Although not much, but not too much, there is no reason not to!

Time passed slowly, EUR/USD has been oscillating at 1.2520, and Chu Ge also took the opportunity to enter a position of almost 500,000 lots.

Just after Chu Ge put 100,000 short positions in again, EUR/USD volume started to pick up sharply, and a lot of selling started to appear in the market.

With the 100,000 hands that Chu Ge just threw, a full 300,000 hands dived towards the 1.2520 position in one go.


Just like a layer of transparent film, the position of 1.2520 was easily pierced by the 300,000-hand selling.

At this moment, a small announcement suddenly appeared, which is the overall economic data of a Eurogroup. Although the impact is not very big, it is still bad news in general.


It only took 20 seconds for the EUR/USD to plummet by 20 points, and Chu Ge, who has a short position of 600,000 lots, once again made a profit of 120 million US dollars.

The short-term market of two small positions allowed Chu Ge to reap a net profit of 150 million US dollars, and the net value of the account also came to 9.5 billion US dollars.

However, Chu Ge doesn't have the heart to care about the net profit of more than 100 million US dollars, but directly cleared his own short position of 600,000 hands with bright eyes.

Then, go all out to buy a long position of 20!

Although the current market sentiment, because of this small bad news, seems to be very enthusiastic about shorting EUR/USD, Chu Ge is very clear that the support level below 1.2500 is extremely solid.

A full tens of billions of dollars and as many as ten million lots of buying orders are supported at the position of 1.2500. Such a large-scale super-large order, Chu Ge does not have to think about it, it must be the work of major European central banks.

For the major central banks in Europe, keeping the euro below 1.2500 is their bottom line.

And as long as this bottom line is not touched, these central banks will not take action, and once there is capital who wants to really short EUR/USD and eat up the support of tens of billions of dollars, the strength of the major European central banks will make all shorts They feel hopeless.

Ten billion dollars is just the tip of the iceberg!

Unless there is a major negative enough to shake the European economy, or the central bank of the super-large economy such as China or the beacon country is desperate, the 1.2500 position is absolutely impossible to be broken.

Seeing that many retail investors are frantically shorting EUR/USD, Chu Ge knew that his chance to enter the market had come.

One hundred thousand, five hundred thousand, one million!

A full one million long EUR/USD order has been eaten up by countless bear investors, but Chu Ge has yet to see their enthusiasm waning.

That's not much to say, go ahead!

Two million, three million, five million!

After a full $5 billion was invested by Chu Ge into the long side of EUR/USD, the enthusiasm for shorting EUR/USD in the entire EUR/USD market gradually faded.

The short list of millions of hands disappeared at the 1.2500 position. No matter how stupid people are, they can see that the main players value this position.

Over time, the overall EUR/USD trading volume has dropped and dropped.

More than an hour later, when the trading volume dropped sharply to only one-tenth of the initial one, the trading volume began to pick up.

It's just that the rebound in trading volume is no longer the long negative line that was more than an hour ago on the time-sharing chart, but the whole reversed.

Sun line!

The continuous big Yangxian appeared on the time-sharing chart, and the nearly two million selling orders originally at 1.2501 also began to shake.

And at this time, after such a long time of buying, Chu Ge has already invested 7 million hands from his 9.5 million positions.

And when he saw that the selling orders of nearly 2 million lots at the 1.2501 position began to gradually decrease, he repeated the same trick and ate all the selling orders of the two million lots in one bite.

The EUR/USD also moved from 1.2500 to 1.2501 to 1.2501 to 1.2505.

The selling price was much higher than the buying price, indicating that the market is very bullish on the EUR/USD rally after Chu Ge swallowed 2 million sell orders at the 1.2501 level.

Including the 2 million hands in this mouthful, Chu Ge has now entered the field close to 9 million hands.

After seeing that the price of EUR/USD rose by a point, Chu Ge simply threw a long order of 100,000 lots into the EUR/USD market.

Just now, there were less than 50,000 lots of selling at 1.2505, which was suffocated by Chu Ge again, and then the remaining 50,000 lots of buying orders pushed EUR/USD up a few points again, and because of this The position of 100,000 lots brings Chu Ge's average position to 1.2501.


Because of Chu Ge's continuous large-scale buying, the selling price of EUR/USD in the entire market has risen again and again, and it has now reached the position of 1.2510.

Seeing that because of his own reasons, the price of the selling order has directly increased by ten points, and Chu Ge's account also has a surplus of nine points.

It's not much, but Chu Ge is well aware that this is just the beginning.

Tonight, there will be a great meal!

After putting all 96% of his position into the market, Chu Ge was no longer in a hurry to put the remaining hundreds of thousands of hands into the market.

After all, keeping some positions in hand can be more flexible, and just smashing in like this will increase your average position.

Correspondingly, the market may have a short-term rise of a dozen or even twenty points because of his long order of hundreds of thousands of lots, but Chu Ge does not plan to liquidate his position in a short period of time, so it is meaningless to rise.

He's waiting, waiting for a big wave!

And according to the trend chart in Chu Ge's mind, before the start of EUR/USD, the main bulls will have a small wave of smashing, and at that time he will put the remaining hundreds of thousands of hands into the position. The best time!

After shutting down the computer and putting it away, Chu Ge emptied the unfinished cup of coffee, and he still felt a little sore on his body.

After all, the jet lag twice in three days, plus Chu Ge watched six or seven hours of continuous play, made him physically and mentally exhausted.

Just right, it will take a few hours before the euro/dollar really takes off, and his 417 can just take a rest.

After setting the alarm clock, Chu Ge also specifically told Ma Shan to make sure that he would not oversleep, Chu Ge lay on the soft big bed in the master bedroom and couldn't help but miss Cheng Xiao.

The day before Chu Ge went to the lighthouse country, Cheng Xiao also went to the studio ahead of time to meet the director and screenwriter because of the heroine of the drama.

During this time, I fell asleep smelling Cheng Xiao's body, and now Cheng Xiao is not used to it when he leaves Chu Ge.

Fortunately, he was accompanied by Teacher Stick's Great Compassion Mantra.

In the voice of Mr. Stick chanting sutras, Chu Ge fell into a dream in just five minutes, and this sleep is a full 6 hours.

From two o'clock in the afternoon, Chu Ge slept until eight o'clock in the evening.

Chu Ge reached out and turned off the alarm clock that was only a few minutes away, and was about to get up to take a shower when he heard a knock on the door.

"Young Master Chu, are you awake?" Ma Shan's voice came from outside the door. Chu Ge glanced at his watch and told himself the exact time.

"Wake up," Chu Ge said as he stood up.

"Young Master Chu, the kitchen has made some refreshing and non-greasy fruit snacks and a seafood soup for you. You can eat it after you wash up," Ma Shan said across the door.

"it is good!""

Twenty minutes later, after Chu Ge asked the housemaid to help bring the food to the study, he took out the computer again and opened the EUR/USD plate.

While taking a sip of the very sweet seafood soup, Chu Ge focused his eyes on the computer screen in front of him.


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