"Haha, OK, I'll leave this to you."

Professor Yang smiled and took his fiancée Zhao Yelin out of the matter. Since the great Master Xiao said to leave it to him, Professor Yang would not join in the fun. Young people should solve their own problems. He only needs to watch the results quietly.

Anyway, it must be a satisfactory ending.

Xiao Zihang's tough attitude made Qian Longfei's patience reach its limit.

Several younger brothers around him were even more furious.

"Xiao Zihang, please be careful with your words!"

"What did Brother Fei do wrong? I'm glad I didn't ask you to apologize. Don't push me any further!"

Don't think you can do whatever you want just because two professors from Fudan are backing you up!

Once again, the atmosphere in the box was on the verge of collapse.

"Oh, forget it, I can't do anything about it!" The peacemaker squad leader sighed, he was powerless.

At this time, a man suddenly came in at the door of Xilinmen Restaurant downstairs.

"Hello, do you know Shen Qianqian?"

A gentleman with glasses hurriedly walked to a table of guests and asked a waitress,

"Qianqian?" Sister Zhou asked doubtfully,"What do you want to see her about?""

"I am her brother. Where is she now?"

After having lunch in the company cafeteria, Shen Yunjie immediately came to look for his sister.

"Oh, it's Qianqian's brother." The waitress, Sister Zhou, pointed to the largest private room upstairs and said,"She's over there."

"Thank you, thank you!"After saying thank you, Shen Yunjie quickly ran upstairs and walked towards the largest private room.

When he arrived at the door, he heard a voice.

"Qian Longfei, apologize, otherwise you will bear the consequences."

What happened?

With doubts, Shen Yunjie hesitated for a moment, and then saw his sister Shen Qianqian in the box.


Seeing the worried look on his sister's face, Shen Yunjie knew something was wrong.

"Brother!" Shen Qianqian bit her lip and shouted,"Brother, why are you here?"

Shen Yunjie's arrival shifted everyone's attention again.

"Who are you?"Li Haobin, who was standing next to Xiao Zihang, looked at the man who suddenly appeared. He was wearing black-framed glasses, was above average in height, looked gentle and had a good temper.

"Are you her brother?" Zhang Qijun on the other side seemed to see a good show going on,"Hey, friend, you came at the right time!"

Zhang Qijun pointed at Qian Longfei and Hu Siya and said to Shen Yunjie:"Your sister was bullied, yes, it was these two guys!"

"You bully my sister?"

In a restaurant, what else can it be?

Isn't it just making things difficult?

Sure enough, it was a mistake to let my sister work here!

"Who do you think you are?"

Qian Longfei got angry. Xiao Zihang asked him to apologize, and you, a man who came out of nowhere, also wanted him to apologize?

"I bullied your sister?" Qian Longfei was angry and amused,"Come on, it's your sister who didn't study hard at Fudan University and came here to work as a waitress. A waitress, of course, serves people. I asked her to serve me but she refused, so how can I bully her?"

Anyway, Qian Longfei eliminated all the unfavorable factors and only picked out the good ones.


This tone, what else could it be but a hooligan?

Shen Yunjie suppressed his anger and looked at the woman next to Qian Longfei. She was also one of the people who bullied his sister.

Suddenly, Shen Yunjie was stunned.

"Siya!?"Shen Yunjie didn't expect to see his marriage partner here,"You, why are you here?"

""Ah!?" Zhang Qijun felt that this matter was not simple, and asked again,"Do you know each other?"

""Siya?" Shen Yunjie asked again.

But Hu Siya blushed and didn't know how to answer.

"Brother, she is it?"

Shen Qianqian covered her mouth, the truth couldn't be so cruel, right?

"Are you the one that Shen Qianqian's brother is going to marry?" Xiao Zihang stepped forward, his tone full of sarcasm. Today's incident opened his eyes."Haha, you are quite shameless."

""What the hell is going on?"

Instantly, the whole box was in chaos.

"Yunjie, you, she is your sister?"

I never expected that the waitress serving dishes at Xilinmen Restaurant was the younger sister of Shen Yunjie, the person I was going to marry.

A freshman at Fudan University, what a coincidence!

"Oh, tsk tsk, I finally figured it out!" Li Haobin shook his head and patted Shen Yunjie's shoulder with his big hand,"My condolences, my friend, you've been cheated on."

""You, what is your relationship with this man?" Shen Yunjie pointed at Qian Longfei with a gloomy face.

Qian Longfei was furious when being pointed at like this.

Damn, it seems like I seduced others?

Turning around, Qian Longfei asked Hu Siya coldly:"Explain, who is he?"

"I, he and I are just ordinary friends!" Hu Siya had a strong desire to survive,"He has been pestering me, there is really nothing between him and me!"


Qian Longfei didn't believe it, but he pretended to believe it so that he could save face.

""Yeah!" Hu Siya immediately distanced herself from Shen Yunjie,"This man is mentally ill, Long Fei, you have to believe me!"

"Siya, are you so heartless?"Shen Yunjie couldn't believe that this woman actually did such a thing in front of him.

""Who is heartless?" Hu Siya defended,"It's you who has been pestering me!"

