After a short conversation, Xiao Zihang got to know Yao Yuqing.

She had just graduated from a prestigious foreign university with a finance department and was 22 years old.

She had no work experience and had interviewed several large companies after returning to China, but was rejected by all of them.

But when she came to Yiche Trading Group to apply for a job, she was actually accepted?

And this company had just changed its chairman!

By chance, she became Xiao Zihang's personal secretary.

"Chairman, rest assured, I will work hard."

A secretary is someone who solves all problems for the boss.

"OK, nine o'clock in the morning, I'll come to the company."

After hanging up the phone, he came to the restaurant with a steak. Outside the French window, it was the early morning in Shanghai, with passers-by shuttling back and forth.

The domestic economic center always has endless capital to squander.

Yiche Trading Group is located in the suburbs of Shanghai, in an industrial park, about an hour's drive from Tomson Yipin.

Recently, it has been advertising crazily. On Douyin, Shark, Tiger and other live broadcast platforms, brainwashing advertisements can be seen everywhere

"Buy a car on the Internet, the down payment is only 3,000 yuan!"

After breakfast, Xiao Zihang tidied up his appearance and came to the underground parking lot.

"Today is Monday, and I don't have many classes anyway."

There are two big classes in the afternoon, but with Xiao Zihang's current knowledge, do I still need to go to school?

Looking at several supercars, Xiao Zihang was thinking about which car would be more suitable to drive there.

"Yiche Trading also does luxury car leasing, but I can’t get it."

The luxury cars they rent there cost around several million."

""You're the one!"

Xiao Zihang chose a cool supercar. The road to Yiche Trade is very suitable for low-profile supercars.

The bright silver Lykan Hypersport supercar is limited to 7 units worldwide, with the license plate A·LH777. It is absolutely cool and only costs 100 million yuan.

Leaving Tomson Yipin, we turned from the urban road to the suburban road.

All the way west!

The scenery along the way is good, and from time to time a few sports cars pass by.

"This one, this is the Lykan Hypersport, and I actually saw it in Shanghai?"

"Only 7 units are available worldwide. Damn, this car is so cool!" All the young drivers passing by were attracted by Xiao Zihang's supercar.

Recently, for some unknown reason, a bunch of out-of-print supercars suddenly appeared in Shanghai.

An hour later, Xiao Zihang arrived at Yiche Trading Group.

There were large buildings in front of him. Next to the 100-meter-high office building, there were two large parking lots.

One parking lot was full of cars, and the other was relatively empty.

"As expected of a company that specializes in the car business, the parking lot is very impressive."

Driving a supercar, Xiao Zihang arrived in front of the company building.

At this time, a group of people had already gathered at the door.

On both sides were hundreds of employees, men and women on both sides. They were wearing neat company uniforms and smiling the whole time.

There were clusters of flowers around them, obviously welcoming the arrival of the new chairman.

"This supercar, could it be the chairman's arrival?"

A company executive looked at his watch and it was almost time.

"Get ready, everyone get ready!"

The scene suddenly became lively.

"The chairman is here!"YiChe Trading Group CEO Zhao Tang is a 40-year-old middle-aged man wearing glasses.

He only has admiration for the new chairman.

The name of Mr. Xiao in Magic City has long been known in the circle of rich second-generations!

He owns several out-of-print supercars. Maybe he just bought so many shares of their YiChe Trading Group because he loves cars? He is so rich and inhumane!

Moreover, although Zhonghuang Entertainment deliberately suppressed the incident at Bandai Plaza yesterday, a lot of news still leaked.

"Our chairman is so nice to his employees!"

"Yes, our company will definitely be better in the future."

Seeing the supercar stop, CEO Zhao Tang immediately took several senior executives of the company and Xiao Zihang's personal secretary Yao Yuqing to

"Hello, Chairman!"

CEO Zhao Tang walked to the door of the supercar diligently and waited for Xiao Zihang to get out of the car.

"Chairman, I am Zhao Tang, CEO of Yiche Trading Group!"

Several senior executives introduced themselves to Xiao Zihang to show their presence.

"Hello everyone."Xiao Zihang got off the supercar and was immediately surrounded by stars.

""Hello, Chairman."

Yao Yuqing nodded to Xiao Zihang, keeping a professional smile on her face.

Her appearance was unexpectedly high, about 94, only slightly lower than Qin Feifei.

But she had the kind of semi-mature feminine style and confidence that the girl did not have.

She was dressed very formally today, with a lace-patterned women's shirt on the upper body and a light gray suit jacket on the outside, the brand was Prada.

The lower body was a professional pencil skirt, matched with black stockings, just above the knee. She was wearing a pair of black high heels on her feet, also Prada.

Rumor has it that the queen of luxury Prada is a workaholic.

Her black hair was tied up high, her makeup was exquisite, especially the bright lipstick, which was unforgettable at first sight.

The faint scent of jasmine wafted in the air, presumably because of the expensive luxury perfume she used.

