City: My Skills Are A Bit Strong

Chapter 70 Oh, Ready-Made Tool Man! (Tenth Update)

The next day, after washing up and having breakfast downstairs, Chu Jian didn't go directly to school, but took out his phone.

Following Xu Ronggui's reminder yesterday, Chu Jian was also planning to register with the Awakening Association today.

So in the morning, Chu Jian was not ready to go to school.

Asking for leave is like a girl's aunt.

As long as there is the first time, the follow-up will be no surprise.

From Chu Jian's point of view, Zhou Yuanliang is already in a state of half-giving up on himself, so he shouldn't control himself too much.

After successfully asking Zhou Yuanliang for leave, Chu Jian took a taxi and headed towards the Awakened Association.

As the department that manages the awakened people and all matters in the dimensional space, the status of the awakened people's association is higher than that of ordinary government departments.

Just like the Awakened Association in Yucheng, it is located in a ring where every inch of land is expensive, occupying nearly half the size of a street.

Even the buildings are in a unified national standard, full of solemn and solemn feeling.

After entering the Awakened Association, Chu Jian couldn't help being stunned when he saw the people coming and going inside.

"As expected of the Awakened Association! It's only nine o'clock and there are so many people!"

After muttering in his heart, Chu Jian went to the machine at the door and chose that he came to the Awakened Association this time to handle the Awakened certification business.

After getting the receipt, I went to the waiting seat in the lobby and waited.

It feels the same as going to the bank to handle business in ordinary times.

While waiting, Jian Jian's gaze quickly scanned the hall on the first floor of the Awakened Association's office building.

The reason why he came to the Awakened Association this time was not only to verify the identity of the Awakened, but another purpose of Chu Jian was to find a test product.

Now, Chu Jian is not very clear about the level limit of the target of his Poisonous Milk skill.

It is also impossible for Chu Jian to go into the dimension space and try level by level.

The most reliable method, of course, is to find a place with more awakened people and a relatively complete level to experiment secretly.

And looking at the entire Yucheng, where else can there be more awakened people in the Association of Awakened Ones?

To put it bluntly, in the Awakened Association, except for the aunts who are in charge of cleaning, one of the rest is an Awakened.

Therefore, at this moment, one of the awakened people in the hall can be regarded as Chu Jian's test subjects.

After opening a game app with a mobile phone in one hand as a cover, Chu Jian's eyes scanned the hall quietly.

During the glance, whenever Chu Jian's gaze rests on a certain person, the corresponding information will be displayed on the person's head.

After a quick scan, Chu Jian quickly discovered that the highest level of objects he could probe could only be the awakened ones of the bronze ten-star level and below.

Once the Awakened surpasses the Bronze 1-star level, the attribute content floating above his head will become a series of question marks.

Same as when I checked Zhou Xianming before, I couldn't see the value of level and blood volume.

In other words, the current Chu Jian can only check the situation of awakened people who are one level higher than himself.

"That's not bad, at least in the future we will be able to know the enemy's strength for the first time`". "

For ordinary awakened people, if they want to know the level of other awakened people, they must have awakened talent skills such as probing.

Or you can only wait for the opponent to make a move and then perceive the fluctuation of the opponent's star power to judge.

But for Chu Jian, the opponent's level can be directly determined through the system.

If you can find out the specific data, then feel confident and bold.

If you can't find out, then you won't be able to afford it for the time being.

Avoided the situation of iron head in the future.

Also when Chu Jian was about to choose a target to test his tainted milk skills, an Awakened person sitting next to Chu Jian happened to be called out and gave up an empty seat.

Seeing this, Chu Jian took two steps and was about to sit down and experiment slowly.

"Boy, get out of the way!"

However, before Chu Jian could sit down, a man had already walked a few steps quickly, then forcibly stepped in and sat down on the seat first.

Looking at the bearded man sitting down, Chu Jian frowned slightly.

Noticing Chu Jian's gaze, the man looked up at Chu Jian and stared at him, "What are you looking at?"

No matter where you are, there are always some people who feel good about themselves and are egotistical.

The same goes for the Awakened.

If it was someone else, maybe considering where he is now, he would choose not to argue with this man.

But who is Chu Jian?

Although I don't like to take the initiative to cause trouble, but once trouble is provoked, it is definitely a type of person who will take revenge and even stay idle overnight.

Facing this man who forcibly snatched his seat and had such a bad attitude.

Chu Jian frowned slightly with a "Yohe" in his heart.

And when Chu Jian put his gaze on the man's head, looking at the data panel on the man's head.

Chu Jian's eyes narrowed slightly, making Chu Jian's eyes look like two crescent moons.

Coupled with the slightly raised arc of the corners of the mouth, some young female awakeners in the hall couldn't help but look a few more times at Chu Jian, a big boy who seemed to be full of warmth and sunshine.

".々Wang Liang (Nine Star Black Iron Awakener)"

"Health volume: 6300/6300"

"Hate value: 3"

"Heh, a ready-made tool man!"

Feeling light in his heart, Chu Jian has already taken a few steps towards it.

After Chu Jian stepped aside, Wang Liang, who had just snatched Chu Jian's position, sneered, his expression full of rebelliousness.

But in the next second, Wang Liang, who was sitting upright with his legs crossed, felt his right eyelid twitch violently a few times.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Liang felt a cool energy like ice water suddenly flowing in his body and moving quickly.

And when this wave of energy moved quickly, directly from top to bottom, it rushed to the south of Wang Liang.

"Bang" (Li Nuozhao)

The next moment, Yang heard the sound of a balloon bursting.

Wang Liang felt a surge of gas erupting from his ass.

Under this gust of gas, Wang Liang's buttocks were thrown off the stool out of thin air, vacated by three or four centimeters, and then sat down again.

In the eyes of others, it was as if Wang Liang let out a loud fart at this moment, and then this fart incidentally collapsed Wang Liang's whole body.

However, as the butt touched the stool again, a sharp pain surged from the chrysanthemum as the starting point to Tianling in a straight line at this moment.

All the pores on his body seemed to be opened. Wang Liang opened his mouth, and a loud scream came out.


ps: I will guarantee the bottom seven updates today, and then try to write as much as possible to see if I can post a total of twenty chapters on the first day of release! Try to make it more enjoyable for everyone to read! In addition, continue to ask for subscription support! As long as the data is strong, The author must give enough food every day to explode the liver. .

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