The dazzling light made Han Zaibin in the nanny car unable to open his eyes

"Is it immoral to blind people with helicopter lights?"

He was almost blinded by the light of Xiao Zihang's private helicopter.

"Let's do it here."

There is no place for helicopters to park outside the Drama Academy, so they can only enter the academy.

Commanding the helicopter, Xiao Zihang let it land over Han Zaibin's supercar.

""You, you, you!"

Han Zaibin, who was in the nanny car, was shocked. You actually want to park the plane here?

My car, you don't want to smash it!

"You are so cruel!"

Below is the Koenigsegg REGERA, Han Jae-bin's favorite car. Seeing that something was wrong, he immediately jumped out of the nanny car, rushed into the supercar and started the engine.

"Buzz buzz buzz!"

Han Jae-bin drove his supercar backwards to make room for the helicopter. He was scared!


The rich second generation, the crowd and the reporters outside were all amused by this scene.

This was an absolutely amazing thing to do!

"Arrogant! As expected of Master Xiao!"

"If Han Jaebin doesn't move the car, the helicopter will really smash it. Would Mr. Xiao care about a supercar of this level?"

"Awesome! This is the difference between the super rich and the stars!"

After finding a landing spot, the helicopter landed quickly.

""Hello, boss!" A Feng in the driver's seat gave Xiao Zihang a thumbs up. He had heard about the incident at Hongqiao Airport.

I admire you! I admire you!

After hearing the call from Xiao Zihang's secretary, he immediately rushed to the Shangri-La Hotel to fly the helicopter.

Tomorrow, he will have his car serviced with a friend he hasn't seen for a long time.

Not long ago, that friend was a military training instructor at Fudan University.

They were all in the special forces before, so they haven't seen each other for more than two years.

As soon as they landed, Secretary Yao Yuqing came over with a white plush coat.

"Boss, be careful not to catch a cold." Yao Yuqing carefully put a coat on Xiao Zihang, taking great care of him.

Looking at Xiao Zihang's handsome profile and straight nose, Yao Yuqing felt like she was on a star's stage.

"Mr. Xiao is the real star."

After the helicopter arrived, Xiao Zihang smiled at Han Zaibin who came out of the supercar and said,"Mr. Han, I'm leaving now. You should think about your apology carefully. Tonight, my 10 bodyguards will accompany you."

10 peerless hunks

"Brother!"Master Jiang and his friends also walked into the drama academy and gathered around Xiao Zihang.

"Let's go, we'll come back tomorrow morning, I hope he can figure it out."

Xiao Zihang asked his brothers to get on the helicopter, and those who couldn't sit in the helicopter went to Shangri-La to welcome the guests in the Rolls-Royce.

After Master Jiang and the others got on the plane, Xiao Zihang looked at Han Zaibin, raised his head, and glanced at him.

Coldly, looking down.

This glance carried the oppression of top capital.

"I." Han Jae-bin was shivering in the cool autumn breeze.

Is this the pressure brought by Master Xiao of the Magic City?

With a wave of his sleeves, Xiao Zihang turned around and strode out!

Boarding and take off!

The helicopter roared again and took off. In the dark night sky, it shot towards the Shangri-La Hotel like a beam of light.

The 8 Rolls-Royces on the ground also took everyone back.

But two of them stayed.

Two uniformed drivers got out of the remaining 2 Rolls-Royces.

They walked to several reporters who were waiting and said with a smile,"Hello, our boss, Master Xiao, said that these two Rolls-Royces will give you shelter tonight."

"Ah!" Several reporters were flattered,"Mr. Xiao, let us?"

Just two extended Rolls-Royces

"Well, we'll come back tomorrow morning."The two drivers said, waved and walked away.

Watching the two people leaving, several reporters felt a warm current in their hearts.

"Young Master Xiao is really outstanding in every aspect! Report tomorrow and scold Han Zaibin!"

"That's right, the Rolls-Royce gave us shelter from the wind, how generous!"

I was touched. This autumn night was not cold at all.

