"I've seen it, I've taken pictures, do you want to touch it?"

Xiao Zihang walked towards his Pagani Fengshen Yazi and waved to Qin Feifei.

"Can...can I?"

Qin Feifei bit her plump lower lip lightly, still not recovering from the surprise.

But her fans in the live broadcast room were already going berserk.

"Oh shit, I seriously doubt this is a script. The rich man is actually right next to the anchor!"

"No wonder the young man was calm and indifferent throughout the whole process, it turns out that the car is his!"

"The license plate number is A.YZ666. Does YZ666 mean"睚眦666"? Is this what rich people like to do now?"

"It's over, it's over. The little rabbit has completely fallen and is about to become a plaything in the hands of the super rich."

The next plot is something that all fans can guess, it's cliché.

Get in the car, race, go to the hotel, book a room, all in one go.

This is how rich people pick up girls, plain and boring.

Walking to the red Pagani Fengshen Yazi, Qin Feifei stretched out her hand and touched it in the envious eyes of everyone.

It felt cold, aloof and emotionless, a money-burning machine.

Seeing Qin Feifei finish touching, Xiao Zihang, who was sitting in the driver's seat, smiled slightly and closed the car door.

"The leather seats are comfortable!"

Ergonomics, the seats perfectly fit the back curve of the owner, allowing people to blend into the sports car.

Driving feeling, superb!

Like the body paint, the interior decoration is also mainly red.

It is bold and full of vitality.

"All carbon fiber!"

In order to reduce the weight of the vehicle, the audio and video system, driving communication system and other interior decorations are all made of luxurious carbon fiber materials. Rich and willful!

On the co-pilot seat, there is a file bag containing the vehicle driving license and insurance.

The formalities are complete!

Ignoring cause and effect, the system can rationalize all unreasonable


At this time, the system's voice sounded

"Congratulations to the host for completing the task of receiving the first car. God-level driving skills are being distributed."

"The first phase of the Shenhao system has been completed 1/15"

"The next task has been released. Please drive the car back to the community. Task reward: 5 underground parking spaces in the community."

At this time, Qin Feifei, who was touching the luxury car, was still intoxicated by the wonderful feeling.

""No, that's not right!"

Suddenly, two blushes appeared on her cheeks, running along her delicate and smooth skin all the way to her ears.

"The super rich young man stared at my clothes and bags in the taxi, he must have noticed something wrong!"

Shame on you, I've embarrassed myself this time!

For a rich man who grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth, how could he not see that he was wearing a high-quality fake?

He just didn't point it out.

"He must be laughing at me in his heart!"

But soon, Qin Feifei's face became even redder, like a ripe red apple that can be picked at any time.

"He asked me to touch the car. Will he invite me to get in later?"Should I get in?

Although getting in didn't mean anything would happen, Qin Feifei, who had never touched a boy's hand, was confused. Her heart was beating fast!

Unfortunately, reality was ruthless and cruel.


Coming back to her senses, Qin Feifei watched Pagani Fengshen's car door close.

He actually closed the door!?

"The script is wrong! Is this rich man a straight man?"

"The surname of the super rich guy is not Jiang, right? It is said that the Jiang master in our Magic City only loves cars"

"What the hell, there’s a beautiful girl like a star next to him, but this guy doesn’t even let her get in the car?"

"666, the rich man only has cars in his eyes, what are women? Go play!"

Whether in the live broadcast room or on the scene, everyone was shocked by Xiao Zihang's behavior.

No one expected that he would just leave Qin Feifei aside.

Touch it, it's really just touching the car.

Show, the show of the flower!

This time, Qin Feifei was also stunned.

She even seriously doubted that she had no feminine charm

"Many boys in school are chasing me! I have a good figure, too, my face, skin, chest... Um, what's going on?"

Inferiority, depression, anger, helplessness, embarrassment...

Countless negative emotions are like a spider web, entwined in my heart.

Xiao Zihang didn't care about Qin Feifei's little thoughts outside the car.

After receiving the god-level driving skills, the knowledge and information about driving skills in his mind came like a tide!

Not only cars, but also ships, yachts, airplanes, tanks, fighters, and aircraft carriers.

As long as it is related to transportation, no one is missing!

After obtaining the information, his muscle memory was also filled.

It was as if he had driven this Pagani Fengshen Jiaozi no less than ten thousand times!

Ignition, step on the accelerator, start!

"Zoom! Zoom! Zoom!"

The unique roar of the luxury supercar's engine broke out, causing all the spectators around to consciously make way.

Don't touch it! Don't touch it!

If this kind of sports car is touched, if there is a scratch, they will never be able to afford it for the rest of their lives.

"Zoom! Zizizizi! Angangang!"

The sound became louder and louder, attracting the attention of pedestrians and vehicles passing by on the road.

The airflow at the rear of the car was surging, and the friction between the tires and the ground raised waves of hot smoke and dust.

In an instant, the Pagani Wind God was unsheathed like a sharp sword.

"Awesome! This is worth my life! So cool!"

"I just checked, this car is worth half a billion! Damn, I really have too much money to spend!"Everyone in the parking lot, including the taxi driver, was stunned.

A handsome guy in ordinary clothes was actually the owner of this luxury car?

Low-key, totally unexpected!

In the car, before leaving, Xiao Zihang glanced at Qin Feifei, who was about to cry but had no tears

"Beautiful anchor, it's not that I don't understand romance, it's just that the conditions don't allow it."

Fudan University will start school tomorrow, and he still has a lot of things to deal with.

For example, what car should he drive to report tomorrow to look good?

This is a difficult problem.

Of course, the most important thing is still one word - poor!

"It costs money to pick up girls!"

Although Xiao Zihang now owns a billion-dollar luxury car and his net worth is inestimable.

But he only has one thousand yuan left! He is really poor!

It is difficult to refuel the car with 101-grade gasoline, let alone pick up girls?

After Xiao Zihang drove away in the luxury car, the roar of luxury car engines was heard again on the other side of the road.

From far away

, people saw two luxury supercars appear again in an instant.

"Wow, Pagani Zonda! And Bugatti Veyron!"

In front of everyone's enthusiastic gaze, Pagani Zonda and Bugatti Veyron drove into the parking lot.

The scene and live broadcast exploded again!

"What’s going on today, is it Supercar Day in Shanghai?"

"These two cars are also worth tens of millions. Who are these two second-generation rich people from Shanghai who are visiting us?"

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