City: No One Understands Finance Better Than Me

Chapter 103 Unexpected acquaintances!

Push yourself up!?

Chu Ge felt the warm breath in his ear, and of course he understood what it meant to push himself. Although he never meant it, since someone wanted to rush to bring it up, Chu Ge had no reason to refuse.

If this is rejected, I am afraid Zhang Aiqing and the others will begin to doubt their sexual orientation.

"Hero, Cheng Xiao sister is proud," Zhao Jinming said with a smile, "Well, even if you lose, I will give you a second female position.

After all, Zhao Jinming showed Chu Ge an expression that a man can understand!

"Since you're so confident, let's play cards" Chu Ge's face showed an excited expression for the first time.

In his opinion, this bet is very interesting!

This little Huadan named Cheng Xiao is very interesting!

After Cheng Xiao put his body back to the original position again, with a confident smile on his face, he turned over his cards.


Q, K, A!


No wonder Cheng Xiao showed unconcealed joy on his face after seeing the card. It turned out to be the biggest card under the leopard.

It is also the biggest card in the entire game today except for Chu Ge and Wanqian's first hand!

After seeing Cheng Xiao's hole card, Chu Ge's face showed no expression, because he hadn't even looked at his own cards from beginning to end.


Chu Ge opened the first card on his table and looked at it, yo, wouldn't it be so coincidental?

Seven of Hearts!

Seven of hearts again, the first card in Chu Ge's first hand is the seven of hearts.

Seeing this card, Cheng Xiao's pupils shrank, she also thought that it was not so coincidental.

the second one!

Chu Ge turned over a card again, and the moment he saw the card, he smiled.

Seven of Spades!

Seven of spades again, exactly the same as the first card!

"Interesting, very interesting" Zhao Jinming smiled.

Just when everyone was looking forward to Chu Ge's third card, Chu Ge suddenly stopped his hand on the covered card.

"Do you want to raise?" Chu Ge asked with his usual smile.

"Huh?" Cheng Xiao swallowed, she was nervous!

"Ten million!" Chu Ge stretched out a finger. "If you win, I will give you an additional ten million. 35

"Then I lost." Seeing the harmless smile on Chu Ge's face, Cheng Xiao felt a chill inexplicably.

"It's very simple, just drink up the wine on the table~" Chu Ge glanced at it with his hands and looked at Cheng Xiao with a smile.

"I took it." Cheng Xiao was silent for a while and said loudly, "I don't believe your hand will still be three sevens!

The moment Cheng Xiao was silent just now, he was thinking about the problem of cheating by the waiter, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was impossible.

Because the waiter didn't know that he would bet so big with Chu Ge, it was impossible for him to prepare such a trap in advance.

And if this is really a prepared trap, then she also recognizes it.

If the person who calculated her can calculate to this extent, then she also loses without complaining.

Hearing Cheng Xiao's words, Chu Ge smiled and took back the hand on the card, and said in a puzzled expression, "In order to fear that you won't accept the loss, you will open the last card yourself! 35

"Okay" Cheng Xiao trembled and put his hand on the card.

Because of Chu Ge's series of actions, the confidence that she had built up has disappeared, and now she is only worried.


Plum Blossom Seven!

Cheng Xiao suddenly fell down on the sofa, looking at everything in front of her, as if she was suddenly discouraged.

Lost, and lost badly!

After a short silence, Cheng Xiao reached out and was about to undo the dress on her body, but was suddenly interrupted by Zhao Jinming's voice.

"Forget it, we can't take advantage of my brother." Zhao Jinming winked at Chu Ge for a while.

Cheng Xiao stopped his movements when he heard Zhao Jinming's words, and after a while of silence, he picked up the wine glass on the table.

five minutes later!

"Fat brother, please send it to my house later." Chu Ge put the key of his villa on the table while pointing at Cheng Hou, who was slumped on the sofa.

"By the way, find two more people to take care of it," Chu Ge added.

"Don't worry, leave it to me, don't worry, everything is arranged for you!" Zhao Jinming's face showed an expression that I understand.

