City: My Skills Are A Bit Strong

Chapter Nine Dimensional Space

Under the leadership of Zhou Yuanliang, except for those students who were changing classes, other students also took the school bus and arrived at a location about 30 miles south of Yucheng.

As they approached, a tall tower that looked nearly ten meters high and was completely made of black metal came into everyone's sight.

Looking at the tall tower in the distance, Chu Jian and the rest of the students knew that the entrance to the dimensional space was inside this tall tower.

Hundreds of years ago, space collapsed, and dimensional gates appeared randomly in various places on the earth.

It was not until the strong human beings wiped out the original dimensional beasts on the earth that they found these dimensional gates and built these high towers to seal the dimensional space respectively, turning these portals from which fierce beasts constantly gushed out into A copy that can only enter and cannot exit.

There are some special awakened guards around to prevent problems in the dimensional space in the tower.

However, in these hundreds of years, there will still be some new small intermittent dimensional spaces that will suddenly appear, causing some places to be suddenly attacked by those fierce beasts.

Unless one day, human beings can find out the reasons for the appearance of those dimensional spaces, otherwise, it will be impossible to stop those beasts from various dimensions from descending on the earth.

Soon, under the leadership of Zhou Yuanliang, the members of Class 17 also arrived at the tower where the blood thorn wolf dimension space was located.

Seeing the tower approaching, the students in Class 17 inevitably became nervous.

Many students subconsciously followed Zhou Yuanliang and the other three teachers of the school.

After approaching the tower, Zhou Yuanliang first went to the side to register.

The teacher on the side saw some students showing doubts and explained softly: "The dimensional space is not free to enter, and ordinary awakened people need to pay a certain fee every time if they want to enter.

The more advanced the dimensional space, the higher the fee that needs to be paid each time to enter. After all, each of these towers is made of special alloys, and the cost of construction and maintenance is not low.

Only students or soldiers can be exempted from this fee, which is also a special benefit for students and soldiers. "

After listening to the teacher's explanation, the other students around were slightly stunned.

Soon, after Zhou Yuanliang returned, the group walked towards the tower again.

After walking into the tower, the outside looks like it should be about the size of a football field, but it is actually only about the size of an ordinary three-bedroom house.

Obviously, the surroundings of this tower are all solid reinforcements.

The thickness is probably at least about three meters.

In addition, the surrounding corners are covered with surveillance devices, and in the middle of the venue, a circle of light exudes faint light.

After greeting the supervisor, Zhou Yuanliang stepped into the aperture first.

The students behind Zhou Yuanliang also nervously and apprehensively entered the channel of this dimensional space under the urging of other teachers.

As the students in front stepped into the dimensional channel, after taking a light breath, Chu Jian also stepped into the dimensional channel in front of him.

It's like playing that kind of jumping machine.

The moment Chu Jian stepped into the dimensional passage, a strong sense of weightlessness enveloped Chu Jian completely.

Fortunately, this process is very short, probably less than a second.

When his sight was restored, Chu Jian found himself in another valley-like place.

What caught people's attention was that in this valley, the sky, the soil on the ground, and even the surrounding hills were all red.

The breeze blew past, and there was a little fishy and sweet smell in the air.

The sound of "rustling" leaves and weeds is almost filled in everyone's ears.

It makes people feel a cold feeling involuntarily.

After all the people from Class 17 had entered, Zhou Yuanliang, who counted the number of people, said, "Don't worry! The strongest blood stab wolf in this blood stab wolf dimension is nothing more than the blood stab wolf with one star of black iron." .

The others are just beasts at the level of awakened apprentices.

Today's purpose is just to familiarize you with this dimensional space and the dimensional beasts in it, not to let you fight.

So, later, if you don't get permission, you are not allowed to leave casually, and if someone feels unwell, please tell us immediately, remember? "


Perhaps because of Zhou Yuanliang's certainty, the anxiety and tension in the hearts of the students in Class 17 have been reduced a lot.

Seeing this, Zhou Yuanliang gestured to several teachers.

Afterwards, Zhou Yuanliang and the other three teachers from the school took out a fist-sized ball with some patterns on it from their backpacks.

As the star power of Zhou Yuanliang and others injected into the spheres, in the eyes of Chu Jian and others, these spheres that were originally solid turned into liquid unexpectedly.

As the liquid surged and permeated, it actually gathered weapons such as shields, long knives, and long spears.

After holding the weapon, he chose a direction and took the lead to walk forward.

Soon, a group of people walked in this space for about ten minutes, and a weed-like plant about one meter high suddenly swayed a dozen meters away.

"Be careful"

Noticing the movement in the distance, Zhou Yuanliang, who was walking, also stopped and gave a light drink.

A few seconds later, among the blood-red weeds, there was already a wolf that looked like a wolf, but its whole body was blood-red.

The pale bones also came from this wolf's body, just like a hedgehog.

And when walking out from the weed pile, this blood thorn wolf also found the members of the 17th class not far away.

In an instant, Blood Thorn Wolf's pair of crimson and violent eyes quickly aimed at Class 17.

ps: This chapter is an introduction, so it will be relatively dull, and the next chapter will be more interesting, continue to ask for data support!

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