"I won, bro, I’m awesome!"

"Well done, handsome guy!"

"Mr. Xiao, please sign your name. Hmm, just write it on my makeup box."

When Xiao Zihang and Qin Feifei got out of the car, everyone came up to congratulate them.

But Qin Feifei's condition made him unable to care too much.

"Come on, I'll take you to rest."

As soon as they reached the grass, Qin Feifei couldn't help herself any longer.


Fortunately, she didn't eat much, so she didn't vomit much.

After a minute, she felt much better.

"Are you feeling better?" Xiao Zihang handed over a tissue to wipe his mouth.

"Well, it's okay."

"You've worked hard today." Xiao Zihang gently held Qin Feifei in his arms, touched her head, and comforted her in a low voice.

It was the first time for Qin Feifei to behave so intimately with a boy. Her face turned red, and she was like a frightened little rabbit, motionless.

"It turns out that being hugged by a boy and patted on the head is so comfortable?"

No way, is this the feeling of being in love?

Obviously, I have only known each other for a short time, no way, no way?

After comforting for half a minute, Xiao Zihang let go of her hand and took Qin Feifei to reunite with everyone.

Since it is a car bet, there must be a follow-up.

After losing, Sun Youxun did not run away in disgrace. Could he escape?

He walked up to Xiao Zihang, took out the key to his beloved Porsche 918 from his pocket, and threw it out.

"Here, I'll take it!"

Heartbroken as he was, he had to act as if he didn't care.

Reaching out to take the car keys, Xiao Zihang also threw the car keys to Jiang Yuxuan.

"I don't want a slut, confiscate it."

Porsche's English name is pronounced as"broken shoes", but Xiao Zihang deliberately emphasized it.

It sounds like"I don't want a slut", which is a double entendre and a perfect irony.

Broken shoes not only refer to Porsche sports cars, but also other aspects.

It takes ridicule to the extreme

"The super rich little brother is awesome, he helped our sister Feifei to vent her anger!"

"Isn't it just a pair of old shoes? In the garage of the super rich brother, there are many out-of-print supercars!"

The fans in Qin Feifei's live broadcast room united as one and cheered for Xiao Zihang.

""Puff, you don't want a slut, you are worthy of being Mr. Xiao." Several rich girls at the scene covered their mouths and laughed secretly, looking at Xiao Zihang with more enthusiasm.

"666, you are worthy of being the boss, the Porsche 918 is a god car, if you say you don’t want it, just confiscate it directly."

Xiao Zihang's behavior once again angered Sun Youxun.

"You! What do you mean!"

This is the biggest insult, not giving Sun Youxun a way out.

"It's meaningless." Xiao Zihang spread his hands, telling someone not to get too excited,"I have a Porsche 918, I don't need it anymore. Let the supercar club dispose of this one, wouldn't it be good to auction it off for charity?""

I'm doing you a good deed, don't thank me

"You! You insulted me!" Sun Youxun was so angry that he pushed away the bar girl next to him and said,"I'm lucky, so I won. Don't go too far!"

"Sun Youxun, please be aware of your identity." Jiang Yuxuan took the Porsche 918 car keys, his face bright,"My brother asked the club to auction your car for charity, that's because he thinks highly of you."

""Your brother?" Sun Youxun was confused. The dignified Master Jiang of Magic City actually called him brother?

What the hell, I haven't been to the supercar club for a while, has the situation changed?

"Yes, my brother is of a certain status, don't go too far."Zhou Haokai also stepped forward and stood in front of Sun Youxun. Today, we must suppress Huang Haolong's power.

This vice president is too ambitious and often ignores the president Li Jianhao.

President Li Jianhao is the Li family, one of the four major families in Kyoto. You, the"Crown Prince of the Central Emperor", are too arrogant.

"Who is he?"

Until now, Sun Youxun still didn't know Xiao Zihang's name.

When did such a person appear in the Magic City?

Blindly arrogant and obsessed with women, Sun Youxun was completely unaware of the latest news.

"Well, it's just a Porsche 918."Xiao Zihang asked Jiang Yuxuan to deal with it as soon as possible,"and give the supercar club a loud advertisement."

""No problem, brother!" Jiang Yuxuan was extremely proud. As the vice president, he had little experience and was often pinned to the ground by Huang Haolong.

Your top general has come to this day?

Haha, you are worthy of being my brother, awesome!

"I don't care who you are, but you will regret doing this today!"

Insulting him, Sun Youxun, in public means not taking his famous brother Han Zaibin seriously, and is even more disrespectful to the Crown Prince Huang Haolong.

That prince is not afraid of Master Jiang.

Even the Li family in Kyoto can give him a try.

The tense atmosphere pushed the atmosphere to the brink of collapse.

At this time, a hearty laugh came from far away.

""Hahaha, we are all from the club, don't hurt the harmony."

Soon, a tall figure walked slowly over.

He was about 30 years old, over 1.8 meters tall, wearing a well-tailored suit, and looked very imposing.

His hair was combed meticulously, his face was square, and he had thick eyebrows and big eyes.

It was Li Jianhao, the president of the Supercar Club. Only he could shock the arrogant Huang Haolong.

"Hello, President Li!"

Many rich second-generations nodded and greeted him. This president has a very high prestige, but unfortunately he is about to return to Kyoto to inherit the family business and cannot accompany them in the Magic City.

"Chairman, I don't accept it!"

Sun Youxun raised an objection when he saw Li Jianhao coming over.

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