This time, Xiao Zihang played"Canon", a kind of polyphonic music.

It is both a score and a technique.

The word"melody" may be the best interpretation of Canon.

One part of the melody chases another part from beginning to end, until the last bar and chord. The reverberating melodies blend together, giving people a sacred artistic conception.

Although all the parts of Canon are similar, the parts of different heights are written at intervals. This creates an effect of ups and downs and continuous.

The lingering sound is endless.

Everyone is intoxicated by it.

At this moment, Xiao Zihang is a prince born for the piano.

Sitting there quietly, using his hands to weave the most beautiful notes into endless melodies.

The gurgling stream echoes in the jungle.

The sound of music floats in the hall.

"Is this the piano prince?"Teacher Yuan felt inferior, and an idea came to his mind.

Mr. Xiao, why don't you let me be your disciple!

Xiao Zihang's piano is not only a skillful technique, but also an emotional integration and intersection.

The performance continued, but Xiao Zihang's mind heard the system's voice again.

"Ding, an emergency is detected, and a temporary task is started. As the piano prince, of course you have to present the most beautiful melody. Live performance, gain the heartfelt admiration of 200 people, limited to 30 minutes"

"Mission Reward: A Galaxy Star Piano. Reward Description: The black piano surface is dotted with gems and diamonds, shining like stars, custom-made, the only one in the world, priced at 200 million yuan."

Just want a piano, and the system rewards you?

And it's a Galaxy Star Piano worth 200 million yuan!

Then, Xiao Zihang saw an interface.

Number of worshippers: 15

"In half an hour, let's get the number of worshippers to 200, right? Let's give it a try!"

With a goal in mind, Xiao Zihang's true strength was stimulated!

With a variation, Canon ended with an unexpected turn.

"Great! Sounds great!"

"It's so beautiful, the teacher played well!"

Applause rang out from more than a dozen parents, and several children kept clapping with their hands.

They seemed to see their future selves, who were also so dazzling.

"Mr. Xiao, you are indeed the piano prince of Fudan." Teacher Yuan applauded and said,"I want to be your disciple."

If Qin Feifei wants to learn piano in the future, she will not have the face to teach her.

Looking at the more than ten people on the scene, Xiao Zihang did not leave the piano in order to complete the task, but said:"Since everyone likes it, how about I play a few more songs for you?"

"OK OK! Teacher please!"

"I'll ask the parents of the children inside to come out. There's someone playing the piano here! It sounds so beautiful!"

Several parents hurried inside. It's better to share the joy with others than to enjoy it alone.

Soon, more than a dozen parents and children came out and pricked up their ears to wait for Xiao Zihang to play.

"A song"Whispers of Autumn" is presented to everyone."

The soothing rhythm of the piano is heard, and an autumn scene slowly unfolds.

Red maple leaves fall all over the avenue in the forest.

Holding hands with the one you love, you walk on a road that is like a red carpet.

The autumn wind blows gently across your cheeks.

Wrap a scarf around your neck and feel each other's warm breath.

Whispers of autumn are the secrets of lovers.

With the sound of the piano, more and more people gathered in the hall.

If you can't stand any more, just listen at the door or outside the door.

"That sounds so good, Dad. I want to become a piano master like you in the future!"

"Wow, Your Highness, the prince is here to play the piano for us!"

Children are always innocent.

Half of the people in Tianxin Art Training Institute have gathered in the hall. Among them are parents, students, and teachers.

And on the sidewalk in front of the hall, pedestrians gradually stopped.

They were attracted by the sound of the piano and walked towards the source of the beauty step by step.

Number of worshippers: 68.

The number kept jumping up, and Xiao Zihang had pressed the last note.

The whisper of autumn ended

""Pa pa pa!" The audience clapped in unison again. In their hearts, they had already been conquered by Xiao Zihang, especially the female students here.

"So handsome, the Piano Prince, he is really the Piano Prince of Fudan School Prince!"

"It's him, it's really him, the hottest handsome guy on the trending search!"

One after another, people recognized Xiao Zihang's identity, and they kept clapping. Being able to listen to the piano prince's performance at such a close distance is the most glorious moment in their lives.

""Prince, Prince!" Several little girls shouted at the same time, with blushes of happiness on their faces.

The killer girl, the piano and the prince, have great killing power. People like to join in the fun. Seeing so many people gathered here, pedestrians on the road came over again with curiosity.

"What's going on here? Why are there so many people?"

"Someone is playing the piano. It sounds so good. Unfortunately, I can't see what's going on inside from the outside!

More and more people gathered at the entrance of Tianxin Art Training Institute and looked into the hall.

When the song ended, Xiao Zihang slightly moved his finger joints to keep himself in the best condition.

"Next, I will give you a song called"Adeline by the Waterside""

《"Adeline by the Water" was originally named"A Poem to Adeline". It was composed by Paul and performed by Mr. Richard.

Adeline comes from Greek mythology, which is a beautiful legend.

A long time ago, there was a lonely king named Pygmalion.

