Chu Ge stood in his room on the top floor of the Hilton Hotel, holding a cup of hand-ground coffee that Tao Xinxin had just brought, standing in front of the window overlooking Times Square and Fifth Avenue below.

After more than an hour of rest, coupled with the effect of this cup of coffee, Chu Ge felt that most of the fatigue from the journey had dissipated.

Although he has not recovered to his full state, at least he will have no problem participating in the next dinner party.

"Mr. Chu, the dinner is ready, do you want to go down now?" Tao Xinxin asked respectfully when she saw the message sent to her by Claire on her mobile phone.

"Good" Chu Ge put down the coffee cup in his hand and picked up the 5200P on the table.

Seeing Chu Ge's actions, Tao Xinxin stopped talking nonsense, just glanced at the 5200P in Chu Ge's hand enviously, and opened the door.

While Chu Ge was sleeping, Tao Xinxin checked the price of the watch in Chu Ge's hand, 18 million!

Until now, Tao Xinxin has just reluctantly accepted that this big boy who looks very friendly and has no air, is really rich!

After Tao Xinxin opened the door, he took the first step to the dedicated elevator door 20, while Chu Ge walked out of the room under the protection of two strong men in black suits.

Although the city of New York is very beautiful and prosperous, its other name "Sin City" is not casual, and the necessary security work is indispensable.

After all, the foreign moon is not only no more round than the celestial one, but darker.

After the elevator door was closed, Tao Xinxin took out his mobile phone and glanced at it, Collis just sent her Chu Ge's itinerary.

"Mr. Chu, the banquet will be held in the Grand Ballroom of the Hilton Hotel, and there will be many elites in the financial field." Tao Xinxin is no longer nervous at the beginning, and she finds that Chu Ge is still very easy to get along with.

"Isn't it Citibank's dinner party?" Chu Ge asked.

"Mr. Chu, Citibank, as one of the world's top mega-consortiums, will attract the attention of the entire industry with every move," Tao Xinxin said with a smile.

"And you who can be received by Citibank with such specifications" Tao Xinxin looked at Chu Ge and said, "Naturally, you are the elite of all financial industries and the object of curiosity."

"After all, there have been few times in the history of Citibank for a dinner of this size," Tao Xinxin continued, "and in those few times, apart from Jeff Bezos, the people who were still alive were the horse flower vines of the Chinese dynasty. .99

"Oh, only these two?" Chu Ge was a little surprised.

"Sir, you know, after all, the top-ranked super consortium in the world is not just our Citigroup," Tao Xinxin explained.

Chu Ge nodded, it seems that these two should be Citibank's partners, and the remaining top rich are invited by other consortia.

Under Tao Xinxin's explanation, the elevator quickly descended to the nineteenth floor. After the elevator door opened, Chu Ge saw the Director Collyer. Apparently, he was waiting at the elevator door the moment Chu Ge left the room.

The nineteenth floor of the Hilton Hotel is a floor dedicated to hosting a series of events such as dinner parties. Under the leadership of Collier, Chu Ge walked to the center of the entire floor.

After seeing Chu Ge, Morris and Cross with a smile on their faces walked towards him, and there were several beautiful and familiar beauties beside them.

"Mr. Chu, you have a good rest," Morris asked first.

"Very good, most of my fatigue has dissipated," Chu Ge said with a smile.

"These are" Chu Ge turned his gaze to Morris, the extremely hot Yanmars.

"These are some of the most famous supermodels in the lighthouse country. We know that Mr. Chu has no female companions, so one of them will be your female companion tonight, including after the dinner of course," explained with a smile Maurice, and at last there was an expression on his face that a man could understand.

Chu Ge understood where the familiarity came from, and most likely it was a magazine where he had seen their photos as the cover.

I chose a supermodel with a height similar to him. After all, these supermodels are all very tall, and with high heels, even his height of close to 1.8 meters is a bit unbearable.

Seeing that Chu Ge had chosen a female partner, and Morris and Cross had chosen one, Morris waved his hand to signal the other two to leave, and then the three supermodels walked towards the center of the dinner party holding Chu Ge and the three of them. .

Seeing Chu Ge and Morris walking from the elevator entrance to the center of the nineteenth floor, many people saw Chu Ge beside Morris and Cross, and immediately understood that Chu Ge was the protagonist of this dinner, but they were both Did not rush forward to say hello.

Apparently they knew very well that it was not their turn to make friends with someone of Chu Ge's level, and only a group of people at the center of the dinner party were qualified to know Chu Ge.

And these people in the marginal position, although many of them are also upstarts on Wall Street, but compared with those big conglomerates that have existed for an unknown number of years, their weight is far from enough.

And they came to the Citibank dinner today, not to meet Chu Ge, but to meet some bigwigs in the second echelon of this dinner.

They are the target of these upstarts!

Enjoying the envious and respectful eyes of everyone along the way, Chu Ge, led by Morris and Cross, came to a small central circle with a clear dividing line.

In this small central circle, Chu Ge glanced at it roughly, and there were probably more than ten people.

"Maurice, long time no see." Seeing Chu Ge and Morris walking over, a middle-aged white man with a Mediterranean hairstyle in the small circle in the center greeted them.

"This should be that Mr. Chu, I'm Royev Schild." The bald middle-aged white man walked up to Chu Ge, stretched out his hand and looked at Chu Ge with a smile.


The legendary world's first family with a fortune of fifty trillion?

Chu Ge heard of this legendary super family a long time ago, and one of the famous words of the Rothschild family is known to many people.

Once the money makes noise, the bad talk stops abruptly!

In the extremely popular "Currency War" series, the Rothschild family is even more mythical. According to legend, the lifeblood of many European countries - the right to issue currency, is in their hands.

However, Chu Ge is clear that these things are likely to be fictional, or that these things used to be true.

After all, in history, the five sons of Mayer Rothschild, the founder of the Rothschild family, did indeed open banks in London, Paris, Vienna, Frankfurt, Naples and other famous European cities.

However, according to the latest reports, the current Rothschild family is only a top 20 investment bank in the world, and it is impossible to be the mastermind behind the legendary world!

Although it is said that many countries in the world are now controlled by capital, many politicians are not puppets, especially now the empress of the German Fourth Reich will never allow others to point fingers on her territory.

At least, the lifeline of the bank is absolutely impossible!

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