, they began to whisper.

I saw Erhamen looking at this ancient poem seriously like a scholar.

It seems to be fascinated, is it possible to recite it?!

A minute has passed...

Two minutes passed...

At the end of five minutes, Yan Jingjing turned off the screen and Lin Jiayao whistled again.

When Ami heard the whistle, she buried herself in writing on the cardboard.

This time, the speed of each Erha was almost at the same time, comparable to each other.

"Oh my God, is this really written down word for word? It's still in cursive script!"

The language teacher of a certain class was taken aback.

Even a little moved, this poem is one of his favorite ancient poems!

The language teacher of another class also said: "Look, that Erha wrote official script! Not only that, but also regular script and Song script. This is definitely the most wonderful acrobatic performance I have ever seen!"

It's an event on campus after all.

So it is not surprising that there are many teachers.

This is the end of the independent performance of Ami's small team, Wen Lan brought Tie Zhu and the three of them up, and the final project is that the two groups will perform a dance together - the waltz.

Music plays.

The two men took their places and danced and swayed to the melody.

Rhythm, action, orderly...

"Wow~ it's too romantic!"

A girl under the stage clasped her hands and sighed.

The audience enjoyed the performance, and their bodies could not help but sway slightly.

It was not until the end of the music that there was a round of applause and noise!

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