As soon as Xiao Zihang posted his"pretentious photo with text" to his Moments, two replies appeared.

"Haha, I didn’t expect that our good students would turn bad and learn to lie!"

"Rich man, please take me with you. You have so many luxury cars! Tell me the price of a key and where to buy it."

Among his high school classmates, Xiao Zihang has excellent grades, is handsome, and has always had good interpersonal relationships.

Many girls have a crush on him, and he has many friends. Of course, there are also a few who don't like him.

The first person to leave a message was Xiao Zihang's high school classmate.

Li Haobin and Zhang Qijun

"We'll talk about it tonight." After sending the photo, Xiao Zihang stopped caring about WeChat, picked up the three car keys and went out.

Pick up the car! Business is important.

He called a taxi again and went to Bandai Plaza. Bandai

Plaza, located at No. 777 Jianshe Road, is one of the top ten commercial centers in Shanghai.

It covers a total area of about 550,000 square meters, including a 230,000 square meter shopping center, a 160,000 square meter super A-grade office building, and a 40,000 square meter international hotel.

At the same time, Bandai Plaza also has a 28,000 square meter street-side city park, an 8,000 square meter starry sky plaza and a roof garden. The average annual passenger flow is as high as 30 million, the revenue is 3.8 billion, and the annual rental income is at least 300 million.

After arriving at Bandai Plaza, Xiao Zihang did not go to the underground parking lot immediately.

"It's time for lunch."

After all the hassles, it's already 11 o'clock.

"Today, I will eat a ton of good food."

Nowadays, I can drive any luxury car I want, and I am definitely a rich man.

I have to pay attention to everything I eat, wear, live and travel.

"Then let's go to Xinghaihui Buffet."

Xiao Zihang came to the atrium of Bandai Plaza and took the automatic elevator to the food area on the third floor.

The"Xinghaihui Buffet" there has an average consumption of 108 yuan per person.

The dishes are rich, the ingredients are fresh, and the price is reasonable. It is deeply loved by ordinary students and white-collar workers.

After a short queue, Xiao Zihang entered the buffet restaurant.

At the same time, the anchor Qin Feifei was coming out of the underground parking lot of Bandai Plaza

"Oh my god, what luck today!"

Qin Feifei has completely come out of the disappointment brought by Xiao Zihang.

Just now, she came to Bandai Plaza to continue her live broadcast. After taking the fans in the live broadcast room to visit the mall, she went to the underground parking lot to try her luck. What a coincidence, she saw a luxury sports car again!

Qin Feifei, who has had a dream of becoming a star since she was a child, is not only familiar with high-end luxury goods, but also has an understanding of luxury supercars.

"Bugatti! Aston Martin! And Lamborghini Veneno!"

Three supercars parked together, and five or six car owners were already amazed and taking photos around.

"Awesome, none of these three cars is priced below 40 million!"

"So handsome, so cool, it's worth it to drive one once in my life!"

Qin Feifei immediately pointed the camera of her mobile phone at the three luxury cars, causing ghosts and wolves to howl in the live broadcast room.

"Damn! These three supercars are no worse than the Pagani Fengshen Yazi that the guy just had!"

"Shanghai is indeed an economic center, with luxury cars everywhere"

"Why does this license plate look familiar?"

After 15 minutes of live streaming in the underground parking lot, Qin Feifei's stomach growled in protest.

She was hungry.

"It’s time for dinner, let’s eat!"

Qin Feifei kept going up and changed the title of the live broadcast room to——

"Bandai Plaza, Little Rabbit Feifei's first experience of Xinghaihui buffet."

Qin Feifei had never eaten a buffet before, and this time, she decided to go after being recommended by the fans in the live broadcast room.

When she arrived at the third floor of the large shopping mall in the atrium, Qin Feifei lined up to enter the Xinghaihui buffet restaurant.

"There are so many people."

The restaurant was like a dumpling-making scene, with all the seats occupied by students and white-collar workers.

But Qin Feifei still cleverly found a seat by the window. The only drawback was that there was already a boy eating a buffet opposite.

"Looks familiar?"

Then Qin Feifei and the viewers in the live broadcast room saw the other person's appearance.

"Oh my god! It’s actually a super rich guy!"

"Is this true? A rich man driving a Pagani Fengshen comes to eat a buffet worth 100 yuan?"

"What do you know? This is called the second generation of rich people being bored and experiencing the life of ordinary people firsthand!"

Xiao Zihang chose to celebrate with a buffet worth more than 100 yuan, which was indeed because he had no money.


But who would believe it?

Fortunately, this kind of poverty will not last too long.

"I have so many cars, if it doesn't work out, I can sell some of the ordinary cars that cost hundreds of thousands of yuan."

But now, there is no time to care about that.

At this moment, the moment Qin Feifei saw Xiao Zihang, her heart beat violently.

Just like the accidental encounter between a girl and a boy, there is a destiny in the dark.

"Is this fate?"

Qin Feifei couldn't let go of this God-given opportunity. At least, she wanted a WeChat account and the other person's name.

That's right, it's settled!

"What a coincidence, hello, little brother." Qin Feifei greeted with a smile,"Can I sit here?"

"No one, please sit down."

Xiao Zihang pointed to the opposite side while grilling meat, asking Qin Feifei to sit down.

"Okay, I'll go get the food first."Putting her bag on the seat opposite Xiao Zihang, Qin Feifei left excitedly.

Three minutes later, she came over with a large cup of Coke in one hand and desserts and bacon seafood in the other.

Seeing what Qin Feifei brought over, Xiao Zihang knew she was a rookie.

Anyway, she didn't know how to eat buffets.

"Have you never eaten at a buffet before?" Xiao Zihang said,"You can still eat if you drink carbonated drinks and desserts right at the beginning?"

There is a process for eating at a buffet. The most taboo is to drink a lot of drinks and beer at the beginning, and eat desserts.

"Are there any rules for eating buffets?" Qin Feifei was like a curious baby. After sitting down, she blinked and asked,"Does my little brother often come to eat buffets?"

"Come over to eat occasionally." Xiao Zihang ate a piece of barbecue lightly,"A buffet of more than 100 yuan is not cheap."

In the past, Xiao Zihang only came to eat two or three times a month. He regarded it as a reward for his part-time job.

Qin Feifei was stunned when she heard Xiao Zihang's words.

The fans in her live broadcast room were also confused instantly. This picture style is not right!

"What the hell? A rich man who drives a sports car worth 50 million actually said that a buffet of more than 100 yuan is not cheap?"

"Wow, I finally figured it out. Apart from the valuable car, everything else on this guy is cheap stuff!"

"A stingy person who never spends a penny? Damn, this rich man is so stingy even though he is very rich?"

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