"Big star?"

Qin Feifei didn't react for a moment. What did Xiao Zihang mean by this?

""Yes or no." Xiao Zi only gave one of the two answers.

""Being a star has always been Qin Feifei's dream, otherwise why would she go to the Magic City Drama Academy?

"I will take you to see a teacher tomorrow afternoon. If you want to be a big star, you must start from the most basic place."

The two chatted intimately on WeChat for a while, and Xiao Zihang went out for dinner.

The next morning, he came to the underground parking lot.

"This Lamborghini Egoista is really cool, but it's a pity that it's only for single people."

There's only one driver's seat, so I'm going to discourage all the girls who try to approach me."

"Get another one and make do with it for a day."

Taking out the car keys, Xiao Zihang picked up a red supercar.

Lamborghini VenenoRter, convertible version, limited to 9 units worldwide, priced at 80 million, license plate A·VR888.

This is a tribute model to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the birth of the Lamborghini brand. It is equipped with a 6.5-liter V12 engine with a maximum power of 750 horsepower, all-wheel drive mode, and five driving modes to choose from.

The acceleration time from 0 to 100 kilometers is 2.9 seconds, and the maximum speed is 355km/h.

The net weight is 1,490 kilograms, and the weight-to-power ratio is 1.99kg:1.

Ferrari has always been the most representative color of red, and in fact, Lamborghini is also.

Big Bull, of course I like red.

Unrestrained! Free! The ultimate speed experience!

Driving a convertible, Xiao Zihang left Tomson Yipin and went to Fudan University to study.

When he arrived at the school gate, he shocked all the teachers and students again

"Xiao Zihang from the School of Economics, here he comes! Here he comes, and he drives his new car again!"

"He is so rich and inhumane. He changes his luxury supercar every day, right?"

"Why did you let me see him driving to school?"

After parking the car, Xiao Zihang went to the School of Economics. When he arrived at the steps of the building, he saw Gu Qingwei

"Good morning, senior"

"I came to thank you."

I left in a hurry yesterday and didn't have time to thank you.

This morning, Gu Qingwei came to the School of Economics.

"It's just a piece of cake."

Yesterday, Shen Qianqian had already quit her job at Xilinmen Restaurant.

Because of Xiao Zihang's relationship, the boss of Xilinmen gave Shen Qianqian double her salary as a reward for her excellent work.

Now, she can concentrate on school.

"When will Professor Yang go to the airport?"

"The afternoon passed."Gu Qingwei replied,"This time we went abroad to investigate in order to bring back some lithography machine technology."

If you don't experience it yourself, you won't know how difficult it is.

Foreign lithography machine technology started early, and if China wants to catch up, it must make three or even ten times the effort.

If you fall behind, you will be beaten.

The two chatted as they walked. After sending Xiao Zihang to the School of Economics, Gu Qingwei waved goodbye.

As soon as the morning class was over, Xiao Zihang went out for dinner.

When he arrived at Handan Road, he saw Shen Qianqian standing by the road, waving at passing taxis.

Unfortunately, they were all full, and she hadn't gotten a taxi yet.

"Where are you going? I'll take you there."

Xiao Zihang came to Shen Qianqian with a smile.

The sudden greeting startled Shen Qianqian.

"Oh my!" She touched her chest and turned her eyes from the road to the side. Seeing that it was Xiao Zihang, she was overjoyed.

"Xiao - Mr. Xiao, why are you here?"

"You should call me by my name." Xiao Zihang took out the car keys from his pocket and said,"Where are you going? I'll take you there.""

"Then I'll treat you to a meal."Shen Qianqian put her hands behind her back, tiptoed, and looked up at Xiao Zihang's eyes.

The wind blew gently across her face, and the sun was shining brightly.

"Thank you gift?"

"Yeah." Shen Qianqian nodded shyly,"I don't have any money, so I can only treat you to a simple meal. Thank you so much for yesterday.""

"Xilinmen Restaurant?"

After thinking about it, Xiao Zihang felt that it would be the most appropriate place to go.


"Let's go." Xiao Zihang brought Shen Qianqian to his Lamborghini Veneno Rter.

Sitting in the passenger seat, Shen Qianqian was like a kitten breaking into someone else's luxury car, timid and fearful.

"The seat belt is here."

Xiao Zihang leaned over and fastened Shen Qianqian's seat belt.

""Yeah." Feeling Xiao Zihang's warm masculine scent, Shen Qianqian couldn't help blushing, but she also knew that the gap between them was too big.

In the future, as long as she could see him often in school and talk to him occasionally, it would be enough.

This was Shen Qianqian's little dream.

"Xiao——Zihang, how much is your car?"

Shen Qianqian looked around, the interior of the car made her feel what luxury is.

The red top leather and carbon fiber are mixed, and the visual impact is full.

"80 million."

Anyway, Shen Qianqian knew that he was rich and inhumane, so there was no need to lie.

"So expensive?"Shen Qianqian could only sigh that the gap between people was too big, but she was a contented girl. As long as life was okay, she would be happy every day.

Starting the supercar, this red convertible sports car caused a commotion on the streets of Magic City.

"Damn, the supercar team just ended yesterday, and today a Lamborghini VenenoRter appeared!"

