"So fast, overtook three more cars!"

""Awesome, the super rich little brother is invincible!"

Now, Qin Feifei's live broadcast is done by her best friend Zhen Xiaoling. She holds up a mobile phone stand and points the camera at the race.

The black and white Koenigsegg ONE1, which came from behind, is already in the middle.

Accelerating straightly, no car can match Xiao Zihang.

Under the terrifying acceleration, supercars are forced to give up one by one.

"The third bend is coming!"

Because it was the first time for Xiao Zihang to go on this track, even though he had god-level driving skills, his strength was still very reserved.

""Drifting through the corners!"

Xiao Zihang slowed down in advance, but was still faster than others.

Drifting is a driving skill, also known as tail-swinging. Tail-swinging refers to FF, while drifting refers to FR and 4WD, which uses oversteering to make the car slide sideways.

It is very difficult.

Supercars have low chassis and special tires with strong grip.

But drifting is still a very dangerous move. If you are not careful, the car will fly off the track. In addition, this cornering technique requires high tire wear and tear, and most people will not use it.

"Just a little drift will do."

Xiao Zihang turned the steering wheel vigorously, accurately calculating the speed and distance.

"Zoom! Buzz!"Buzz! Buzz!"

Fierce friction, hot air surged!

I saw puffs of white smoke rising from the back of the Koenigsegg ONE1 car. The whole car also flew out in a horizontal manner.

"Beautiful drift!"

"Damn, drifting through the corner, Fujiwara Takumi possessed!"

A tailspin allowed Xiao Zihang to overtake on the corner and take the lead again.

Soon, the first lap was completed, and Xiao Zihang went from last place to 7th place.

"Brother is catching up?" Zhou Haokai, who was in front, saw the beast of Mercedes Benz in the rearview mirror.

"Wow, Mr. Xiao is so awesome!"The internet celebrity girl in the passenger seat really wanted to sit next to Xiao Zihang. Unfortunately, the beauty has already been taken.

"Of course, my brother is awesome."Zhou Haokai smiled at the internet celebrity girl next to him,"Hold on tight, I'm going to speed up!"

Brothers are brothers, and they will never let each other down on the field!

Not long after, Xiao Zihang entered the top five.

"Are you okay?" Seeing Qin Feifei's expression change, Xiao Zihang said gentlemanly,"If you have any problem, tell me and I'll stop the car and let you get off." It

's just a warm-up match

"It doesn't matter. It's my first time riding such a fast car and I'm not used to it yet."Qin Feifei's face was pale, which made people feel pity, but she didn't want to drag Xiao Zihang down.

"Okay, I'll speed up."

This car has not reached its limit yet.

Xiao Zihang's driving skills have only been partially utilized.

In an instant, the Koenigsegg ONE1 turned into a silver bullet on the straight line, breaking through the blockade of the two supercars again.

"The boss is strong, I give up!"

""Shit, the last one to start, is he going to be the first one?"

The two rich second-generations who were surpassed by Xiao Zihang were not dissatisfied, but admired their boss even more in their hearts.

"Here I come, brother is behind me?"

Before Zhou Haokai could react, he saw a silver phantom flying past, leaving him behind, unable to catch up.


I've been surpassed?

"Straight line is invincible!"

"Brother Zihang is going to win first place!"Racing babe Xiao Chengzi's father Zhu Guangcong is the owner of the Shanghai F1 racing track and has his own F1 racing team. He is well-known in the world of supercars.

Xiao Chengzi has been influenced by his father since he was a child and has seen all kinds of supercar races and professional competitions.

The result of this warm-up race has come out.

"You are worthy of being my brother!"

It was another straight track. Xiao Zihang's Koenigsegg ONE1 surpassed Jiang Yuxuan, who was in first place.

The sword was unsheathed and broke through the finish line!

After parking, Xiao Zihang immediately helped Qin Feifei down.

"Feifei, are you okay?"Her best friend Zhen Xiaoling came running over and took Qin Feifei's hand to ask about her well-being.

"It's okay, just rest for a few minutes and you'll be fine."

There's still some time before the official competition, so everyone was chatting in the rest area. Xiao Zihang's supercars have been parked in the parking lot by the rich second generation. In the official competition, everyone will drive their own sports cars.

After a while, Jiang Yuxuan excitedly walked up to Xiao Zihang and said,"Brother, the defending champion said he's here, in the parking lot. He's always the first in the supercar races we've held recently."

"Yes, he drives a Porsche 918, which beats all of us!" Zhou Haokai laughed,"This time, it depends on whether you can save our face!"

"It's amazing." Xiao Zihang became interested and said,"Then let's go and take a look."

"Come on, Feifei, let's go too!"

Zhen Xiaoling pulled Qin Feifei and followed Xiao Zihang to the parking lot.

She wanted to see how awesome the champion who defeated so many rich second-generations was.

At this time, Sun Youxun drove his beloved Porsche 918 to the parking lot of the Supercar Club.

""Baby, I'll bring you here today to have a good time!"

This time, Sun Youxun brought a bar girl with him. She was over 70 points in appearance, but she was good in that aspect and was open.

When Sun Youxun stepped out of the Porsche 918, he saw more than a dozen supercars parked in front of him.

In an instant, he could no longer look away.

"How is it possible? Porsche 918, McLaren P1, Ferrari LaFerrari! All three legendary cars are here?"

"No, it's impossible! Pagani Three Phantom Gods? What kind of big shot came to our supercar club?"

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