The photo was posted by the rich second generation Qian Longfei on WeChat Moments to show off

"Alas, the headlight of the Lamborghini Huracan was damaged, so I had to drive another car to make do."

He said it as if he was very unlucky and complaining, but in fact he was showing off another supercar he had.

It was similar to the Versailles literature that was recently circulated on the Internet, except that this semi-illiterate person had no literary accomplishment.

Soon, the messages from classmates appeared.

"Oh my god, Brother Fei is awesome, this car must be a Porsche!"

"You don't understand, Fei Ge's Porsche is a 918! The world's three most legendary cars, long discontinued!"

"It's not that it can't be bought, but how much is it?"

When someone revealed the price of this car, many students were shocked.

"Awesome! Over 13 million! That was the price at that time!"

Now the price of this amazing 918 has increased by who knows how much!

He is so extravagant, he is indeed the richest second generation in the high school class!

Many classmates are ready to run errands for Qian Longfei. At the class reunion tomorrow, they will follow the lead of the big boss Fei Ge!

"It's OK.���Fei's vanity was greatly satisfied. When he was in high school, he recruited several younger brothers in his class, and he still has them now.

It's just that the scale has expanded because of this magic car.

It's a pity for these dogs who are licking their boots. I'm afraid they will end up with nothing.

"Blue Porsche 918?"

Xiao Zihang said nothing, watching Qian Longfei show off quietly.

You, are you sure you don't want to make me laugh to death?

In the whole Magic City, only Sun Youxun should have this blue Porsche 918.

Last time at the Supercar Club, he lost this car to Xiao Zihang at the racetrack.

"I don’t want a broken shoe."

In the end, the car was confiscated and kept in the supercar club to be auctioned for charity in the future.

"Even if the car is really yours, it doesn't matter."

It's just a Porsche 918, not enough to mention shoes in front of Xiao Zihang.

Qian Longfei was so pretentious before the class reunion, Xiao Zihang also wanted to post a photo on WeChat Moments

"That's it." The low-key Xiao Zihang neatly placed dozens of his out-of-print supercar keys on the sofa.

Then he took a photo, uploaded it, and waited.

He posted it to his circle of friends, which attracted more than a dozen classmates to watch.

"Haha, the great talent is here again, and this time he’s so awesome, they are all super expensive sports car keys. How much do the keys cost in total?"

"Look at him, a winner in life! Where did you buy the key? Take me there next time, brother."

The first to leave a message were high school friends, Li Haobin and Zhang Qijun.

Both were admitted to Wuhan University and will be going there soon.

It is said that the cherry blossoms there in April are particularly beautiful. Judging from the tone of their voices, Xiao Zihang's identity is still unknown.

For safety reasons, this circle of friends has blocked many people. Xiao Zihang only wants to show it to those who should see it.

"Boss Xiao is amazing."Dong Xiaoxue also left a message, but did not reveal Xiao Zihang's true identity.

Among her current high school classmates, she was the only one who knew that these car keys were all real.

After a while, Wang Qianlong flew over.

"Our Fudan talent has become rich, with so many supercars, remember to drive one here tomorrow"

"I don't have much ability. I repaired a Lamborghini and only have a 918 left."

Invisibly, he once again mocked Xiao Zihang's car keys.

He really thought that posting car keys was humorous.

After posting to Moments, Xiao Zihang closed WeChat and went to sleep.

But tonight, someone is destined to be sleepless.

Seeing the photo of Xiao Zihang's car keys, Qian Longfei, who was lying on the bed in the hotel, snorted coldly. He had just finished exercising with his lover Hu Siya.

""Honey, what's wrong?" The seductive fairy Hu Siya put on a thin nightgown and lay on Qian Longfei's shoulder.

"Tomorrow I will meet my high school classmates. I saw an annoying guy."

Pretending, who are you pretending to be?

I sent pictures of sports cars, but you sent a bunch of fake keys that you bought from nowhere.

You sent them twice!

Once before the start of school at Fudan, and once before the class reunion. You are deliberately disgusting me.

"Husband, don't be angry."

Hu Siya endured Qian Longfei's terrible face, it was so ugly, if you weren't rich, who would sleep with you!

""I went to the supercar club last time, but unfortunately I didn't see Mr. Xiao!"

Hu Siya was full of imagination. It was said that Mr. Xiao in the Magic City had a stunning appearance. Unfortunately, she was at a level where she could never see him.

Her lover Qian Longfei was the same. He often mentioned Mr. Xiao recently, with a flattering look on his face.

"Forget it, the money in front of us is the most important."

This woman had been with several rich men before she hooked up with Qian Longfei.

But she actually has a partner who is about to get married.

A local of Shanghai, his name is Shen Yunjie, 27 years old, introverted, and a little indecisive.

His salary is not high, only 5,000 yuan.

He is honest. When the parents of my hometown met him during the blind date, they were very satisfied.

There is no way, people get married early in my hometown, and I have a younger brother, so my parents have been urging me.

Hu Siya is 22 years old, and she looks pretty good with a 70-point appearance.

"Is 500,000 yuan too little for a betrothal gift?"

Last time, she told her marriage partner Shen Yunjie that his family wanted 500,000 yuan for a betrothal gift before they could talk about marriage, and he hesitated.

