The appearance of countless car keys caught Xiao Zihang off guard.

"The bed in the bedroom is full of car keys. Where should I sleep at night? How can I distinguish so many keys?

This is a sweet trouble. For example, if he wants to find the key of a certain model of sports car, does he have to search the whole room?

"Host, don't worry."

The considerate system voice sounded again, and then a car key floated from the ground and flew into Xiao Zihang's hand.

"As long as the host wants a certain car key, the corresponding key will appear.

The car key that appears in the hand has a unique shape, a red"car"

"Pagani Wind God!"

Xiao Zihang recognized it at a glance. The car keys of the Pagani series of sports cars are all uniquely made according to the shape of their own vehicles. They are perfect replicas of sports car models! The air intake grille, exhaust pipe, engine hood and other parts on the car key model are lifelike.

It's like a smaller version of"Pagani Wind God"!

After touching the car key, Xiao Zihang's mind presented a picture.

A red sports car was parked in the parking lot, and there were"dragon heads" sprayed on the tail wing and both sides of the headlights.

"This is not just any Pagani Huayra, this is the Pagani Huayra Yazi!"

The only one in the world, out of print!

"Host, do you want to receive the Pagani Wind God Yazi?"

After choosing to receive, the sports car will appear in the corresponding position

""Get it!"

Soon, the coordinates of the sports car were determined.

No. 77 open-air parking lot at No. 107 Jianshe Road. The most famous place on this road is"Wandai Plaza", one of the shopping centers in Magic City.

"The opening gift package has been distributed. Please accept the super rich task."

On the system panel, Xiao Zihang's personal information has been updated.

Host: Xiao Zihang

Cars: 200,000

Real estate: None

Wealth: Uncounted

Charm: 80 (good-looking, full score 100)

Constitution: 65 (normal standard, full score 100)

Wisdom: 73 (quite smart, full score 100)

Skills: None

"The first phase of the Shenhao system has been completed 0/15"

"Please go and claim the first car. Mission Reward: God-level Driving Skills."

Xiao Zihang took the driver's license test at the beginning of the summer vacation, but it was too difficult for him to drive a top luxury car that he had never touched before.

"The system is really considerate!"

No need to worry about not being able to drive a luxury car anymore! Before leaving, Xiao Zihang repeatedly confirmed the safety of the rental house to avoid others seeing the car keys in the house.

He closed the door, locked it, went downstairs, and went out, all in one go.

A few minutes later, Xiao Zihang arrived at the gate of the community and greeted the security guard Li Jiancheng.

"Uncle Li, good morning!"

"Xiao Xiao, good morning."

Soon, under the watchful eyes of security guard Li Jiancheng, Xiao Zihang walked out of the residential complex and went to the opposite street to call a taxi.

"Master, parking lot No. 107, Jianshe Road!"

"All right, get in the car!"

The taxi trotted along, crossing two streets.

It was eight in the morning, the rush hour, and the roads were congested. In the car, Xiao Zihang kept watching the cars coming and going outside.

"They are all very ordinary."

He used to envy other people's luxury cars.

Now, this is it?

"I have 200,000 cars, including some top-notch luxury cars that you can’t buy even if you have money!"

Three minutes later, Xiao Zihang encountered a red light and was stuck in traffic. When the taxi stopped at an intersection, a pleasant female voice sounded outside the car.

""Master, how much is it to go to No. 12 Shunfeng Road?"

The taxi driver rolled down the window and replied to the girl with a smile:"Little girl, it's not far and on the way. The starting price is 14 yuan, and I'll charge you 14 yuan." The consumption in Shanghai is relatively high. The girl bit her lip after hearing this, but finally got in the car.

Sitting on the right side of Xiao Zihang, she smiled and nodded. She was about seventeen or eighteen years old, with an oval face, light makeup, and twin ponytails. She wore a simple blue and white chiffon dress, and a pair of flat pink and white sneakers. Her eyelashes were slightly curled, and her eyebrows were curved.

Her eyes were big, and the two"bags" under her eyes were very cute.

She gave people the feeling of a girl next door, very kind.

But she kept looking ahead, thinking about something.

"No. 12 Shunfeng Road, is that Xilinmen Restaurant?"Turning his head to look at the girl, Xiao Zihang chatted,"The food there is delicious."

Xilinmen Restaurant is good quality and inexpensive, and mainly serves civilian dishes, which is deeply loved by ordinary consumers.

"Yes." The girl smiled and replied,"Do you often eat there?"

"That's not the case." Xiao Zihang waved his hand and thought of his high school classmates.

After a while, they planned to get together at Xilinmen Restaurant.

It was commonly known as a"classmates' reunion."

At this time, the driver also took over the conversation.

An old driver, his vision is always good.

"You guys are still students, right?" The old driver chuckled."Just entered college? What school?""


Xiao Zihang and the girl answered in unison, and then looked at each other in surprise.

No way! No way? How could it be such a coincidence?

"You are from Fudan too?" The girl smiled brightly and moved a few centimeters closer to Xiao Zihang."What a coincidence! I am a freshman."

"Same as before." Xiao Zihang smiled and nodded, introducing himself,"I am Xiao Zihang"

"My name is Shen Qianqian." After introducing herself, Shen Qianqian took out the Huawei mobile phone she had used for several years and said,"Since we are alumni, how about we exchange WeChat accounts?"

"OK"Xiao Zihang generously took out his mobile phone and exchanged WeChat with each other for future contact.

Soon, they arrived at No. 12 Shunfeng Road.

After opening the car door and getting out, Shen Qianqian waved goodbye to Xiao Zihang:"Bye, see you at school.""


The taxi started again and headed for the destination.

But halfway, there was another traffic jam.

The taxi driver stopped the car and started to talk like a matchmaker.

"Hey boy, do you have a girlfriend?"

"not yet"

"The girl just now was very nice. You are from the same school. Listen to me, hurry up and do it!"

Just when Xiao Zihang was about to answer, there was a sudden sound of"Pa Pa Pa" outside the car���The sound of knocking on glass

""Beauty, where are you going?"

The experienced driver rolled down the window and smiled at the beauty outside.

""Master, hurry up! Parking lot No. 107, Jianshe Road!"

After saying that, the beautiful woman with a delicate face and a mobile phone selfie stick opened the car door and quickly sat in the back seat.

"You guys?" The old driver turned around in surprise and asked the two of them,"Are you all going to the parking lot on Jianshe Road?"

"Are you going there too?" The beauty looked at Xiao Zihang, who was calm beside her, in surprise and doubt,"The news spread so quickly?"

"What news?"

The old driver looked puzzled. Did something happen in the parking lot?

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