After watching the night view for ten minutes, Xiao Zihang went out again

"I'm a little hungry."

Today's physical labor is too much, it's time to have a midnight snack.

After taking a taxi back to Putong Community, Xiao Zihang drove away in the Lamborghini Venetian.

Driving, he came to the famous food street in Shanghai.

It's been a long time since I had a midnight barbecue snack, and I was craving for it.

The real food is always in the streets and alleys, a reliable summary of a foodie.

Walking on the familiar streets, the fragrance is overflowing, which makes people's appetite increase.

"Delicious BBQ, don’t miss it!"

"Come, come, have a taste, is it delicious or not? Do you want money?"

The hawkers' cries were heard everywhere.

For night owls, food and life are just beginning.

Following the smell, Xiao Zihang came to a barbecue stall.

He took a dozen skewers of meat from a small freezer and walked out.

Outside, under five large umbrellas, there were five tables and several stools.

"That's Instructor Pei?"

Beside the table on the left, Xiao Zihang saw Instructor Pei who was in the military training today.

God help me!

This time, the mission of the rich needs to get high evaluation from the instructor. Isn't now a great opportunity?

"Instructor Pei!" Xiao Zihang walked up to the other party with a barbecue skewer and greeted him,"What a coincidence, you are eating barbecue here too?"

"Who are you?"Instructor Pei looked up and saw Xiao Zihang's handsome face and immediately reacted,"Oh! Xiao Zihang, what a coincidence, come on, come on, sit down!"

During the day, after Instructor Pei looked at the student list, he felt that Xiao Zihang stood out.

This guy is so damn handsome!

Moreover, he performed well in military training, his movements were standard and his attitude was correct. He is a good student.

"Instructor Pei, you have worked hard during the day.

It is not easy for the instructor to train students under the scorching sun.

"Hey, I'm not an instructor now." Instructor Pei clearly distinguished between public and private matters,"Come on, put the skewers on the rack."

After sitting down, Xiao Zihang chatted with Instructor Pei while grilling meat.

During the day, he was a serious instructor, and at night he was a big brother who was easy to talk to.

"Did the school arrange for Instructor Pei to stay at night?" Xiao Zihang took a bite of the mutton skewer and looked up to ask

"Yes, it's a bit far from here, so I drove here." Instructor Pei looked at Xiao Zihang and put him in the group of students who were staying on campus."You're going back to school in the evening, I'll take you there."

"No, I drove here myself."

"Not bad!" Instructor Pei gave a thumbs up and praised,"You have a car? How much is it and what brand is it?"

"The car is OK, it's just a means of transportation."Keep a low profile, Xiao Zihang doesn't want to show off.

"I bought my car on, which has a bigger discount than the 4S store!"Instructor Pei is also a car lover. Men like this. is a website of Yiche Trading Group, specializing in all kinds of car transactions, including new and used cars, and even luxury supercar purchases and rentals.

Its headquarters is in Shanghai.

"The one that often advertises on mobile phones?"

Recently, when I opened Douyin, it was full of ads, saying that if you want to buy a car, go to and the down payment is only 3,000 yuan. It's brainwashing but effective.

And the latest spokesperson for is Han Jae-bin.

A big star, a popular young actor, and top traffic!

Half an hour later, the two had almost finished eating.

Before leaving, Xiao Zihang asked,"Coach Pei, I have a question that I don't know if I should ask"

"Ask!"After a short time together, Instructor Pei admired Xiao Zihang very much,"As a man, is there anything you can't ask?"

"Instructor, is your leg injured?"

During the military training, Xiao Zihang noticed that Instructor Pei was strong but his legs were not flexible.

""Ah." Instructor Pei sighed and rolled up his trouser legs. On his left leg, a shocking scar was exposed.

"Have you been injured for a long time?"

"It’s been a long time."

Instructor Pei felt sad when he thought of the past, but men don’t shed tears easily.

"In fact, I used to be a special forces soldier."

In addition to his legs, Instructor Pei has five scars on his body, all of which were left when he was carrying out confidential missions.

"I'm fine, I just had to retire because of a leg injury. But I lost two of my brothers in that mission."We drank and ate meat together in the evening, played guitar and sang"My Motherland and I" together. In one night, they were gone.

Life is not so peaceful, but there are people who carry the burden for you.

Today's prosperity is built on the silent dedication and protection of some people.

"Well, there is nothing much to say about those things." Instructor Pei tried his best to force a smile,"Do you know how Professor Yang from Fudan returned to China 20 years ago?"

"I heard that even the fleet was dispatched?"

Xiao Zihang also heard about what happened back then.

All relevant information on the Internet has been blocked.

"More than that! Lithography machines, chips, quantum technology! Professor Yang is a national hero!"Instructor Pei said proudly,"In addition to the fleet, there were several special forces to protect us throughout the journey, as well as planes and tanks. Unfortunately, I was too young to serve in the army at that time."

In order to prevent Professor Yang from returning to China to serve, the West even sent troops to"retain" him.

Fortunately, the times have changed and the other side no longer dares to do this.

"Xiao Zihang, you are all educated and knowledgeable, unlike us. You were all the pride of the school in high school, and in the future, you will all be the elite of society."

Instructor Pei opened his heart and said what was in his heart:"In the future, there will definitely be many people going abroad. In fact, we soldiers don't have any requirements. We just hope that those who go abroad to study and achieve success can come back in the end."

"As long as you are willing to come back, we can send an aircraft carrier to pick you up!"

(PS: I just want to ask, is anyone else reading this? I have been playing it alone and nothing has happened. Please give me some advice, readers.)

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