He sculpted a beautiful girl and fell in love with the statue of the girl.

For his wish, he prayed to the gods, hoping for a miracle of love. In the end, his sincerity moved the god of love and gave life to the sculpture.

From then on, the king lived with the beautiful girl and lived happily forever.

The sound of the piano turned into a trickle and flowed around.

Under the feet of people, a clear river gradually gathered, with pure notes jumping on it.

Faintly, everyone saw a beautiful figure appear by the water.

It was a girl, a charming girl.

She was playing in the water, the crystal water splashed on her face, and the warm sunshine leaked into her eyes.

She smiled, Adeline, Adeline.

Listening to Xiao Zihang's performance, Qin Feifei closed her eyes and enjoyed the purest music

"Is this music, is this piano?"

For the first time, she felt the emotions hidden in the music, it was a river of love, infinite sweetness surrounded her.

"So beautiful, so nice to listen to."

Qin Feifei opened her eyes again and suddenly saw Xiao Zihang's profile as he played.

Her eyes wandered between the black and white keyboards, her fingers gliding in the rhythm of the notes.

""Prince of Piano." Qin Feifei's eyes were melted by the warm love,"My Prince."

Everyone was immersed in a stream and forest.

When the piano music ended, the girl named Adilina left.

The whole audience was silent, followed by more enthusiastic applause.

The feeling of admiration was spreading everywhere.

"I have heard a piano master play before, but I don't think it sounded better than this!"

"He is the piano prince that is hotly searched on the Internet, and he is currently studying at Fudan University of Economics!"

"Really, you see, this is his piano performance at the welcome party, and the Fudan school beauty is playing the violin accompaniment next to him!"

More and more people took out their phones to watch the videos on the hot search while listening to Xiao Zihang's piano.

Xiao Zihang's identity was gradually known to more and more people.

The teachers in Tianxin Art Training Institute also used their phones to search for Xiao Zihang's information.

Soon, they found the hot search.

But another hot search overturned their worldview.

"The boss of Bandai Plaza, a truly good boss, made a big star apologize to his security guard in public!"

Many people know about this, but there have been no related videos or articles on the Internet.

I don't know why, but they all suddenly popped up today and became a hot search.

Zhonghuang Entertainment cannot cover the sky with one hand!

Justice cannot be suppressed!

The repression of the past two days has caused this hot search to jump up the hot search list at a terrifying speed and enter the top three.

Maybe it will be the first on the list tomorrow!

"You see, this boss is too tough. He actually confronted the young idol Han Jae-bin in public and forced him and his fans to apologize to the security guard!"

Stars apologizing to security guards is the biggest topic. It has its own popularity and traffic.

Among the hot searches, there is a very clear video.

In the video, the young Bandai Plaza boss righteously accused Han Jae-bin, asking him to take responsibility for his idol's behavior and apologize to the humiliated security guard.

In the end, the big star said three words to the young security guard in public - I'm sorry!

This is a victory for ordinary people!

"Awesome, this boss is awesome!"The two male teachers looked at the boss of Bandai Plaza on their mobile phone screens and suddenly felt familiar.

"Hmm? Seems like? Exactly the same!"

The owner of Bandai Plaza, isn't he the Fudan school idol, the piano prince, who plays the piano here?

It caused a sensation, and instantly all the teachers in the Tianxin Art Training Institute were excited.

However, at this time, Xiao Zihang only cared about whether his piano playing could make people admire him from the bottom of their hearts.

Number of admirers: 157.

Not far from the goal of 200 people!

"The next song is"Wedding in Dream"》"Xiao Zihang paused for a moment, but didn't say anything about giving it to everyone.

Of course, the wedding in my dream wouldn't be given to everyone.

"A wedding in a dream?" Qin Feifei's eyes were filled with more tenderness,"It's this song?"

《"Wedding in a Dream" is just what the name implies, a wedding in a dream, a dreamlike love.

Qin Feifei has heard it before, a very beautiful piano piece.

Soon, Xiao Zihang's performance began. Before he played the first note, he glanced at Qin Feifei and smiled.

Like a prince walking out of a fairy tale.

What followed was a wedding in a dream, and a melody of love.

This is a song dedicated to lovers.

In an instant, Qin Feifei was surrounded by a dreamlike wedding scene.

As far as the eye can see, it's all white.

She was wearing a white wedding dress, surrounded by flying white doves.

A red carpet stretched to the end of the sight.

At the other end, a prince in a white suit was holding white flowers and walking towards her with a smile.

"I love you, marry me."

The two hugged and kissed, and then walked into the marriage hall together.

The most beautiful wedding is held in a dream.

Qin Feifei came back to her senses, her eyes were already wet and her cheeks were red.

A girl's feelings are always poetic.

She thought of a beautiful wedding from a piano piece.

Zihang, why do you want to play this"Wedding in a Dream"?

You must have ulterior motives.

Qin Feifei was daydreaming.

"Is he proposing to me in this subtle way?"

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