"Recently, all the out-of-print supercars have appeared in our Magic City. What's going on?"

Crossing the street, Xiao Zihang came to Xilinmen Restaurant.

Revisiting the old place, Shen Qianqian's mentality was different.

After sitting down in a small box on the second floor, the waitress Zhou came over.

"Hello, Mr. Xiao. Qianqian, what would you like to eat?"

When Shen Qianqian was working at Xilinmen Restaurant, she was always taken care of by Sister Zhou.

""Let me order."

Xiao Zihang looked at the menu and ordered a plate of braised pork, a plate of stir-fried vegetables, a plate of stir-fried cauliflower, and a bowl of tomato egg drop soup.

The total price was just over 60 yuan.

"Is that enough?"Sister Zhou thought it was Xiao Zihang who was treating, and felt that these dishes were not worthy of the great Master Xiao.

"Let's have something light, that's all."

After Sister Zhou left, Shen Qianqian apologized and said,"You ordered so little, it's less than a hundred yuan in total."

"Price is not important."It doesn't matter if it's expensive or cheap. In the eyes of the rich, prices are equal.

Half an hour later, the two finished lunch.

Shen Qianqian paid the bill and followed Xiao Zihang out happily.

"Where are you going? I'll take you there."

Knowing that Shen Qianqian hadn't reached her destination yet, Xiao Zihang asked again.

"I want to go home"

"Going home?" Xiao Zihang walked to the sports car, pressed the key and opened the scissor door,"Hometown?"

"Well, I want to go back and see"

""Let's go." Xiao Zihang started the sports car and drove Shen Qianqian to her hometown which no longer belonged to her. On the way, Xiao Zihang knew that Shen Qianqian's family had lived in Longchang Apartment.

That place was one of the oldest apartments in the city and had long been dilapidated.

"It's rare that you are so optimistic and cheerful."

"What else?" Shen Qianqian said with a smile, facing the wind rushing past the windshield of the supercar,"Of course, people should be happy."

When Xiao Zihang's Lamborghini arrived at the patio of Longchang Apartment, many residents of the tube-shaped building came out to watch.

"Wow, this car is so beautiful, it must be worth a lot of money!"

"Rich people, but why do rich people come to our place?"

Most of the people living in Longchang Apartment are old men and women, or aunts and uncles.

They commented on Xiao Zihang's car. Suddenly, these people saw Shen Qianqian in the passenger seat.

"Hey , Qianqian! Girl, why are you back?"

An old lady came over with a smile, took Shen Qianqian's hand and said,"Didn't your family sell the house here? It seems that it's not bad outside!"

���The sports car

"Aunt Li."Shen Qianqian hadn't seen these neighbors for half a month."We bought a house outside and it's pretty good now."

"That's good, that's good."An uncle came up to say hello,"Qianqian, your family should really move out." It

's really not easy for a family of four to squeeze into such a small place.

Longchang Apartment is a U-shaped tube building with a huge patio in the middle and a circular corridor connecting the entire floor.

There is no independent kitchen and bathroom here, and daily washing, brushing teeth, and cooking are all done in the corridor.

There are 50 families on one floor, and some even have three generations of grandparents and grandchildren squeezed into a small shabby house.

Every noon and evening, the whole building is filled with fragrance. The children who live here have grown up eating at hundreds of families.

Neighbors see each other every day and have a good relationship.

If there are any difficulties, everyone helps each other.

The honesty of the countryside is retained, and there are fewer urban intrigues.

In 2015, Longchang Apartment was listed as an outstanding historical building in Shanghai, and it has nothing to do with demolition.

People who live here either move out or continue to live like this.

In recent years, more and more young people have left here.

After saying hello to the neighbors, Shen Qianqian took Xiao Zihang to her former home.

"It's right here." Shen Qianqian pointed to a dilapidated apartment in front and said,"Someone else lives there now, so we won't go in."

"Your family has been amazing over the years."

Xiao Zihang looked at the small apartment and said nothing more.

"Well, my wish has come true. Shen Qianqian turned around and said goodbye to the place where she had grown up.���,""From now on, I won't come back, ah la la la!"

Humming, she walked downstairs with brisk steps, ran to the flower bed in the middle of the patio, took out a plastic bag from her pocket, and then used a branch on the ground to dig up the soil.

Dig some soil and put it in the plastic bag.

Now I will never come back, taking away a handful of soil from my hometown.

Looking at Shen Qianqian squatting on the ground, digging mud and taking it away, Xiao Zihang reached out and gently touched her head.

"You, why are you touching my head?"

Shen Qianqian lowered her head and blushed.

The head-touching skill is a skill that can instantly make a girl's heart explode.

"Good luck to you"

""Puchi!" Shen Qianqian laughed until tears came out,"Thank you, Mr. Xiao, you great man."

She stood up again and put away the plastic bag containing the soil.

"Take this mud back and plant flowers."

Then, Xiao Zihang and Shen Qianqian left Longchang Apartment and returned to Fudan University.

After letting Shen Qianqian get off the car, Xiao Zihang started the engine again and drove towards the Magic City Drama Academy.

"Feifei, I'm coming."In WeChat, Xiao Zihang asked Qin Feifei to get ready.

Take you to take the first step to become a big star!

"Well, I’ll be right out!"

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