""Okay, okay!" Shen Yunjie smiled bitterly, took out his mobile phone, and held the WeChat chat evidence in his hand,"These chat records can't be fake, right?"

"Me!" Hu Siya knew she couldn't pretend anymore, so she had to bite the bullet and say,"Shen Yunjie, you better understand, I'm not your wife, I have my personal freedom! You control me? Who do you think you are!"

"What do you mean by that?" Shen Yunjie felt like the sky was falling,"Isn't it possible for me to take care of this kind of thing?"

"We are not married, we just had a blind date!" Hu Siya pointed at Shen Yunjie and said viciously,"These things are my personal freedom!"

This kind of bad girl's remarks refreshed many students' worldviews.

"Isn’t this woman too shameless?"

"How can you do this? You're flirting with someone else while you're still looking for a marriage partner?"

Hu Siya's words made Qian Longfei lose face.

But he was in a dilemma.

"Qian Longfei, you are going too far." What happened today also refreshed Xiao Zihang's three views,"This woman is already someone else's marriage partner, and you still seduce her to sleep with her?"

This sentence pushed Qian Longfei to an irretrievable fate.

""Xiao Zihang, stop slandering me!" Qian Longfei's fingers creaked,"Who knew there were so many things behind this? I was just playing with this woman!""

Bitch, get rid of her as soon as possible!"

""Longfei, things are really not what you think!"

Hu Siya begged desperately. Now she was surrounded by enemies, and only Qian Longfei could save her.

"Get out of here!" Qian Longfei pushed Hu Siya away and wiped his hands in disgust.

"Siya, I didn't expect you to be such a person."

Shen Yunjie could only smile bitterly. He knew that his marriage partner Hu Siya once had a husband in the game.

It was a fairy-tale game, and many men and women got married in the game and called each other husband and wife.

But he thought it was a game, so he pretended not to see it.

Moreover, Hu Siya hadn't played that game recently, so it should have been over.

Shen Yunjie was just a humble licking dog.

A licking dog, licking until he had nothing.

Who would have thought that Hu Siya would appear here today?

"Holding hands and kissing me, is that right? Going straight to bed with others?"

Shen Yunjie saw through it, and there was no more ripples in his heart.

""Brother, are you okay?" Shen Qianqian walked to her brother with concern, but she didn't know how to comfort him.

Anyone who encountered such a blow would not be able to remain rational.

"It's okay, I'm fine, Qianqian."When Shen Yunjie comforted his sister, he thought of every little detail of his family's life.

Indeed, the only people in this world who are really good to you are your relatives.

When he was a child, he and his sister lived in Longchang Apartment. Although the conditions were difficult, the family was very happy.

Later, he and his sister grew up.

He worked and the pressure of life became greater and greater.

His sister was admitted to Fudan University and her future was bright.

"If you want to marry me, you have to pay 500,000 yuan as a gift!"

This sentence became the last straw that broke the camel's back for Shen Yunjie's family.

For the 500,000 yuan gift, his parents even sold their house, and deposited 1.5 million yuan in the bank for him to marry a wife.

His sister also worked outside for family reasons and was bullied in the restaurant.

It was all because of him as a son. The brother was useless! He paid so much, but what was the result?

That woman, while asking you for a high gift, went to bed with other men!

She just wanted the money! She just treated you as an honest man to take over!

The tears of grievance could no longer be stopped.

A man cried in the box, silent tears.

The whole audience was silent

"Qianqian." Suddenly, Shen Yunjie wiped away his tears, smiled, and let it go,"I won't get married."

"With this money, our family will buy another house to live in, and your name will be written on the property certificate. It will be kept for you."

"Brother!" How could Shen Qianqian agree to her brother's nonsense,"Even if our family really buys a new house, we have to write your name on it!"

This woman can't do that, there are other things.

Save it for you as a wedding house.

The conversation between the brother and sister made Gu Qingwei sad.

"In Shanghai, can you really buy a house for 1.5 million?"

Is it possible for a second-hand house? Is it possible for a very small house? Is it possible for a house in the suburbs?

The hope is slim, but it is better than despair.

"Maybe he has a way?"

Gu Qingwei looked at Xiao Zihang. He brought too many incredible

"Qianqian, don't worry. Even if I have to search the entire Magic City, I will find a new home for our family!"

A few days ago, Shen Qianqian told her brother Shen Yunjie.

"Brother, our family is rich now."

Now, Shen Yunjie promised his sister that one day, he would be able to say that

"Sister, we have a house now!"

At this moment, a man stood up!

Shen Yunjie raised his head and walked towards Hu Siya step by step.

Seeing the always cowardly Shen Yunjie coming aggressively, Hu Siya was anxious.

"Shen Yunjie, what do you want to do! You want to get married with a measly salary of 5,000 yuan a month? You want to get married even though your family hesitated to give you a 500,000 yuan betrothal gift? You want to get married after selling your house for 1.5 million yuan?"

"You are dreaming, I can't possibly marry a loser like you!"

Walking in front of Hu Siya, Shen Yunjie raised his hand and then dropped it heavily.


A crisp slapping sounded.

"Hu Siya, this slap in the face is to thank you for not marrying me!!!"

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