Xiao Zihang received the hearts of several reporters for a small favor.

The crowd of the Magic City Drama Academy quickly dispersed, leaving only dozens of luxury cars blocking the door.

"Look at that clown, haha!" Ten bodyguards gathered together and looked at Han Zaibin inside the door, with a face that looked as if he had eaten bitter melon.

They didn't know the big star here, they only knew that going against Boss Xiao was like jumping off a building after having eaten too much.

It was like jumping off the Oriental Pearl Tower.


Sitting in the helicopter, Jiang Yuxuan looked at Xiao Zihang in the front passenger seat and had so much to say.

"Brother, this matter has become popular abroad today"

"So fast?"Xiao Zihang marveled at the speed of Internet communication nowadays.

"Well, the maintenance workers sent by Bugatti were talking about this just now!"

They saw the Bugatti Black Emperor and Bugatti Veyron Hermès produced by their company in the video.

"Oh my God, tomorrow we are going to service these two out-of-print sports cars?"

"Thank God, God bless, it is a great honor to maintain these two cars!"

Opening foreign websites such as YouTube and Facebook, today's Hongqiao Airport incident and the recent Shanghai Drama Academy door blocking incident were liked by countless foreign netizens.

"So arrogant, so many supercars blocking the door, how rich must this be?!"

"The great Eastern power has risen. How spectacular!"

"I heard that a young man in Shanghai had a conflict with a celebrity, and then they beat him up in various ways!"

A standard plot of a cool novel or movie.

At this time, on the other side of the earth, many top car manufacturers were on high alert.

Xiao Zihang's luxury cars needed maintenance!

Alarmed, the service teams of all luxury car brands were busy.

In the logistics department of Pagani, more than 10 maintenance personnel stood in a row.

"Tomorrow we will take a special plane to the East for maintenance. Remember, you must leave the best impression on the customer!"

Nonsense, the other party bought their top supercars, three of them! The Pagani Trio!

Their status is extraordinary and cannot be lost!

On the other hand, the service departments of automobile manufacturers such as Porsche, Ferrari, and McLaren also sent special personnel to the local 4S stores in Shanghai to provide one-on-one service.

"Let’s go!" A special plane was chartered, and 10 maintenance personnel of Bugatti flew eastward.

Passengers at foreign airports were also stunned by this scene.

"Oh, what happened? They are Bugatti employees, right? Where are they going to charter a plane?"

"Didn’t you watch the video online? Something big happened in the Oriental Magic City. A number of top luxury cars appeared at Hongqiao Airport. They must be going there!"

One video after another, foreigners were amazed

"What is the identity of this Mr. Xiao?"

"So there are such powerful second-generation rich people in the world?"

Bugatti, Pagani, Ferrari, Porsche and other maintenance teams have set out.

But it's far more than that.

"Remember, tomorrow we have to make our customers 100% satisfied with us!"

For Lamborghini, Xiao Zihang is a real big customer!

The Lamborghini luxury cars that appeared in the video shocked even their employees.

"Why is the Lamborghini Egoista there?"But this is not a question that an employee can answer.

They just need to provide the best service.

After the Lamborghini maintenance team was dispatched, Rolls-Royce was unwilling to lag behind.

"Mr. Xiao is our Rolls-Royce VIP, and this time during the maintenance, we must make him feel at home!"


Soon, another Rolls-Royce special plane took off and headed for the Shanghai Rolls-Royce 4S store.

The Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost and the Rolls-Royce Huiying are all out-of-print cars!

Of course, the company headquarters must send someone to maintain them!

Overnight, the whole world was shocked by the Hongqiao Airport incident.

Several special planes have gathered from various countries in the world to the East!

By then, there will be another big sensation at the airport.

When the foreign maintenance team was in action, the helicopter did not stop.

Twenty minutes later, Xiao Zihang returned to the Shangri-La Hotel apron.

When he got off the helicopter, he saw two familiar faces.

Huawei representatives Zhong Taixuan and Ling Yuqin

"You two, haven't you left yet?"

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