Arriving at the principal's office of the Magic City Drama Academy, Qian Duoli greeted Han Zaibin on behalf of him.

"Hello, Principal!" The tone was not respectful. We were originally in a cooperative relationship.

""You're here?" The principal stood up and spread his hands to welcome him."Come and sit down."

The principal of the drama school was a man in his fifties. He was once a well-known actor, but later retired from the big screen and became a leader in the drama school.

As he was sitting there, he took the principal's seat.

"Principal, you know that this time we are here, according to the agreement, we will meet with the younger students of the drama school."

"Are all the reporters here?"

This meeting was mainly to create an image of Han Jae-bin caring about his alma mater.

"Well, everything is ready, just waiting for you to come over."

The principal led the way, with several school leaders beside him.

"Alas, Han Zaibin chose to cause trouble at this time!"It's hard for the principal to be a man, because Zhonghuang Entertainment, which is behind Han Zaibin, has provided a lot of help to the Magic City Drama Academy. The mouth is soft when eating someone's food, and the hand is short when taking someone's money.

This show was scheduled a few days ago, and now the reporters and students are here, it can't be postponed.

When he arrived at the door of each classroom, Han Zaibin was about to say hello to his younger classmates, but found that there were very few students in the classroom.

I don't know where they went.

""Where are the people?" Qian Duoli questioned a school leader,"Why aren't there any classes at this time?"

""Where is the teacher!" Han Jae-bin also frowned,"The teacher doesn't teach the students in the classroom at this time?"

"Um, I don't know either."

The principal didn't expect that he was fine just now.

"Maybe something happened."A school leader laughed and replied,"There will always be some students when we go there."

In fact, when the students of Shanghai Drama Academy knew that this troublemaker senior was coming, half of them hid in the dormitory to watch the show.

This included the teachers.

There is no way, the popularity is too bad.

When even the teachers and students of your alma mater don't like you, it's basically over.

Soon, Han Zaibin met a group of teachers and students who were in class. He greeted them but found that they were very cold and perfunctory.

But several reporters who had been lying in ambush in the school greeted them warmly.

"Mr. Han, what do you think about the incident that happened at Hongqiao Airport today?"

"Mr. Han, the outside world is asking you to apologize. Have you decided to apologize?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, it was a sting.

"There is no one to rely on!"

Helplessly, Han Zaibin could only continue to put on a show and accompany the principal in circles around the school.

It is impossible to leave, and it is impossible to leave during this period of time.

I don’t want to stay here, because it is the safest place!

The picture sent from Tomson Yipin shows that it has been surrounded by media reporters!

There is no home to go back to!

"Let's hide in the Magic City Drama Academy until the evening."

Han Jae-bin had no choice but to resort to this desperate measure.


Hiding in the dormitory, Qin Feifei ate the chocolate sent by Xiao Zihang and chatted with her best friend Zhen Xiaoling with a smile.

"How about these? They are delicious, right?"

""Hmm!" Zhen Xiaoling was completely captivated by the food."It's delicious, but a little expensive."

It's not something a student like her can afford.

Fortunately, she is never picky about food, and anything delicious is fine.

"Feifei, you must hold on to such a good boyfriend!"

Zhen Xiaoling knew that the road ahead was full of dangers.

"Let me tell you, the two campus beauties at Fudan University are amazing!"

"What does it have to do with them?"Although Qin Feifei envied the two people who were in the same school as Xiao Zihang, she would not make unnecessary trouble.

She liked him and he liked her too.

After all, the dazzling Mr. Xiao was irreplaceable in the world.

After chatting for a while, the two talked about Han Zaibin who came to the Magic City Drama Academy today.

"No, I have to tip off Zihang first!"

She watched the entire Hongqiao Airport incident through live broadcast.

When Xiao Zihang arrived in a helicopter, her heart was filled with happiness.

She opened WeChat and sent a message to Xiao Zihang.

"Zihang, Han Zaibin has already hidden in our school"

"I know, Feifei, just wait patiently."

At this time, Xiao Zihang drove to the entrance of Tomson Yipin.

"Wow, Mr. Xiao is here! Everyone, come interview him!"

Before Han Zaibin arrived, another party came over, which was also great.

In an instant, these dedicated reporters gave the microphone and camera to Xiao Zihang.

"Mr. Xiao, are you available for an interview?"

Xiao Zihang popped his head out of his Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost and answered the reporter's question.

"Everyone, Han Zaibin is at the Shanghai Drama Academy and will not be coming to Tomson Yipin for the time being."

He is not a fool. This place has been surrounded by reporters for a long time. If he comes back, he will be bullied by the media like a hedgehog.

"Really?" The reporter's eyes lit up,"Thank you Mr. Xiao for the reminder!"

"There is one more thing." Xiao Zihang said to the reporters again,"I will also go to the Magic City Drama Academy later."

After that, Xiao Zihang raised the corners of his mouth and showed a male god smile to the reporters.

Close the window, drive, and enter Tomson Yipin!

After Xiao Zihang left, several female reporters blushed.

"So handsome, this is what a big star should be like, right?"

"Male god! I was drunk by Mr. Xiao’s smile just now!"

"Asian Grass! Have you noticed that Mr. Xiao and the former Mr. Asian Grass have some similarities between their eyebrows?"

"Yes, they are all noblemen! But Mr. Xiao is young and energetic, I like him more!"

With just a smile, Xiao Zihang left a very good impression on the media.

Perhaps, being handsome really can do whatever you want.

After returning home, Xiao Zihang finally had a good look at this Galaxy Star.

""So beautiful!"

Under the light from the ceiling of the apartment, the piano shone like the Milky Way.

The diamonds dotted in it were as dazzling as the stars in the sky.

"No wonder it is called the Galaxy Star, it really is a star in the Milky Way."

Full of anticipation, Xiao Zihang sat on the chair and touched the piano keys with both hands.

"Let's play"Starry Sky".

This piece is the representative work of pianist Mr. Richard.

It starts with the sound of a shooting star, and after the hazy two-second music transition, there are brisk piano keys.

It is distant, deep and not sad, giving people infinite reverie in the tranquility.

As the song begins, the whole hall is like a bright starry sky.

In the sky, the light of the stars shines on Xiao Zihang.

So dazzling, so brilliant.

With the sound of the beautiful piano music, the stage curtain is pulled up.

At this moment, the curtain is gradually rising!

"Art should shock people."

A number of supercars drove on the streets of Shanghai with deafening noises.

They left a trail of afterimages and marched towards Shanghai Drama Academy.

This is the art of supercars, the art of racing.

At this time, Xiao Zihang was still playing the piano, keys fell one by one, and notes flew out one by one.

With a beautiful arc.

The good show begins!

"You are already dead, socially dead.

I will compose a funeral song for you.

"I will make you famous and infamous."

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