"Junior, my father just sent me a message, they have already arrived" Zhang Aiqing's voice came from outside the door.

Chu Ge, who was lying on the bed, was awakened by the sound. He had just drank a large glass of red wine, and got up a little early in the morning. He was indeed a little tired.

Fifteen minutes later, under the leadership of Zhang Aiqing, Chu Ge walked to the Jinling Clubhouse, which was only a few hundred meters away from the villa.

If he didn't know in advance, Chu Ge probably wouldn't even be able to see it even if he passed by here.

With its mottled exterior walls and a wooden door similar to the gate of his hometown, it will be a top-level clubhouse where only the super-rich with a net worth of tens of billions can get tickets.

"Aren't you a little surprised?" Zhang Aiqing said when she saw Chu Ge's expression.

"I'm really surprised." Chu Ge did not deny it. "I didn't expect that this top clubhouse, which can only be entered by a net worth of tens of billions of dollars, would look so ordinary. It is no exaggeration to say that it is similar to the house in our hometown that I saw in my hometown when I was a child. .

"I was surprised when I came here for the first time." Zhang Aiqing smiled, not surprised at all by his performance.

"The predecessor of this Jinling Club was actually back then," Zhang Aiqing continued, "My grandfather and his old comrades gathered together, and it became the Jinling Club later.

"The building from decades ago, can it not look dilapidated?" Zhang Aiqing said with a smile.

His grandfather and old comrade-in-arms?

It was the first time that Chu Ge heard Zhang Aiqing mention his grandfather, and he didn't expect this Jinling Club to come from this kind of origin.

But if Chu Ge guessed correctly, his grandfather's old comrades in arms have a high probability of being related to Zhao Jinming, Lei Heng and even the grandfather of Sister Yun.

"Long experience," Chu Ge's eyes flashed with brilliance, and then said to Zhang Aiqing.

"Let's go," Zhang Aiqing said to Chu Ge with a smile, and then he went straight ahead and knocked on the door.

"Ai Shao?" After the door opened, a burly man first showed half of his face, and after seeing Zhang Aiqing, he opened the door completely.

"Is my father here?" Zhang Aiqing asked.

"Here, Master Zhang is drinking tea with Secretary Wu inside," the man said truthfully after welcoming Zhang Aiqing in.

Just when Chu Ge was about to come in, he was stopped by the burly man, "Only members of this club can enter, even if you are Ai Shao's friend.

"Yo, look, my father told me to send your information to them, but I forgot." Zhang Aiqing heard the guard's voice and suddenly remembered that when his father gave him the VIP card yesterday, Ask him to pass Chu Ge's message to the clubhouse.

"It's okay" Chu Ge was a little speechless, but he still smiled and took out the VIP card in his pocket.

The burly man "Chu Ge" took a close look at Chu Ge's VIP card, and after making sure that several small details were correct, he looked carefully at Chu Ge again and then moved away.

"(Good Money Zhao) Well, he has remembered your appearance now." Zhang Aiqing came over and patted Chu Ge's shoulder. "When I come out, I will send them another picture of you, and later When you come again, you can swipe your face directly without having to bring your VIP card!

"Is that remember?" Chu Ge was a little unconvinced, after all, the man only looked at him three times from beginning to end.

"Enough, they are trained in shorthand, they are not the same as ordinary people like us," Zhang Aiqing explained.

Specially trained?

ordinary people?

Although Chu Ge was a little puzzled, he didn't get into it, after all, there were still people waiting for him inside.

Following Zhang Aiqing Chu Ge to a room, he vaguely heard someone talking through the door.

Just when Chu Ge was about to knock on the door, suddenly an unusually familiar voice came from inside, making Chu Ge a little stunned.

How could it be her?

After Zhang Aiqing opened the door, Chu Ge walked in and saw that in addition to Zhang Chengming and a dignified middle-aged man who seemed to be in a high position, there was also a girl about his age.

A familiar face! Yu.

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