"Worth 500 million, a top floor duplex luxury house in Tomson Yipin, equipped with 10 underground parking spaces, has been issued"

"The property certificate and keys have been stored in the car. The first phase of the Shenhao system has been completed. Progress 4/15"

"The next task has been released. Please get the instructor's evaluation at the end of the military training. The task rewards will be issued according to the evaluation level: 30% ownership of Bandai Plaza (low evaluation), 50% ownership of Bandai Plaza (medium evaluation), 100% ownership of Bandai Plaza + annual rental income of 300 million yuan (high evaluation)"

"The system mall has been opened, and the host can use wealth to purchase skills."

Ownership of Bandai Plaza!

It is one of the top 10 commercial centers in Magic City, with an average annual passenger flow of 30 million, a revenue of 3.5 billion, and an annual rent of 300 million!

"It is indeed a system for the rich!"

However, in order for the instructor to give him a high evaluation, it seems that he needs to perform well.

As for the system mall that has just been opened, Xiao Zihang glanced at it and found that the prices of these skills are not cheap. A few of them can empty his current wealth.

"God-level singing skills, instrument master, weapon master, sharpshooter, contemporary chef, etc."We

'll talk about these skills based on the situation.

After a fifteen-minute break, Xiao Zihang and the girls walked out from the shade of the trees and continued their military training.

""I can't stand it anymore!"

Peter, an international student, returned from the playground, sweating profusely, lying on the ground like a dead dog.

One hundred push-ups and five laps around the playground almost cost him his life. The military training continued, and Peter, who was severely punished by the instructor, dared not even fart.

"Oh God, I will never breathe the air of freedom again!"

In the evening, the half-day military training finally ended.

""It's so easy."

Xiao Zihang stretched, left the playground, and drove away in his Aston Martin ONE-77.

"Tomson One, I finally have a house!" Only those who have a car and a house can be considered successful.

Tomson One is not the most expensive property in Shanghai, but it is the most famous.

Located next to Pudong Riverside Avenue, it covers an area of more than 20,000 square meters and a total construction area of more than 115,000 square meters. It consists of 4 luxurious riverside residences and 1 high-end club.

The highest floor reaches 44 floors and the height is 153 meters.

Xiao Zihang's set is the most luxurious and expensive in Tomson One.

When he arrived at the Tomson One security office, Xiao Zihang stopped the car. This Aston Martin ONE-77 was not registered, and the security guard politely asked him to wait for a moment.

Through the computer name query, the security guard's whole demeanor changed from surprise to shock, and finally he was stunned like a piece of wood.

"New owner! He bought the duplex on the top floor of Building A!!"

Don't be fooled by the appearance of Tomson Yipin. In fact, at least one-third of the houses have not been sold.

This student-like boy in front of me spent 500 million at once?

What a family!

"Please, please, please!" The security guard stood up and saluted,"Mr. Xiao, your Aston Martin ONE-77 has been registered. Do you need parking service?"

"No thanks." Xiao Zihang waved his hand to the security guard and said,"I have a lot of cars, and I'll trouble you to register them when the time comes."

"There are still a lot of cars! ?"

These words made the security guard realize what it means to be rich and inhumane.

He is indeed a rich second generation who has money but nowhere to spend it!

After entering Tomson Yipin, Xiao Zihang parked his car in the underground garage, one of the 10 exclusive parking spaces belonging to him

"Five cars can be parked."

Back on the ground, Xiao Zihang walked in the top-level garden with lush greenery and integrated mountains and water.

The garden of Tomson Yipin is the masterpiece of three contemporary international masters.

They are: PLACEMAKERS Landscape Design Company; CRYSTALFOUNTAINS Waterscape Design Company; TINOKWAN Lighting Design Company.

Every inch of land is worth an inch of gold!

After walking half a circle, Xiao Zihang walked into the lobby.

Magnificent, it is the reception center that every owner must pass through before returning home.

The dome skylight with no steel and all-glass structure is 12.7 meters high and 16 meters in diameter. It is extremely large and rare in the world.

In the lobby, seeing Xiao Zihang coming in, a receptionist at the front desk wearing an OL black silk professional dress came up to greet him with a smile.

"Mr. Xiao!"

Li Jiaxue, who was in charge of reception, had already learned about Xiao Zihang's situation from her superiors.

"Mr. Xiao! Welcome to Tomson One!"

At this time, several people came to line up to welcome him, including Tomson One's property manager Zheng Chaoyuan. As a young man who could afford the"king of buildings" in Tomson One, he must leave the best first impression!

"The system is awesome."

Xiao Zihang nodded silently in his heart. Everything was rationalized by the system. He was only responsible for moving in.

Tomson Yipin has a total of 4 buildings. Building A and Building C are for sale, and Building B and Building D are for rent. Those who can live here are all well-known figures.

Celebrities, top tycoons, family heirs, business tycoons, all have connections.

"You guys are thoughtful." Xiao Zihang nodded to the property manager and others, very satisfied.

"It is our honor to serve Mr. Xiao."The property manager Zheng Chaoyuan bent down and handed over the business card with both hands.

Tomson Yipin will provide private butler service to every owner.

After taking the business card and putting it away, Xiao Zihang was about to leave. Suddenly, there was a sound of high heels in the lobby.

Soon, a familiar figure appeared in front of him.

"Why are you here?"

It was Gu Qingwei who walked out of Tomson Yipin.

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