Shen Yunjie's family conditions were average, and Hu Siya had never been to his home.

But she knew that he had a younger sister who was a freshman at Fudan University in Shanghai.

Many women of this type have played with rich men for a long time and are looking for an honest man to take over.

But Hu Siya's goal is far more than that.

"After we get the betrothal gifts, we can get divorced at worst."

Even if we don't get much property when we divorce, we still have these betrothal gifts!

Hu Siya, you are so smart!

Soon, Qian Longfei, who was beside Hu Siya, fell asleep after cursing.

Just now, he consumed a lot of energy.

Turning to the pillow, Hu Siya slept with another man while checking WeChat.

"What are you doing?"

In WeChat, Shen Yunjie, the person he married, sent such a message an hour ago.

But Hu Siya did not reply. She was with Qian Longfei at the time. You know.

In fact, Shen Yunjie was unjustly accused of being a cuckold, because he had never slept with Hu Siya, the person he married.

It was just holding hands and kissing.

"Honey, I want to wait until we get married, and then……"

Hu Siya just perfunctorily treated Shen Yunjie like this, and then went to bed with other men.

She knew very well that sleeping with Shen Yunjie was not profitable.

Soon, Shen Yunjie sent another WeChat message.

"Hey, my parents sold the house for 1.5 million."

Seeing this WeChat message, Hu Siya almost jumped out of bed

""Fuck, 1.5 million!"

Hu Siya hesitated and wanted to raise the price of the betrothal gift to 1 million, but she was afraid of scaring away this big fish.

She waited and stabilized first.

"Huh? When did it happen? ?"

Driven by money, Hu Siya replied to her marriage partner's WeChat in seconds.

On the other side, Shen Yunjie, who was sleeping in the company dormitory, saw the WeChat message sent back by his marriage partner Hu Siya through the bright mobile phone screen in the dark night.

"Siya finally replied to me!"

Shen Yunjie sat up from the single bed in the dormitory with a look of joy on his face.

He hesitated for a few days, and finally told her that his parents had sold the house.

Shen Yunjie had never had a girlfriend, and he didn't want to miss Hu Siya.

"It happened a few days ago." Shen Yunjie replied,"Siya, let's get married"

"Let's talk again in a few days. Good night."Hu Siya closed WeChat and went to sleep. She was also tired.

Tomorrow she had to accompany Qian Longfei to his classmate reunion. She had to get a good night's sleep to protect her face.

Seeing her marriage partner say good night, Shen Yunjie also said good night and sweet dreams like most humble licking dogs.

Then, he opened his sister Shen Qianqian's WeChat.

"Qianqian, are you working at Xilinmen Restaurant without telling your family?"

"Brother!" Shen Qianqian immediately sent a message back to her brother,"Don't tell my parents!"

This afternoon, a colleague of Shen Yunjie saw Shen Qianqian working odd jobs at Xilinmen Restaurant.

"Qianqian, you have finally been admitted to Fudan University, you should focus on your studies, understand?"

Even though he is extremely humble in love, but to his sister, Shen Yunjie is always a good brother.

"I'll come to see you tomorrow. You can't go on like this."

"Bro, it's okay!"

"How come nothing happened?" Shen Yunjie still remembered the look on his face when his colleague came back and told him about his sister's work situation.

He sighed and felt sorry for her.

"Your sister is so tired that she doesn't even have time to drink water, and sometimes she gets scolded by some tricky customers."

After letting his sister go to bed early, Shen Yunjie tossed and turned in bed.

"Should I get married or not?"

The pain in the hearts of many men across the country is a difficult hurdle to overcome.

In a world full of material desires.

Hu Siya has always been indifferent to him. Whenever he hesitates, she will give him expectations. For example, agreeing to a date, agreeing to have dinner, etc.

Shen Yunjie works in a construction company, a low-level employee.

There is a future, but it is not big.

He is not very good at communicating with others, and his experience in contact with women is even pitiful.

He met his marriage partner Hu Siya on a blind date. Later, he used WeChat and phone calls every day, and it took a lot of effort to get the other party to pay attention to him.

It's so difficult.

The cost of living in Shanghai is very high, and his salary can only barely make ends meet.

In order to make up for the betrothal gift, his parents even sold the family house, Longchang Apartment, for 1.5 million!

Now, the old couple rents a house in a low-rent house!

Two days ago, when his sister Shen Qianqian told him on WeChat that the house was sold for 1.5 million, he was shocked.

The family did not blame him for needing a betrothal gift of 500,000.

Although the house is old, it is the only place their family of four owns!

"I'll tell you after I see Qianqian tomorrow."

Parents are parents after all, and sister is sister after all.

After turning off the phone, the only light in front of Shen Yunjie disappeared.

The dormitory was dark, and the world was dark.

Time passed cruelly, and no one knew when Shen Yunjie fell asleep that night.

But when he opened his eyes, the dawn was piercing the darkness.

A new day is coming!

"It's morning."Waking up in the master bedroom of Tomson Yipin Mansion, Xiao Zihang pulled open the floor-to-ceiling curtains.

The sun was shining and the sky was cloudless.

The world had awakened, and the story was about to begin...

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