Chanel"Zenit" perfume is limited to the world, and each 200ml bottle is priced at 16,800 yuan.

It is very expensive. Excluding those out of print, it is considered the ceiling level of perfume.

"Try them all."

Xiao Zihang asked the clerk to try this bottle of"Zhendian" perfume together with the traditional classic Chanel No. 5.

"Why do I feel like I've become a perfume bottle?"

Qin Feifei pouted, her tone delicate.

"Miss, your skin is so good, of course you should try more"

"Yes, both of these perfumes are suitable for you, so nice."

Chanel No. 5, N5 shows full feminine charm, and the price of a bottle is 1,880 yuan.

Born in 1921, it is a perfume that smells like a woman.

Sensual and elegant, after applying it, it is like holding a bouquet of fragrant flowers with rich layers.

A timeless classic.

This perfume exudes the series' iconic abstract floral notes.

The citrus scent at the beginning of the bottle is soft and soothing. Then it leads to the fragrant sea of flowers formed by May roses and soft jasmine. Users are all stepping on vanilla.

The soft touch is infinitely charming

"No. 5 is the most suitable perfume for Feifei."

It is a perfect match for her personality."

"Miss, what do you think?"

After trying another"Zhendian" perfume, Qin Feifei's little nose sniffed again and again on her arm.

Enchanting, very sexy!

"The"Zhendian" perfume is different from the No. 5 perfume, and is more noble. The first note is a sea of flowers, and the middle note is a rose, peony and other flowers.

The tail note, the seductive fragrance is endless.

The smell of a lady, enchanting and sexy, with a unique temperament

"This classic perfume is more suitable for important occasions." Xiao Zihang nodded and said,"Limited edition, does that mean a customer can only buy one bottle?"

"Sir, your taste is admirable."The two shop assistants smiled and said,"This classic perfume is indeed developed for dances and other occasions."

"Zhendian perfume, our store only delivers 2 bottles, what do you think?"

If it is sold, it can be replenished, but it is limited to a certain region. Luxury goods are always good at hunger marketing.

"Okay, I'll take them all."

Two bottles of perfume cost only over 30,000 yuan, which is cheaper than a bag.

Chanel's packaging is mainly based on classic black and white elements.

Soon, everything was packed.

"Sir, the total is 335,000 yuan, you can enjoy a 95% discount, which is 318,000 yuan"

"Swipe the card."

Xiao Zihang didn't even blink, he bought so much for only 300,000.

Where's the luxury?

With so many shopping bags, of course Qin Feifei couldn't carry them all by herself.

"Sir, where is your car parked?" The clerk, who was good at observing people's expressions, held a lot of bags and asked Xiao Zihang with a smile,"Let us help you carry it there."

"Okay, follow me."

Xiao Zihang and Qin Feifei walked together with two Chanel shop assistants.

Arriving at the parking lot, they pressed the key of the Rolls-Royce.

The trunk door of Huiying opened, and the huge space

"Sir, is this car Huiying?"

I always thought that young and wealthy people like Xiao Zihang drove supercars, but it turned out to be a stable Rolls-Royce?

But this car is worth 90 million!

Luxury goods store clerks have received professional training and are familiar with the luxury goods market.

"Well, the trunk of this car is bigger than that of a sports car, so it can hold more things."

You think you're using this car as a truck!"

The two shop assistants put the shopping bags into Huiying's trunk and bowed.

"Sir, you are always welcome to visit our Chanel"

"Are there any watch shops in Plaza 66? Xiao Zihang knew that the Patek Philippe store was not here, so he asked.

"Sir, if you want to buy a watch, I recommend Vacheron Constantin"

"Vacheron Constantin has also moved into Plaza 66. We can lead the way."

The poor play with cars, the rich play with watches."

The two shop assistants saw Xiao Zihang's 90 million luxury car, so of course they had to introduce him to the best watch brands here.

Chanel also sells watches, but they are not good enough!

Vacheron Constantin is one of the world's famous watch manufacturers.

It ranks among the top three in the field of luxury watches.

Its watches range from a few hundred thousand to tens of millions. Ordinary working class people dare not even think about it.


That's what the nouveau riche like.

"I see. I'll talk about Vacheron Constantin next time. I'll go to Patek Philippe later."

Since I want to buy a great watch, Patek Philippe is more stylish.

"We'll go shopping for a while, then go to Patek Philippe"

"OK, I want to do a live broadcast there. I heard those watches are very expensive, right?"

"Well, it's OK."

The two continued shopping in Hang Lung Plaza.

"Louis Vuitton, a famous luxury brand, still has to give some face."

Xiao Zihang entered the LV store and immediately attracted the attention of many staff and customers.

"So handsome, such a great temperament!"

Several beautiful women in their thirties looked at Xiao Zihang and wished they were 10 years younger.

"Where did this noble family kid come from?"

Facing everyone's gaze, Xiao Zihang walked to the man's briefcase and stopped.

"Hello sir, which style do you want?"

"These three briefcases, pack them up."No need to try, just buy if you think they're good.

""Yes, sir!"

For a moment, the two shop assistants surrounded Xiao Zihang and Qin Feifei and started to work.

"That ladies handbag, and that ladies handbag, wrap it up"

"These two sets of clothes, pack them up."

