On the field, when Sun Youxun saw Xiao Zihang driving a Porsche 918 over, his eyes were cold.

"You are challenging me and insulting me!"

The meaning is clear, I beat you with the same car!

"Why don't you drive your Lamborghini Veneno?" Sun Youxun poked his head out of the sports car and said sarcastically,"Borrow a Porsche 918 and fight me head-on? Why don't you borrow a faster one?"

"Borrow?"Xiao Zihang held back his smile. This Sun Youxun is a brainless man with a horny mind?

Okay, since you think it's a borrow, then let me borrow it.

Don't explain to an idiot, it will only lower your IQ.

"There are still ten minutes left in the game, Sun Youxun, it's still not too late for you to withdraw your bet"

"There is no need for that."Sun Youxun stared at Qin Feifei, who was anxious behind Xiao Zihang, and said angrily,"Let's bet on my Porsche 918 and your Lamborghini Veneno!"

Porsche 918 is worth more than 10 million, and Lamborghini Veneno is worth 70 million. It's a good deal!

Sun Youxun is absolutely confident in his driving skills, even to the point of being inexplicably conceited.

"Let's forget it." Qin Feifei came up to persuade,"It's too dangerous."


Qin Feifei's behavior added fuel to the fire, making Sun Youxun unbearable.

Showing affection, right? All right, let me show you how I defeat him later!

In order to provoke, Sun Youxun said to Xiao Zihang with ill intentions:"Friend, to be honest with you, I am a professional racer. How about this, I'll give you a woman!"

Friend, do you need me to give you a woman?

After saying that, Sun Youxun looked at Qin Feifei coldly.

"What do you mean?" Xiao Zihang's expression turned cold,"You said Feifei was giving in?"

This sentence made Zhen Xiaoling furious.

"Damn it, Sun Youxun, don’t go too far!" Zhen Xiaoling pointed at the other person’s nose and shouted,"Watch your words!"

"What's wrong?" Sun Youxun stretched out his hands helplessly, looking nonchalant,"I'm doing this for his own good. I have a woman sitting on the passenger seat, so he doesn't need to sit on the passenger seat. I let him sit on the passenger seat."

Reducing the weight of a woman can make the car faster.

Sun Youxun's words were full of meaning and double meanings. It was obvious that he couldn't get Qin Feifei, so he deliberately belittled her.


Qin Feifei also saw through the ugly face of senior Sun Youxun. She knew he was unbearable, but she didn't expect him to be so unbearable.

"You don't need to be modest, you will lose anyway!"

Qin Feifei bit her lip and walked straight to the passenger seat of Xiao Zihang's sports car.

"Hey, Feifei!" Zhen Xiaoling stood in front of Qin Feifei, very concerned about her best friend's physical condition,"What did you look like just now? No, you can't go up there again!"

"It's okay, I've gotten used to it." Qin Feifei's lips were still pale, and she hadn't recovered from the force just now.

"How about I do it!" Zhen Xiaoling ate the potato chips she brought and grinned at Xiao Zihang,"Handsome guy, can I sit in the passenger seat?"

"You?" Xiao Zihang shook his head in disdain and refused,"Classmate Xiaoling, you, a heavyweight guest, got on the bus because you think I didn't lose fast enough?"

"Me! You think I'm too heavy, don't you?"Zhen Xiaoling is outgoing and lively. She dreams of becoming a powerful comedian. She knows Xiao Zihang is joking,"Okay, okay, I won't sit, I won't sit. Let Feifei sit."

Zhen Xiaoling has always been a happy expression that livens up the atmosphere.

A few words of dialogue once again doubled the activity of Qin Feifei's live broadcast room.

The popularity has reached 5 million!

"Haha, Xiaoling, you want to make me laugh to death. I'm not saying that you really should lose weight."

"All you do all day is eat. No wonder the little brother dislikes you!"

"The show is about to begin. I bet a bag of spicy noodles on the rich little brother to win!"

After sitting in the passenger seat, Qin Feifei fastened her seat belt.

"Is everything okay?"Xiao Zihang could see that Qin Feifei looked unhappy.

"It's okay, I prepared a plastic bag, just in case I can't help it."

Qin Feifei couldn't let Xiao Zihang be looked down upon by Sun Youxun.

"If it really doesn't work, there are many internet celebrities here, I can just pull one up to make up the numbers?" Xiao Zihang pointed at the internet celebrities on the main stand who were waving and winking at him and smiled.

They are all vixens.

Wishful thinking! No, we can't let those vixens come up!

Qin Feifei was ashamed and angry, and the blush on her face could not be dispersed. Holding the seat belt tightly, she firmly stated:"Don't worry, you are only responsible for winning over the other party, don't worry about other things"


Xiao Zihang put his hands on the steering wheel, like a lion ready to go.

In this racing competition, as long as he won first place, he would get 67% of the shares of Yiche Trading Group and full control!

Can't lose!

"Sun Youxun is just comparable to a racing driver, but I have god-level driving skills."

At this moment, there are hundreds of spectators sitting in the main stand.

Anchors, Internet celebrities, models, fans, rich second-generations, although not as lively as the official F1 events,

"Come on, boss, take down the defending champion!"

"We can’t let Huang Haolong’s power expand. Win for me!"

Most of the club members who came this time belonged to the president and vice president Jiang Yuxuan’s faction. They were all our own people.

Today, Sun Youxun was not very popular.

Thirty racing engines were deafening, everything was ready, and racing baby Xiaochengzi stepped onto the starting platform again.

The red light at the starting point was on, and the countdown began!

"Ten, nine, eight...three, two, one!"

"Let's go!"

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