Professor Yang's speech lasted seven minutes.

"Everyone should contribute what they have learned and do their best to make the country strong and prosperous, free from foreign aggression, and able to stand on its own on the earth."

Finally, Professor Yang quoted Mr. Zhan's famous saying and ended his speech.

One second, two seconds, three seconds.

After the silence, there was thunderous applause!

How many college students study abroad after graduation and never come back?

Professor Yang said this in the hope that Fudan's students who have gone out can contribute to national construction in the future.

Falling behind will be beaten, this is a bloody lesson from history.

After Professor Yang, the freshman representative spoke.

Last year's freshman representative was Gu Qingwei, and this year it was Su Muning, the top scorer in the college entrance examination

"Here it comes, we are finally going to see the top scorer with full marks!"

"It is said that she is from Kyoto. She chose Fudan instead of Kyoto University and Qinghua University."

Soon, a girl in Fudan school uniform slowly walked onto the podium. She was wearing a light blue shirt, a navy blue wool vest, and the Fudan school emblem embroidered on her chest, exuding a youthful vibe.

Above her stockings, a knee-length plaid skirt swayed with her steps.

"So pretty."

Even though he had seen Qin Feifei and Gu Qingwei, two school beauties, Xiao Zihang still sighed from the bottom of his heart.

This top scorer in the college entrance examination was too beautiful, a school beauty.

God was really unfair.

Su Muning's outfit could be summarized as long straight black hair.

Her long, smooth hair was draped over her shoulders, and her face was between an oval face and a melon seed face. She was both classical and elegant, and also modern and beautiful.

Her appearance brought warm applause from the audience again.

Various discussions filled the students.

"Isn't this too beautiful? She's on the same level as Senior Sister Gu Qingwei, another school beauty!"

"I think this top student is more beautiful. Senior Qingwei is too cold and doesn't talk to people much."

"Why is it that the top scorer in the national college entrance examination is so handsome? Isn't it said that you can't have both talent and beauty?"

"It is said that the principal and others personally welcomed the top scorer in the college entrance examination yesterday."This is what we call a good face!"

After taking the stage, Su Muning's pure voice like a clear spring came out from the loudspeaker.

"Dear leaders, dear students: Good morning, everyone. I am Su Muning, a freshman of the School of Economics of Fudan University in 2020. I am honored to be here with you in this harvest season."

Every year, the speeches of freshmen representatives are almost the same, but from Su Muning's words, Xiao Zihang heard two words.


An unquestionable confidence

"Are you familiar with the route?"

Xiao Zihang has been observing Su Muning's every move on the platform. She is very familiar with every move.

Nothing is superfluous, just right.

Perfect control ability!

Half an hour later, the opening ceremony of Fudan University ended.

The crowd of students retreated like the sea, and the huge track and field was empty again until the military training began in the afternoon.

"Oh, the 10-day hell life has begun. I hope I don’t have to deal with a devil instructor."

"The sorrow of science students begins with military training!"

Science boys in colleges and universities not only have to face the embarrassment of having few girls around them, but also have to face the strict military training instructors.

It's different for liberal arts boys.

At noon, the military training for freshmen at Fudan University began.

This year, there are 3,935 freshmen, including hundreds of international students from across the ocean.

After wearing camouflage uniforms and coming to the playground, Xiao Zihang once again became the focus of many students. With a height of 1.82 meters and sharp facial features, he looks heroic in his military uniform!

"So handsome, he is Xiao Zihang from the School of Economics. Yes, the rich second generation who reported for duty in a supercar!"

"Wow, wouldn't it be a blessing to be his girlfriend? He's handsome, rich, and smart! He's really tall, rich, and handsome!"

"Campus hunk! Isn't it too much for him to call us the campus hunk of Fudan University?"

Because the ratio of male to female in the School of Economics is 1:2, a group of girls quickly gathered around Xiao Zihang, including those from other colleges and departments.

Some asked for WeChat, some tried to get close to him, and some tried to show their presence. He was very popular.

Even the air was sweet.

There are many girls in the liberal arts colleges such as the Department of Language and Literature, the School of Foreign Languages and Literature, the School of Journalism, the School of Medicine, and the School of Economics.

In science departments such as the Department of Physics, the Department of Polymer Science, and the School of Information Science and Engineering, the ratio of male to female is 4:1. In some classes, there is even only one girl in the whole class.

It's as miserable as it can be.

Seeing how Xiao Zihang was treated, the boys in military training in other colleges and departments cried for their parents.

Thinking of the smell of sweat and stinky feet next to them, they felt a thousand horses galloping in their hearts.

"Why? He is surrounded by girls all the time!"

"Now I'm transferred to the School of Economics. Teacher, do you think I still have a chance?"

However, Xiao Zihang, who was surrounded by girls, did not feel how happy he was. Most of the girls here were just classmates, and forget about other ideas.

At this time, a fresh floral scent slowly drifted from far to near.

It was the smell of shampoo mixed with shower gel.

Because of military training, the girls did not wear perfume, so this smell was more prominent.

Looking up in the direction of the fragrance, Xiao Zihang saw Su Mu Ning.

Even the military camouflage uniform could not hide her beautiful figure.

At this moment, she was walking towards him step by step with a smile.

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