While Xiao Zihang was shopping, Qin Feifei walked alone to a men's perfume.

""Pack up this cologne."

Qin Feifei paid with a credit card. This was her gift to Xiao Zihang.

She had no choice but to give him a bottle of men's perfume worth two thousand yuan as a return gift.

The Sun Song perfume, orange-yellow, represents male vitality.

This is the ode to the light years of midsummer, and this is the joy of early summer.

Sprinkle a drop and you can feel the warmth of the sun melting on your skin.

Qin Feifei took the packaged men's perfume and held it in her hand like a treasure.

"Finally, let's send him off."

After shopping, Xiao Zihang turned around and saw the shopping bag in Qin Feifei's hand.

"What did you buy secretly?"

"Keep it secret." Qin Feifei protected the bag with her small hands to avoid being discovered by Xiao Zihang.

"A woman's secret, right?"

Xiao Zihang smiled faintly and swiped his card to pay.

This time he spent 380,000, which was still very little. It seemed that he could not complete the 50 million task with just these luxury goods.

As usual, the shopping bags were also delivered to Xiao Zihang's Rolls-Royce Huiying by the LV staff.

Then, Xiao Zihang and Qin Feifei came to the mall on the right side of Hang Lung Plaza.

There were also a number of luxury brands gathered there.

Burberry, Dior, Gucci, Prada, etc.

"Let's buy some more."

After entering, Xiao Zihang bought himself some T-shirts, socks, scarves, belts, etc.

He spent more than 300,000 yuan in total.

Consumption amount: 2.586 million

"Too little!"

Shopping is also very tiring. Even though Qin Feifei changed into flat shoes, her legs still felt sore.

"Still shopping?"

"Almost done."Xiao Zihang sighed and said,"It doesn't cost too much here in Plaza 66.""

Brother Xiao, are you talking like a human being?

Qin Feifei's face was full of black lines. You have squandered more than two million!

What a concept, it's enough to buy a house in a small city in full.

The rich are so rich.

"Let's go to Patek Philippe."

Sitting in the Rolls-Royce Huiying, Xiao Zihang drove eastward, and the Patek Philippe Residence was there.

On the way, Qin Feifei admired the scenery along the way and took pictures. She posed the Chanel bag in her hand in a nice shape.

Putting it on her thigh, she inadvertently took the Rolls-Royce logo in the picture.

"Pretty skilled, is this a skill that all you girls have?"

Internet celebrities and fake celebrities all like this

"Yes, who doesn't know how to take photos?"

After that, Qin Feifei edited the photos and sent them to her best friend Zhen Xiaoling.

"Xiaoling wants to see it, don't think wrongly."

I am not one of those elegant girls or green tea bitches.

Although I am also vain, I am different in nature.

Qin Feifei's explanation is cute.

"What did you buy just now?"

Qin Feifei still held the shopping bag in her arms, not letting Xiao Zihang see it.

"Nothing, I'll tell you later." Qin Feifei looked ahead, they were about to arrive at Patek Philippe

"You don’t have a watch, right? I’ll buy you one later."

"No need for that." Qin Feifei waved her hand.

"It's just a watch, just treat it as a toy." If

Xiao Zihang doesn't spend more, how can he complete the arduous task?

"Toys?" Qin Feifei was amused by Xiao Zihang's analogy,"Poor people play with cars, rich people play with watches, so what do you, the rich man, play with?"

Qin Feifei tilted her head and suddenly asked

"What does the super rich play?"Xiao Zihang turned his head and stared at Qin Feifei closely, with an unpredictable light in his eyes,"Of course the super rich can play whatever they want."

It seems that he is hinting at something bad again.

""Oh." Qin Feifei lowered her head and rubbed her fingers on the strap of her bag.

She blushed, but didn't want to be discovered.

"In fact, I really want to fly a plane, a yacht, or even go to outer space."

Men should always have some reliable dreams.

After chatting for a while, Xiao Zihang turned the steering wheel and turned left.

Slow down and stop!

Patek Philippe Residence, here we are!

This is the real leader in the watch industry.

Patek Philippe, founded in 1839, is the top of the world's top ten watches.

Their watches are independently produced from start to finish. It takes 10 years to train a PATEKPHILIPPE watchmaker.

Patek Philippe has a classic slogan: No one can own a Patek Philippe, it is just kept for the next generation.

Full of style.

In the current customer list, they have 100 kings, 54 queens, and celebrities from all walks of life.

The ultimate pursuit is to configure the most complex structure in the simplest design.

In the world, the symbol of watch lovers and aristocrats is to own a Patek Philippe.

The noble artistic realm and expensive production materials make Patek Philippe an enduring brand. Patek Philippe

Residence is a stand-alone building, and their brand has never been stationed in shopping malls.

Independent, peerless independence!

Entering the interior, the space presents champagne gold, noble and elegant, very luxurious

"Hello, sir, hello, ma'am." Two shop assistants in suits and ties came up and bowed to greet them.

"I want to buy a suitable watch, please recommend"

"Okay, sir and madam, please follow us."

One step, two steps, three steps, he walked in Patek Philippe.

Halfway through, Xiao Zihang was stopped by a clear little girl's voice.

"Brother Zihang!"

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