The appearance of Xiao Zihang's out-of-print supercar immediately caused discussion among the employees

"I heard that the chairman has a lot of luxury cars, and it’s true!"

"Have you ever counted how many supercars does our chairman have?"

According to various news on the Internet, there are more than a dozen!

Such a lineup of luxury cars has never been seen by the top executives of Yiche Trading Group.

"Chairman, the Lykan Hypersport you are driving today is so cool!"

"This car is OK." Xiao Zihang smiled, handed the car keys to his secretary Yao Yuqing, and said,"Please park it for me."

""Okay, Chairman." Yao Yuqing took the key to the luxury car worth hundreds of millions of yuan, and her body shook involuntarily.

Chairman Xiao still trusted her new secretary.

Sitting in the driver's seat, Yao Yuqing started the supercar.

"Zoom! Zoom!"

The roar of the engine resounded throughout the Yiche Trading Group!

"So cool! This is the sound of a rare supercar!"

"Wow, we deal with cars every day, but this is the first time we see a luxury car of this level!"After

Yao Yuqing drove the car away, the company���Xiao Zihang's routine visit

"How many parking lots does our company have and how many cars can it accommodate in total?"

"Chairman, we have four parking lots at our headquarters, two of which are on the ground. A senior executive walked and pointed ahead and said,"Look, this is it."

In one parking lot, there were all kinds of cars parked.

The ones worth hundreds of thousands were concentrated on one side, and the ones worth millions were concentrated on the other side.

"These two parking lots can accommodate tens of thousands of cars!"

Big, very huge!

"It is indeed spectacular."Xiao Zihang looked at the array of cars in front of him, stretching to the end of his sight.

This feeling was like commanding a million troops to conquer the world.

How spectacular would it be if all my 200,000 cars were displayed?

But it was too early. Xiao Zihang's garage was still mostly ordinary cars, at most only a few hundred thousand.

Then there were luxury cars worth millions, which also occupied a lot.

Finally, of course, there were those supreme products!

Out-of-print supercars, super luxury cars!

After visiting the parking lot on the ground, everyone came to an underground parking lot.

"Chairman, this is the parking area for our employees."

It is neatly divided, with most of it for ordinary employees and a small part for the company's top executives.

The three best spots are for Xiao Zihang.

At this time, Yao Yuqing had already parked the Lykan Hypersport in one of the spots. With the car keys, she quickly walked to Xiao Zihang's side.

"Chairman, your car keys"

"Secretary Yao, you are a good driver."Xiao Zihang said with a smile,"Just now, you reversed the car and did it in one go."

"Chairman, thank you for your compliment."

Among many female drivers, Yao Yuqing's driving skills are considered first-class.

"In comparison, Feifei's driving skills are……"

When Xiao Zihang thought about the last time he let Qin Feifei drive his Bugatti Hermes, he wanted to laugh. She was indeed a female driver, a road killer.

He would never let her drive again. It would be better for her to sit quietly in her passenger seat.

When she walked to Xiao Zihang's side, Yao Yuqing took on the position of personal secretary and stayed with him all the time.

"Chairman, there is one vacant underground parking lot."

Arriving at another underground parking lot, Xiao Zihang asked,"How many parking spaces are there here?"

"More than a thousand"

"Well, that's about right, my car can be parked a little closer."

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was shocked!

"Chairman... Chairman?"

Xiao Zihang's words shocked the company executives.

No way, could it be that the chairman bought so many shares from them just because of their huge parking lot?

Impossible, impossible, but there is definitely a connection!

"Don't be surprised, I'm not talking about my supercars."

Counting all of them together, Xiao Zihang's rare supercars should be able to fill up most of the parking lot.

"I mean, a more ordinary sports car."

"What do you mean by ordinary?"

I didn't dare to ask, but I couldn't help being curious!

""Millions of dollars, right?"

What a joke. An underground parking lot with thousands of parking spaces, how could Xiao Zihang's multi-million sports cars not be able to park?

The two parking lots on the ground combined are about the same size!

"Is this the wealth of our chairman?"

The company executives present seemed to have entered a new world.

What they are facing now is the real Xiao Zihang.

The young master Xiao from Shanghai who owns several supercars is just the tip of the iceberg.

This is really inhumane!

The acquisition of 67% of the shares of Yiche Trading Group might just be using some of Xiao Zihang's idle funds!

Returning from the underground parking lot, the company's CEO Zhao Tang said with a smile:"Chairman, let Yao Yuqing take you to the office first."


Then, accompanied by his secretary Yao Yuqing, Xiao Zihang went to his chairman's office on the upper floors of the building.

Entering the office, it was a huge space of hundreds of square meters.

Sofas, desks, bookshelves, plants, car models, etc., everything is available.

A very luxurious office location.

"Chairman."Yao Yuqing took a document and slowly walked to Xiao Zihang who was sitting on the desk. As she approached, a faint jasmine fragrance lingered.

A scent belonging to a semi-mature woman, spreading wantonly.

Only such a secretary can make the boss feel comfortable.

"Now, let me report to you about the situation of our company."

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