As far as I can see, it's still the cute girl Shen Qianqian.

She's wearing the waitress uniform of Xilinmen Restaurant, cleaning up the leftovers left by the guests at a table.

"Wow, who is Qianqian?"

A waitress next to her nudged Shen Qianqian with her arm and said with a smile,"So handsome!"

"My college classmate." Shen Qianqian introduced several waiter friends,"I'm here today to attend a class reunion."

Class reunion is now synonymous with a show-off.

There are so many classmates coming to Xilinmen Restaurant for dinner that the waiters here are used to it.

In the lobby on the first floor, Xiao Zihang and Shen Qianqian chatted casually for a few words, then went upstairs to the private room.

This class reunion was organized by the class monitor and was located on the east side of the restaurant, in the largest private room.

It can accommodate twenty people.

After entering, Xiao Zihang heard a familiar voice from high school.

""Xiao Zihang, are you here?"

The first person to speak was a girl in the class.

She was popular, there was nothing she could do about it.

Seeing Xiao Zihang now, the girl blushed.

"How come he is so handsome?"

Well-dressed and outstanding.

I had the impression that Xiao Zihang was a handsome guy, but when I met him today, I found that his looks were enough to outshine many male stars.

"Old classmate, come and sit down."

The one who greeted him was the class monitor Wen Chaofeng, a native of Shanghai, from a wealthy family.

Just as Xiao Zihang was looking for a seat to sit down, the door of the private room opened again.

"Am I not late?"

A little head popped in. It was the class beauty Dong Xiaoxue.

Today she was wearing a white dress with a beige sweater on the outside.

"Oh, Boss Xiao, you're here so early!" Dong Xiaoxue walked forward with a smile and sat down next to Xiao Zihang. The people present only took Dong Xiaoxue's address as a joke.

"Everyone hasn't arrived yet, let's wait."

Including Xiao Zihang, there are only two men and two women here, a total of four people.

But the seating position makes squad leader Wen Chaofeng very unhappy.

There are empty seats around him, while next to Xiao Zihang, there is a girl on each side.


Forget it, you are handsome and you are right, we don't care about these details.

The rest of the people haven't arrived yet, and the class monitor, as the initiator and organizer of this class reunion, has to liven up the atmosphere.

"Xiao Zihang, how is Fudan University?"

Xiao Zihang was admitted to Fudan University in Shanghai, and the whole class envied him.

But that's all.

Graduating from a prestigious university doesn't mean you can make a lot of money in the future.

In this society, money is everything.

While talking, the female classmate noticed the scent of cologne emanating from Xiao Zihang.

It was as warm as the sun.

This bottle of perfume was the one Qin Feifei gave him.

"What a nice smell!"

Men like to smell women's perfume, and so do women.

Cologne can completely stimulate men's charm.

Then, she noticed Xiao Zihang's clothes, dark brown windbreaker jacket and shirt

"The material looks good, and the workmanship is fine. I wonder how much it costs."The girl knew that this dress would not be cheap.

But she was not so good at it.

"University is a small society, it is the first step into society."Xiao Zihang said calmly,"When will your class start?"

Wen Chaofeng applied for a university in another city, which was neither good nor bad.

"It's only a few days away, and you guys at Fudan are the first to start school."

It won't be long before everyone goes their separate ways, and most of them probably won't see or contact each other.

There are about 20 students coming this time, and they are all active in class.

Those who don't do well in class often don't attend the class reunion.

A few minutes later, a few more students arrived.

"Oh, the monitor is really good-looking today!"

The two boys walked over to sit next to the monitor. They and Xiao Zihang were just ordinary classmates.

"Are the others coming soon?" the squad leader asked the people who came over.

"Well, Xiaoqiang and Xiaoli will be here soon!"

After sitting down, the two male classmates smiled at Xiao Zihang as a greeting. Then, they praised the class monitor.

In the high school class, apart from the rich second generation Qian Longfei, the class monitor Wen Chaofeng had the best economic conditions.

"Wow, monitor, your watch is so cool!"

""It's OK." After the squad leader Wen Chaofeng sat down, he kept shaking his arms intentionally or unintentionally to attract attention to his watch.

However, Xiao Zihang and the others were really uncooperative!

Rolex Green Submariner Series 116610LV-97200 Green Dial Watch.

It is considered a relatively luxurious watch.

It was sold for more than 50,000 yuan back then, but it may not be available for 100,000 yuan now.

"Squad leader, this is a Rolex green submariner, it costs at least 100,000 now!"

"Wow, you’re wearing such a nice watch right after graduation! It’s almost as good as a cheap car!

"It's just a watch."

The class monitor's vanity was greatly satisfied. These two classmates were reliable.

Unlike Xiao Zihang, who ignored him as the class monitor because he was surrounded by girls and didn't say a word of flattery.

"Monitor, Rolex is a very good watch, right?"The class beauty Dong Xiaoxue asked with a smile.

"Well, Rolex is of course a luxury watch."

