"Your seat belt is not fastened."

Xiao Zihang came to Qin Feifei and pulled out the seat belt from the side of the car seat.

Then he passed it through her tense body and fastened it.

The rubbing of ears and the intimate contact during the period made Qin Feifei imagine a lot.

"What's wrong with me?"

Just fasten your seat belt, why am I looking forward to something happening?

After taking safety measures for Qin Feifei, Xiao Zihang stepped on the accelerator.

"Zoom! Zoom!"

The roar of the supercar and the sound of the explosion attracted the teachers and students of the drama school to the school gate, and they stopped to watch.

"Holy shit, this is a Bugatti Veyron! The one who just got on seems to be a school beauty? ?"

"Damn rich people, this car is limited edition, there is only one in the world, and it is in Shanghai."

Hot smoke and dust rose behind Bugatti, and then the supercar shot out like a silver bullet.

The most famous luxury goods sales place in Shanghai is Jinling Road Pedestrian Street, especially Plaza 66.

When Xiao Zihang's out-of-print sports car appeared in the parking lot of the pedestrian street, it caused exclamations again.

Tourists and passers-by took out their mobile phones to take pictures, and checked the information while taking pictures

"I've never seen this Bugatti model before, so beautiful!"

"Hermès exclusive, oh my god, they actually drove a Hermès exclusive car to buy luxury goods?"

When Xiao Zihang and Qin Feifei got out of the car, passers-by even thought they were big stars.

The handsome man and beautiful woman quickly became the focus of the audience

"What brand do you like?" Xiao Zihang walked in front, leading Qin Feifei to Hang Lung Plaza."We don't have much time, so let's make it quick."

"I 'll listen to you." Qin Feifei didn't expect that she would really go out with Xiao Zihang to buy clothes. If she accepted these, did it mean that she acquiesced to a certain relationship?

But now is a good opportunity to live broadcast, so Qin Feifei asked in a low voice:"I want to start a live broadcast now, is it okay?"

"OK, I'll get your phone for you later."

Hang Lung Plaza is 288 meters high, with 66 floors above ground, 3 floors underground, and 5 floors of podium, covering an area of 30,788 square meters. It is a five-star shopping mall in China.

It is home to many high-end department stores and top fashion brands from all over the world, including Hermes, Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Dior, Fendi, Prada, etc.

"Then let's go to Hermes." The two stopped at the door of the Hermes flagship store.

Pushing the door open, Qin Feifei felt like she was in heaven in the huge luxurious space.

The fans in her live broadcast room were even more shocked by the luxury of luxury goods.

The decoration was not magnificent, but mainly filled with luxury goods.

On the wooden wall, there were various styles of bags, and on the hangers next to them were all extremely expensive fashions.

In front of the counter, two female shopping guides had already come up to greet her with a smile.

"Holy shit, the little rabbit actually live streamed luxury shopping? Is she a rich woman?"

"There is a super rich young man by my side, and we are really together. Oh, this evil capitalist society!"

"No way, no way, what happened to the stingy guy? Is the little brother going to spend a lot of money today?"

Everyone thought Xiao Zihang was a miser who didn't spend money even if he had money. It seems that the fans are still too young.

"Sorry, Brother Shenhao, I was wrong."

"Brothers, type"I'm sorry" on the public screen!"

Coming in front of Xiao Zihang, the two female shopping guides showed their professional smiles:"Sir and Madam, is there anything I can do for you?"

"Seasonal women's clothing"

"Yes, sir."The two female shopping guides looked at Qin Feifei, and frowned slightly when they saw what she was wearing.

Are all the clothes on this lady high-end fakes?

But they have received professional training, and although they have sharp eyes, they must not show such feelings.

They still recognize the brand names on Xiao Zihang.

Immediately, the two of them put on a smile and asked Qin Feifei enthusiastically:"Hello, ma'am, what style do you like?"

"Um……"Qin Feifei looked at Xiao Zihang helplessly. She didn't know what to buy. She was too nervous.

"Try a few more sets, you are professionals in this area." Xiao Zihang smiled at the two shopping guides,"My request is very simple, just dress her up the most beautifully."

"OK."The two shopping guides smiled and took Qin Feifei to choose clothes in the store.

Luxury stores are not like supermarkets. Sometimes there are only a few customers in a day.

While Qin Feifei was choosing clothes, Xiao Zihang took over the mobile phone holder and acted as a temporary anchor.

Generally, luxury stores refuse anchors to enter, but wealthy customers are exceptions.

What's wrong with buying things and live streaming at the same time?

"Hello everyone, your anchor is trying on clothes, let me show you Hermès"

"Look, this handbag costs 32,000 yuan and is made of calfskin. This shirt costs 13,000 yuan, and this garment costs 55,000 yuan."

All the way, the fans finally realized how poor they were.

"This is the world of rich people. My annual salary is not even enough to buy a bag!"

"Sister Feifei has finally gotten her happy ending after all the hard work. Could it be that the top live streaming queen is beckoning her?"

"Hey rich little brother, our anchor has a guild PK at 8 o'clock tonight, please support me!"

"Ask for support +1, without the support of the rich, Sister Feifei can only rely on the rich little brother!"

The appearance of Xiao Zihang once again made Qin Feifei's live broadcast room soar in popularity, exceeding one million

"Guild PK?" Xiao Zihang was puzzled. Why didn't Qin Feifei mention it? Now that he knew, he had to go and see it tonight.

After a while, a shopping guide walked up to Xiao Zihang with a smile, nodded and bowed, and said politely:"Sir, your girlfriend has changed her clothes and is in front of the fitting room."

"Well, I'll go take a look." Xiao Zihang nodded and followed the shopping guide to the fitting room calmly.

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