City: No One Understands Finance Better Than Me

Chapter 16 The Horn Of The Counterattack! (Ask For Collection And Evaluation Of Flowers!)

Lockheed Martin, the full name of Lockheed Martin Space Systems, is the most notorious arms dealer in the world.

However, although Lockheed Martin sold weapons to various forces that needed them, leaving wounds one after another in the world, the original "Skunk Works" model created by Lockheed Martin itself also helped contributed to the development of the world.

Looking at the name displayed on his personal mobile phone, Morris's face changed and changed, and after a moment of hesitation, he pressed the answer button, and even his ugly face changed into a smile.

"Dirk, my good brother, you called so suddenly, are you asking me to have dinner with you?

If so, I'm afraid I can't accede to your request, because I have an appointment with a beautiful lady this evening.

You know, as a gentleman, I can't make an appointment," Morris said into the phone in a very cordial tone.

"Of course a gentleman can't miss an appointment, my friend.

However, I guess you're not in the mood to have dinner with the lady today." There was also a very kind voice on the phone, but like Morris, both voices were uncomfortable.


When Morris heard the voice on the other end of the phone, he scolded the old fox in his heart, but said in a constant voice, "How could that be, my friend, but Dirk, you didn't really care about me when you called. Love life."

Although Morris's tone remained the same, his time was very precious. He would lose a lot of dollars for every second he spent, and he had no time to argue with this old fox.

"Of course, my friend, of course I care about my best friend's love life. But" Dirk, who no doubt said afterward, dominated the conversation, pausing before the meaningful part of it. .

"My friend, do you remember your favorite painting that you lent me last time? I'll have someone deliver it to you tomorrow." Morris's tone remained unchanged, but the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

Nima's, old thing!

"It's okay, my friend, you can enjoy it for a few more days, you don't have to be in such a hurry.

Speaking of this painting, Martin and I bought it together with Joe Martin from the Ministry of Defense. He was just a small officer in charge of Servia. After all these years, we are all old. ..." Dirk White really seemed to be just on the phone to talk about the family.

After hanging up Dirk, Morris was lost in thought, he completely ignored everything Dirk said later, what happened to go west with him back then was a complete fart.

At that time, he didn't know who Dirk was, and the first half of the sentence was important.

Martin, the Ministry of Defense, Servia, then, suddenly Morris suddenly thought of something, and a smile gradually appeared on his face.

"From now on, Kross, everyone will not be allowed to leave work, and you will direct me to short the euro/dollar.

Give me as much as I can, I will let those Europeans know what to do against the great beacon country today." Morris waved his fist excitedly.

"Okay boss, I'll close all positions right now, and then buy... what? Go short with all my strength?" Cross looked at Morris in disbelief, he was completely stunned.

Time went back to the present, and after several hours of accumulation, Cross felt black in front of his eyes when he saw the terrible loss figures on the account.

Until now, Cross couldn't figure out what Morris was thinking. Obviously, the euro in the whole market was going to be so strong that it could fly, but Morris kept letting them accumulate money at a low price, seemingly completely ignoring the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of the entire market. The news that was enough to hit the dollar system a few hours ago.

That call, the only thing Cross could think of at the moment was the one that Morris received, and it was clear that everything changed from that call.

Although Cross was eager to know who Morris was talking to and what he said, he knew how dangerous it was to inquire about the boss's privacy without authorization as a subordinate.

Just as Cross was struggling, Morris spoke up, and the market seemed to start to change.

"Cross, from now on, we don't have to surreptitiously scan orders anymore, we can let go of our hands and go short on EUR/USD, and it's time to let those proud Europeans know how good we are." Morris stared at the man in front of him. The computer screen said.

"Full force? But boss, we have lost more than five billion US dollars now, and now the whole market is optimistic about going long. Although Citibank has a lot of money, we can't fight the entire market," Cross pointed out. My own opinion.

"Cross, are you questioning me?" Morris suddenly turned his head to look at Cross.

"Okay, boss." Seeing Maurice's gaze, what else can Cross say? Anyway, it is not him who is most responsible for the problem, he is just an executor.

"Trust me, Kroos, we will win.

And, who said we are the only Citibank one? "

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