City: No One Understands Finance Better Than Me

Chapter 135 The Broadway Musical!

After an inexplicable feeling of familiarity, Chu Ge spoke to the girl again and said, "Do you need to get off the bus now, those people have already left."

"I have no money on me" The girl blinked her big eyes and looked at Chu Ge pitifully "and I'm hungry! 39

"So?" Chu Ge rubbed the dragon stone jade ring on his finger.

"Can you take me in?" The girl looked at Chu Ge and said seriously.

"Are you sure?" Chu Ge looked at this beautiful girl in surprise, she actually believed in herself so much.

"You smell very good, so you won't be a bad person." The little girl's nose moved slightly, and then she said seriously.

"Ah" Chu Ge was completely defeated by the girl's logic.

Smells good, isn't it bad?

Is it so sloppy?

"Go buy her a meal," Chu Ge said to the bodyguard on the co-pilot.

Seeing some junk food handed over by the bodyguard, the girl obviously resisted, but in the end she was unable to resist the protest of the stomach sac.

"Friendly reminder, you are not very ladylike now." Chu Ge smiled and looked at the white girl squatting beside him.

"Driving" Chu Ge was not annoyed when he saw that the girl ignored him, and said to the driver with a smile.

Seeing that she looked like a real-life elf girl after taking a shower, lying on his bed, Chu Ge asked again, "You really trust me so much, aren't you afraid that I'm a perverted lolicon?"

"Natasha is not afraid." The girl Natasha didn't have any fear on her face.

"Eh" Chu Ge thought with a bit of astonishment when he saw Natasha's definitive answer.

Is it true that you look so reassuring?

This face-to-face world!

There is so much kindness for such naturally beautiful people!

Today's night is very gentle, Chu Ge is sitting in the car that Chalmers gave him, with Natasha and Tao Xinxin sitting beside him, he looks out the Broadway street through the car window, the art and The breath of drama fills Chu Ge's senses.

Rolls-Royce slowly stopped in front of Winter Garden. After Tao Xinxin opened the car door, Chu Ge took Natasha's hand and walked out.

Looking at the crowd gathered in front of WinterGarden, it is obvious that they are all here for a show that will be the finale of this evening, and so is Chu Ge.

And a week earlier, Morris had booked the ticket closest to the center of the stage.

The world famous drama Swan Lake!

Chu Ge glanced at the content on the poster in front of the door and watched a group of girls with excellent figures dancing, and he was also interested.

After all, Chu Ge has lived for so long, and this is the first time to watch a stage play seriously.

Chu Ge's group followed the crowded crowd into the theater, and not long after they found a seat and sat down, Chu Ge saw an elegant figure appear on the stage.

At the same time, a clear voice like a lark appeared in Chu Ge's ears: "Thank you for coming to WinterGarden, and then you will enjoy the Swan Lake brought by the dancers of the Moscow Ballet. 35

After briefly saying the opening remarks, the figure quickly walked down the stage, and then accompanied by the sound of music, the curtain on the stage was lifted little by little, and a group of tall girls appeared in front of Chu Ge.

The girls from Moscow, whose long-term self-discipline life has made them have extremely proud figures, looking at the blond, blue-eyed and beautiful hair girls in front of them, Chu Ge really can't compare those strong men who can hang hammers. The young women are associated with these petite and lovely girls in front of them.

Chu Ge can't imagine why the marriage can ruin everything.

It seems that Natasha is also a hairy girl?

Chu Ge looked at Natasha, who was excited by his side, and found that not only the name, but also the girls around him were more inclined to Mao Mei, rather than the traditional European and American white people.

Could it be that Natasha will also become after marriage?

Chu Ge couldn't help shivering, he really didn't dare to think about that scene.

At this moment, the girls who were originally still on the stage like sculptures moved, and although Chu Ge hadn't really watched this world famous drama, he still knew something about it.

Compared with the original classic, the Swan Lake staged by this WinterGarden has less of a cold taste, and more romantic and beautiful fairy tale colors.

Obviously both Chu Ge and Natasha like this version better than the original.

Chu Ge looked at the excited Natasha, and was about to speak, but Natasha, who was beside him, spoke first.

"Sister Avrora is so beautiful," Natasha muttered.

·0 for flowers·

Chu Ge followed his gaze and found that the dancer at the center of the stage had made eye contact with Natasha, "You know him?

"Of course, when I was young, I used to learn ballet with Sister Avrora," Natasha replied without looking back, staring at everyone on the stage.

"You also studied at the Vaganova Ballet Academy." Chu Ge looked at Natasha in surprise. The back of the poster he held in his hand detailed the experience of the lead dancer.

Avrora studied in this most famous ballet academy when she was a teenager, and finally graduated with the best grades, and then joined the Moscow ballet company. Over the years, she has gradually become the absolute core of the dance company.

The grand prize is soft!


It is no exaggeration to say that this girl named Avrora is definitely a future star of ballet.

"No, it's just that the best teacher of the Vaganova Ballet Academy, Ms. Valentina, came to my house to teach me at the invitation of my father, and at that time, Sister Avrora had already followed Ms. Valentina. It's been two years of study," Natasha shook her head and explained to Chu Ge.

Hearing this, Chu Ge became even more curious about the identity of the girl named Natasha. After all, the Vaganova Ballet Academy is the top ballet academy in the world, and it was chosen for the girl who had experienced many difficulties. We feel fair that the Vaganova Ballet Academy prohibits all teachers from being private teachers.

But it is the top teacher in such a school. Chu Ge has no doubts that Valentina is the top teacher. After all, she is the teacher of Avrolla, the future star, who actually accepted Na. At the invitation of Tasha's father, she became her ballet enlightenment teacher.

This obviously represents identity.

Just when Chu Ge was thinking about Natasha's identity, this group of top dancers on the stage had already finished their performance. When the music gradually stopped, the girl named Avrora, tiptoed and smiled at Chu. Ge bowed slightly in this direction, and then the curtain was slowly pulled up.

At this moment, Natasha took Chu Ge's hand excitedly, and looked at him with pitiful big eyes, "Let's go see Sister Avrora, shall we?

Looking at the expression on Natasha's face, Chu Ge showed a warm smile.

"Good!" Spoon.

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