City: No One Understands Finance Better Than Me

Chapter 145 Earn a billion dollars in one second!

What about the long order with nearly one million hands distributed in various positions?

These bulls were dumbfounded when they saw it. They found that under 1.2599, those long orders of 100,000 and 80,000 positions in various positions disappeared in an instant.

The bottom of the EUR/USD actually became bare, and there was nothing left!

It's not that these retail investors don't see long orders of hundreds or thousands of lots in each position, but for the EUR/USD market, this order is almost equal to zero.

Just as they were about to clear their positions, Chu Ge, who was also behind the screen, smiled and turned his last $100 million into a short list of 100,000 hands, smashing it down like a nuclear bomb. .

Do not!

Before many bulls could understand what was going on, they saw EUR/USD tumbled more than a dozen pips down.

Looking at the changes in the account, Chu Ge was very satisfied with his operation, and he felt amused when he thought that many bulls thought that Chu Ge was helping them to protect their stocks and help them get through.

Chu Ge is indeed every time the upward momentum of EUR/USD is blocked or the downward momentum cannot be stopped, he will choose to take a shot and throw a large number of long orders into the market.

Therefore, until the EUR/USD rose to 1.2599, Chu Ge had already taken in nearly 800,000 orders-.

But Chu Ge's account has a net worth of 5 billion US dollars. This nearly 800,000 hands is indeed an astronomical amount for ordinary people, but for Chu Ge, it only accounts for 10-6% of his Just a warehouse.

The remaining 84% of the positions were all entered into the short side by Chu Ge in batches when the market was bullish.

And his last 16% position, with the help of a long order of nearly 700,000 lots at the position of 1.2599, only had less than 100,000 lots left.

And it is because of these 100,000 lots that the EUR/USD plummeted by more than 20 points.

Until the position of 1.2578, the long list of 22 points added up, and it was barely able to hedge the 100,000 hand of Chu Ge's short list.

From the first time Chu Ge placed a long order of 100,000 lots at the 1.2585 position, Chu Ge began to gradually build up his own positions, and after knowing that he finally ate more than 700,000 lots at the 1.2599 position, Chu Ge's The average opening position is just at 1.2595.

Now, after the EUR/USD was hit by Chu Ge's short order of 100,000 lots to 1.2578, his account funds turned losses into profits again.

Chu Ge looked at his account with satisfaction, and he changed from a loss of 200 million US dollars to a profit of more than 700 million US dollars!

In one second, Chu Ge made a profit of more than one billion dollars!

Seeing that many retail investors began to rush to gather a large number of long orders at the position of 1.2578, Chu Ge couldn't help but feel amused.

These retail investors believe it by doing a little fake action by themselves. They actually believe that there are many main players, and they are willing to invest more than one billion US dollars in profits for a dozen points.

You know, at the 1.2600 position, there are super large orders of more than 3 million pressing, and everyone knows that, except for a lot of news that is good for the euro, the euro/dollar has broken through today or even for a long time. Not at this location.

It's a pity that the small fans don't know, or they don't think about the next thing at all. They only see that Chu Ge is pulling up and they feel that it is going to rise.

After the EUR/USD was hit hard by Chu Ge's hand, although many retail investors began to do their best to remedy it, they tried to use their own positions to bring the EUR/USD back to its original position.

However, after the EUR/USD experience of Chu Ge, many people have already begun to react. There is a super large order above it. Even if they try their best to raise the EUR/USD back to 1.2599, it is impossible. There is strength to move on.

On the contrary, although the position below 1.2550 for EUR/USD also has support of nearly one million hands, it is obviously much easier to break below than above.

Once the market is no longer concentric, it is impossible to go up or down smoothly.

One minute, five minutes, and more than half an hour have passed. Although there is no big-handed short order, EUR/USD has just stumbled to the position of 1.2580.

Moreover, just after EUR/USD hit 1.2580, more than 100,000 short orders began to appear in the market in an instant.

Obviously, the wind direction of the whole market has slowly turned to the side of the bears.

And this is not only clear to Chu Ge and retail investors in the market, but also to the bears who have been laying out.

The smashing is just beginning!

··0 Flowers·

Chu Ge's 100,000 hands just now are just appetizers.

When the time passed little by little, the accumulation of short orders at the 1.2580 position reached more than 500,000, and countless long orders began to be withdrawn from the 1.2579 position. In just one minute, nearly 100,000 at the 1.2579 position. The long list in hand has already run away 98,000.

It was also in this world that EUR/USD finally started to fall again!

And the ferocity of the momentum is simply more frightening than the wave of violent smashing by Chu Ge just now.

Within a minute, EUR/USD plummeted by 18 pips.

Although, there is no big order with more than 100,000 hands like Chu Ge, but the order of 10,000 hands did appear more than a dozen times.

A few minutes later, EUR/USD continued to fall after a brief stalemate.

EUR/USD fell from 1.2562 to 1.2655. Knowing that a considerable number of short-term bulls have already started to close their positions in panic, there are again a large number of scattered but a large number of sell orders in the market.

At this time, the trading volume in the market has also become larger and larger, and the main bulls who have not shown up for a long time finally couldn't hold back and began to express their voices to the market.

From 8:50 to 8:55, in just five minutes, the EUR/USD was pulled up and down seven or eight times under the mutual pull of the bulls and the bears.

But when the time came to nine o'clock, the strength of the bears was stronger, and the euro/dollar fell a few points again, from the position of 1.2555 to 1.2556 to the position of 1.2550 to 1.2551.

Around this position, the bulls took advantage of the existing super large orders of nearly one million lots, plus the addition of countless long-term bulls, and the bulls gathered nearly two million lots at the position of 1.2550.


Seeing such a large number of long orders holding the 1.2550 level, most long investors can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

While the EUR/USD remained at 1.2550, Chu Ge, whose average position was at 1.2595, has now gained a full 45 points of profit margin, a net profit of US$2.25 billion.

The net worth of the account swelled to US$7.25 billion at once! Spoon.

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