City: No One Understands Finance Better Than Me

Chapter 114 Tens of millions in one second!

Five billion dollars!

Chu Ge took a look at his account, from when he opened the average position at 38.09, and finally raised his average selling position to 38.39 after he sold a large order of 100 million US dollars.

This wave of his operations, not much or not, just made a profit of 30 points.

Thirty-point profit of four billion dollars brought him a net profit of more than one billion dollars again.

After this wave of operations, Chu Ge's account net worth once again made a big breakthrough, jumping from US$4 billion to more than US$5.2 billion.

Then, just when Chu Ge looked at his account equity, the crude oil market changed again.

The main bears, after eating the remaining more than 200,000 hands of the bulls at the 38.50 position, after a short period of sideways sweeping the goods, began to smash the market again and again.

Just half an hour later, the crude oil price has also been forced to 38.20 by the main bears again, and Zhao Jinming and Zhang Aiqing have all landed safely in this wave.

Among these three people, Zhang Aiqing and Zhao Jinming had similar gains, with a net profit of about 60 points, but Lei Heng surprised Chu Ge a little, he actually made a full profit of 75 points.

From this point of view, Lei Heng has almost bought at the highest point of crude oil price today at 390 and sold it at 38.20. After all, it is 75 points from today's highest point of 38.95 to 38.20.

However, although this wave of market prices is OK, Chu Ge did not choose to participate. The main problem is that his funds are already a bit huge, with a total of 5.2 billion US dollars, so he is not active in the crude oil market. At the time, there is no way to enter all of them.

Moreover, the main bears have too little time for him to accumulate.

Of course, although Chu Ge can't put all his funds into the market, he can still invest hundreds of millions of dollars along with the shorts, and he can also make a profit of tens of millions of dollars.

But this amount of money is better than nothing for the current Chu Ge.

After all, he this morning.

No, to be precise, it should be close to three billion dollars in profit in the past two hours!

Compared with three billion dollars, a mere tens of millions of dollars is really nothing.

Big dog, that's it!

Unknowingly, Chu Ge has become the kind of big money he envied the most in just over a month, and every move can cause major repercussions in the market.

Of course, the big money mentioned here is when the market is calm or even (caeh) sideways.

If it is still like the EUR/USD war more than half a month ago, in the long-short war of hundreds of billions of dollars or even hundreds of billions of dollars, Chu Ge can only be regarded as a bigger goldfish at most.

In front of the two behemoths, Chu Ge's funds can probably affect the market trend for two minutes, or boldly say... five minutes.

After Chu Ge logged out of the account and pulled out the special USB flash drive on the computer, he reopened the special locker-like safe in his study, re-entered the password to verify his pupils and fingerprints, and locked all his funds again.

By the way, before withdrawing from the account, Chu Ge also handed over more than 200 million US dollars.

After all, you know, a number-conscious Virgo science guy like Chu Ge doesn't really like fractions on his account.

Therefore, there is no way, he can only reluctantly put forward the "fraction" of more than 200 million US dollars.

Since the total amount of Chu Ge's funds has reached the level of the most distinguished VIP of the foreign exchange trading platform he uses, all the movements on the Chu Ge account have a manager-level figure and a dozen staff members who are fully responsible.

And as it should be, everything in Chu Ge is marked as the highest priority.

Therefore, Chu Ge had just put his computer in the safe, and within a minute or so before he issued the withdrawal instruction, Chu Ge had already received the exclusive alert tone from the change of funds in the black card.

"Dear my bank black card level VIP, your account **** has received a transfer from *** company at 9:56:37 Beijing time, the total amount is ** Celestial Coins! Your account balance Total ** Celestial Coins!

"With such a high efficiency, I thought I would have to wait for a few hours as before" Chu Ge opened the prompt text message on his mobile phone "It seems that the more account equity, the better the service! 35

"It's close to 1.7 billion Tianchao coins, what should I buy?" When Chu Ge was thinking about it, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Chuchu, are you inside?" Cheng Xiao's voice sounded after the knock on the door.

"What's wrong, Xiaoxiao" Chu Ge touched his forehead.

Regarding Cheng Xiao's name for him, he can only say that no one has ever called him that.

And every time Cheng Xiao called him that, there was always a picture in his mind, a very good TV series he watched when he was very young, the scene of Bu Jingyun shaking crazily in "Fengyun".

Forget it, but Chu Ge didn't refute it either.

After all, his name sounds good when combined, but it's not very good when separated. Whether it's Chu or Ge, it's hard to pick a proper nickname.

"I just went downstairs, and Ma Shan said you've locked yourself in the study for almost three hours, are you alright?" Cheng Xiao's voice trembled, "If there's anything, you can tell me, don't do this to yourself. what!

Chu Ge could hear Cheng Xiao's fear. After all, after getting along for so long, the two of them really have feelings for each other.

After all, right!

"I'm fine, I'm just working" Chu Ge hurriedly pressed the button of the safe, and after the safe was restored, Chu Ge opened the door of the study.

"This Ma Shan," Chu Ge said as he opened the door, "I can't speak clearly, and it makes me feel like I'm going to do something. I'll have a good talk with him later. 35

"Look, I'm really fine." Chu Ge glanced at Cheng Cheng, who was clearly amused and moved.

"It's okay" Cheng Xiao walked around Chu Ge, and then asked suspiciously, "But why haven't you moved for three hours?"

"Didn't you just say it?" Chu Ge touched Cheng Xiao's hair with his hand, "I am at work, and it is the most taboo to be distracted and disturbed when I am doing financial operations. After all, the difference of one second may be this villa. difference."

Chu Ge didn't lie on this point. With his current net worth, the difference in one second may indeed be a profit and loss of tens of millions of dollars.

"One second, a villa?" Cheng Xiao was taken aback.

Although Cheng Xiao has been in contact with society since he was very young, it is precisely because of this that the overall cultural level of many artists is generally low.

In addition, after becoming famous, Cheng Xiao was so busy receiving various announcements that she didn't have time to learn other knowledge. The money she earned was also directly invested by professionals, so her own understanding of finance was not really good. many.

Therefore, she was surprised by what Chu Ge just said.

The difference between a villa in a second?

Cheng Xiao couldn't imagine that if she relied on her salary and the company to give her dividends, it would take several years or even ten years to buy such a villa, but it only fluctuates for a second in Chu Ge.

Seeing that Cheng Xiao, because of his words, temporarily put aside her worries about herself, Chu Ge smiled with satisfaction.

He didn't want to wait for Cheng Xiao to sit across from this emotionally relieved Cheng Xiao when he was about to eat.

"Let's go, go downstairs and have a bowl of porridge first." Chu Ge took Cheng Xiao's hand up.

"Okay." Cheng Xiao replied unconsciously, and then continued to lower his head and ponder.

It seems that she is trying to figure out how much Chu Ge has through her only financial knowledge reserve.

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