"What's going on?"

Xiao Qiang, the outdoor anchor of Shark Live, saw a group of rich second-generations approaching one person, and his curiosity was aroused.

"Xiao Qiang." At this time, the big brother next to Xiao Qiang smiled and quickly walked towards Xiao Zihang,"Come on, let me take you to meet him! The most awesome luxury car collector! No one else!"

"Yes, the three supercars you saw at Bandai Plaza last time were all his!"

"Brother Dafei, is he really that awesome?"

"How could it be fake?"

In a few minutes, Xiao Zihang was surrounded by a group of rich second-generations.

Qin Feifei had never seen such a scene before, and she was as stiff as a puppet.

"This super rich little brother is invincible. Damn, all the rich second-generations from the supercar club are here!"

"Haha, I didn’t expect that these second-generation rich people are better at licking people than us!"

"Today, Sister Feifei is really beautiful, like a big star, and she is a perfect match for the super rich little brother."

After arriving at the supercar club, the popularity of Qin Feifei's live broadcast room soared to more than 2 million, and it was out of control.

Various gifts were given, but unfortunately most of them were free. There were too many freeloaders.

"Is he the rich guy who owns a lot of luxury cars?"

"What kind of family background is that? I really want to be his girlfriend."

With a celebrity-like appearance, Xiao Zihang became the focus of all the internet celebrities.

"Who is the woman next to him? So beautiful!"

Qin Feifei's dress and appearance make these Internet celebrities feel ashamed.

They rely on beauty filters online and heavy makeup in real life. They are far from the natural beauty Qin Feifei.

"Brother, did you come to the right Supercar Club?"Jiang Yuxuan is the vice president, a well-known figure. But the protagonist today is only Xiao Zihang.

"Brother, the race will start in a while, let's go get familiar with the venue first."Zhou Haokai looked around and didn't see Sun Youxun.

Sun Youxun, a junior student at the Magic City Drama Academy, was the troublesome senior Qin Feifei met at the school gate last time.

His driving skills are among the best in the supercar club.

Today, he will also come over to give it a try.

""Okay, let's go." After saying that, Xiao Zihang led everyone to the stadium.

After a few steps, a slender figure suddenly emerged from not far away.

She was very young, probably only eleven or twelve years old, about one meter and a half tall, with a round face that was still childish, but her figure was not like that of a girl of that age.

Little girls nowadays are more precocious.

She was wearing a professional racing girl's outfit and skipped to Xiao Zihang. She had long twin ponytails, big round eyes, and skin as delicate as a peeled egg.

She smiled with her mouth open, and her teeth were as white as a pearl scallop. With her hands behind her back and her toes on tiptoe, she walked towards Xiao Zihang.

"Oh, I finally saw him in person, hello, Brother Zihang!"

Being cute is the killer move of little Lolita

"Who are you?" Xiao Zihang asked with a smile, seeing that the little girl was very cute.

"Just call me Xiao Chengzi. I'm the starter for today's race."

After Xiao Chengzi came over, the group of rich second-generations suddenly became active.

"Little Orange, why are you here? Aren’t you playing at your dad’s F1 racetrack?"

"Wow, Xiao Chengzi is cute again, come here, let me pinch her little face!"

Xiao Chengzi, Zhu Mengcheng, has always been the favorite of these rich second-generation young men and women.

"Little brat, why are you here?"

However, Jiang Yuxuan didn't seem to like this cute little Lolita.

"Hey, Mr. Jiang, why are you here?"

Similarly, Xiao Chengzi also dislikes Young Master Jiang. These two people despise and quarrel with each other when they meet, and everyone is used to it.

"Brother Zihang, you are much more handsome in person than in the photos posted in the group!"Little Chengzi came to Xiao Zihang, took his hand and pulled him forward,"Come on, I'll take you to visit the supercar club."

The action of holding hands made Qin Feifei a little jealous.

"Why would I get angry with a kid?"

After thinking for a while, Qin Feifei still puffed her cheeks and followed closely behind Xiao Zihang, monitoring his every move.

Ten minutes later, Xiao Zihang had a general understanding of the competition environment.

Next, it was the actual combat.

"Brother, let's drive a few laps to get familiar with the environment, hehe"

"Boss, I never thought I could drive a Pagani Huayra on the track. I will repay you for your kindness by working like a slave in my next life."

"You are too good at licking, aren't you? Boss, this is our golf club VIP card, keep it well!"

Now Xiao Zihang has completely integrated into the circle of the second generation of the rich in Shanghai.

"In fact, supercars are not for collection or driving."

Social tool!

The real purpose of supercars is socializing!

In the upper class circle, the meaning of a rare supercar is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Moreover, Xiao Zihang has so many rare supercars.

"This is a symbol of status."

A rare supercar represents the status of its owner to some extent!

"Let's go with Koenigsegg ONE1."

This time, among the supercars that Xiao Zihang brought, this one is the fastest, accelerating from 0 to 100 km/h in just 2 seconds!

"Feifei, let's go."

After that, Xiao Zihang asked Qin Feifei to sit in the passenger seat.

Supercar race, warm-up begins!

(PS: Thanks to 0707 for the monthly ticket)

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