Seeing that the class beauty was interested, the class monitor Wen Chaofeng was happy to answer

"But that's all. There are many watches better than Rolex. We are still students, so there is no need to compare."

Who doesn't like to compare?

Just now, Dong Xiaoxue accidentally saw the watch strap faintly visible in Xiao Zihang's sleeve.

"It turns out that our boss Xiao also wears a watch."

Due to Xiao Zihang's instructions, Dong Xiaoxue didn't tell everyone.

I don't know what kind of watch Xiao Zihang wears, but it is definitely better than Rolex.

Not long after, more students arrived.

"Wow, handsome Xiao Zihang, you are getting more and more handsome!"

"Class beauty, you are still so beautiful!"

"The monitor is awesome, this watch is a Rolex?"

More than a dozen students sat at the round table with 20 people.

"Come, come, eat and drink tea."

The monitor has been welcoming all the students. It is difficult to serve the dishes before everyone arrives.

He prepared some melon seeds, peanuts, fruits and chocolates in advance and distributed them to everyone.

"Squad leader, you already wear a Rolex, do you have a sports car?"

"It's just a Mercedes." The monitor thought this student was very reliable, and he gave him a chance to show off by giving him an example.

"This is it." The squad leader showed everyone the photos he had taken on his phone.

It was a simple, unobtrusive

Mercedes-Benz SL, priced at over one million.

Seeing the red convertible sports car on the squad leader's phone, Xiao Zihang smiled and said,"This car is good, with a 270kW 3.0L twin-turbocharged engine, a top speed of 250 kilometers per hour, and an acceleration time of 4.9 seconds from 0 to 100 kilometers."

I can't help it, I have too many cars, and I don't want to be an expert in this area.

""Xiao Zihang, I didn't realize you were so professional!"

The squad leader was so happy that Xiao Zihang finally admitted that his car was great!

This feeling is like someone who has always ignored you suddenly praises your good things.

It feels great to be praised by others!

"Major!" Another male classmate laughed and said,"Xiao Zihang, tell me the truth, you didn't go to Fudan University, but the Automotive Maintenance College, right?" There was something else in his words, with a hint of sarcasm.

This male classmate was the younger brother of the rich second generation Qian Longfei, and he didn't like Xiao Zihang when he was in school.

"Come to think of it, don’t our Fudan geniuses have a lot of cars?" Another male classmate said,"Come on, drive one out for everyone to see."

There are so many car keys posted on WeChat Moments, why don’t you drive one out?

"But let’s be honest, there are indeed many out-of-print supercars in Shanghai recently."

A classmate was very interested in the recent situation. He took out his mobile phone and showed everyone some pictures he could find online.

"Wow, these cars are really top-notch! Lamborghini Veneno, 70 million! Look at this Aston Martin 77, and Bugatti Veyron Hermès, this is the world of the rich!"

"Qian Longfei in our class has a pretty good Porsche 918, it’s worth tens of millions!"

"Look at this, do you know the Rolls-Royce Shadow? Most people can't recognize it. Don't be fooled by its appearance, it's not as handsome as a supercar, this car is 90 million!"

"So expensive?"A girl exclaimed. She couldn't imagine that a car cost nearly 100 million yuan.

Wouldn't it be better to have the money to buy a big villa?

"Let me tell you, have you noticed the license plates of these cars?"

All the license plates of the out-of-print supercars have a similarity. Perhaps, these cars belong to one person.

"Really, the license plate is so unique and extravagant!"

"These cars are most likely owned by the richest second generation in Shanghai. Could it be the legendary Young Master Jiang?"


Suddenly, the class beauty Dong Xiaoxue laughed out loud.

She couldn't hold it back any longer. Please stop bragging, please. I beg you.

What should I do? I really want to spoil the story!

The rich man you are talking about is right here!

Xiao Zihang!

Among so many high school classmates, only she knows the truth, but she can't tell it.

The feeling of holding back is like having ten thousand ants crawling on her body, itching extremely

"Class beauty, what are you laughing at?"

Many classmates were puzzled when they saw Dong Xiaoxue suddenly laughing.

"Oh, nothing."Dong Xiaoxue ate a small orange and kept her mouth shut, but her head was already turned to Xiao Zihang.

The Rolls-Royce in the photo just now,���It's the one I saw at Bandai Plaza last time.

It turns out this car is worth 90 million!

Based on the license plate and what my classmates said, the luxury supercars in these photos should all belong to Xiao Zihang.

"Dong Xiaoxue, you are really smart!"

Her eyes were suddenly filled with surprise.

As expected of Boss Xiao, a car costs nearly 100 million yuan, and there are more than one! With so many supercars, what will happen to the rich second generation Qian Longfei after he knows the truth?

""Just watch the show quietly later."

While everyone was chatting, another male classmate rushed in.

"Xiaoqiang, why are you running so fast? Are you afraid that we won't wait for you?"

Everyone looked at the door and joked with the student who came in.

"You guys, you guys!" Xiao Qiang was so excited that he was sweating all over. What he saw just now was too shocking."Guess what I saw just now?"

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