It took a total of 14 days from publishing the book to being put on the shelves, which may not be the fastest, but it can be considered above average! Now the data is not very good, so the author is also a little nervous to put it on the shelves.

The time to put it on the shelf is set at 9 o'clock tonight, because there is no manuscript saved, it can only be coded now! So I will schedule one chapter first, and then throw four chapters at the same time after nine o'clock! As much as you can write in the remaining 24 hours, it is guaranteed that it will not be less than ten more!

In addition, if the first order can reach 2,000, the next month will guarantee a minimum of six changes every day, the first order of 3,000 will guarantee a minimum of seven changes a day, and so on.

The new book is on the shelves, and I sincerely beg for your support and love!

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