City: No One Understands Finance Better Than Me

Chapter 165 Encounter with a crush!

Chu Ge: "Why are the two of us talking, I remember you guys were very active when you went to school? @马科@张志刚@..."

After Chu Ge just finished @@, the atmosphere of the entire chat group suddenly became alive. Although it has been separated for two years, Chu Ge's popularity is there in Beijing, so people began to bubble up, chatting with Chu Ge and the group. Former classmates share the stories of current classmates.

Just when Chu Ge was chatting with them in the group, an independent WeChat message appeared on Chu Ge's mobile phone.

"WeChat reminder: You have been pulled into the group chat by your friend Liu Jiulin (asking for an opinion)!"

Chu Ge glanced at the group members and immediately smiled. All of them were the classmates who had the best relationship with him in those high schools, and the group owner Liu Jiulin even skipped class together with Chu Ge to surf the Internet.

What's even more beautiful is that the two most fun-loving people in the second year of high school, one went to Jinling University and the other was admitted to Harbin Institute of Technology.

And now one is better than the other, not to mention Chu Ge. When he contacted Liu Jiulin some time ago, he heard that he had obtained a sophomore year to go to Hamburg University in Germany as an exchange student next semester.

As a physics student, Liu Jiulin was able to win the exchange student spot at the University of Hamburg by himself without any background. After all, the six Nobel Prize winners born in this internationally renowned university, five All of them are winners of the Physics Prize, and among them are such great figures as Wolfgang Pauli.

Of course, it is worth mentioning that Master Chen Shishen, the name of the famous domestic mathematics award Chen Shishen Award, is also an outstanding alumnus of the University of Hamburg.

Chu Ge: "Why do you start a group alone? Make a small gang-?"

Liu Jiulin: "Fuck you, seriously, how many of you are going to this year's class reunion?

Zhang Zhiyuan: "Look at you, I can do it!"

Jia Tianlin: "The most annoying thing to hear is, I can do it, listen to you, listen to your sister!

Wang Zhiwei: "Go, but Principal Chen won't go.""

Chu Ge: "I don't know, there's a high probability that he won't come, Principal Chen is so busy, he's busy trying to usurp the throne!

Liu Jiulin: "Hahaha!"

Principal Chen was the class teacher of Chu Ge's sophomore year, and the youngest deputy head of the department. Then he drifted away, preaching in the class that he could be the principal of Xinyi Middle School in the future.

Chu Ge: "Then go, I'm fine anyway.


Zhang Zhiyuan: "+1!""


Jia Tianlin: "+1!""

Chu Ge: "OK, unanimously approved!

The moment Chu Ge finished typing this sentence, he received a prompt sound "WeChat prompt: You have been kicked out of the group chat by your friend Liu Jiulin (ask for an opinion), and the group chat (ask for an opinion) has been deleted by the group owner Liu Jiulin. Disband!

walk slowly!

Liu Jiulin told Chu Ge with practical actions that he did not engage in small gangs!

After exiting the group chat here, Chu Ge saw that a large group of the class was also in Aite him. It turned out that many people were waiting for Chu Ge, a good person, to express their opinions first.

Chu Ge: "No problem, I'll be there when the time comes!"


Zhang Zhiyuan: +1!""


Jia Tianlin: "+1!""

After Chu Ge and a few people expressed their opinions, except for some who had plans and could not spare the time or did not come back, a full thirty or forty people all said that they would come.

After Chu Ge put down the phone, the last dish that Dad made was also completed. After dinner, Chu Ge habitually exercised before going to bed.

At six o'clock in the morning, Chu Ge's precise biological clock wakes him up directly, and the habit he has developed over a long period of time prevents him from using an alarm clock at all.

After simply washing his face, Chu Ge didn't even brush his teeth, he took a towel and headed out of the villa.

Morning run!

Although the villas of Hancuiyuan are not as good as those of Dihaoyuan, they can be regarded as a very good environment, especially in the morning, it is very suitable for morning jogging.

After more than half an hour, Chu Ge slowly stopped, not because he was tired, after all, he usually has to run for more than an hour, but mainly because he actually saw an acquaintance in Hancuiyuan.

Unexpected acquaintance!

Ma Feiyan!

Chu Ge's old acquaintance, the front and rear seat in the third year of junior high, was also the first person Chu Ge liked to have a crush on in that ignorant era.

Ma Feiyan actually lives in Hancui Garden, her family is so rich!

Chu Ge was a little surprised, but he didn't notice it at all when he was in school, but Chu Ge really encountered other examples of this kind of thing.

An example is Zhang Zhiyuan, his second tablemate in the second year of high school and one of the group yesterday.

With such a good relationship between the two, Chu Ge didn't know until after graduation that his parents at the same table actually worked in the court, and one was the chief judge and the other held a high position in the court, which surprised him even more. His uncle was actually the deputy chief of the city, which was definitely a high official position in their small county.

And Chu Ge, who has been a classmate with Zhang Zhiyuan for two years and the same table for one year, has never heard a word from him.

From that time, he learned that the arrogance and domineering of the second generation of officials written in those novels are all fake. Nima has a second generation of officials who may be the biggest official of their current generation. As a result, they treat people kindly of.

··0 Seeking flowers.....

As a classmate for two years in high school, Chu Ge has never seen Zhang Zhiyuan bully others.

Looking at Ma Feiyan who was running in front of him, Chu Ge was a little surprised but didn't think too much about it, even if their family was rich, what if they didn't have any money anyway.

Looking at Ma Feiyan in a short sports outfit, Chu Ge said that he was really a little excited. After all, this was the first girl he had ever liked, and it was still in the era of the beginning of love.

This means a lot to him!

Just when Ma Feiyan nodded to him to pass him by, Chu Ge suddenly stopped her.

"Ma Feiyan?" Chu Ge smiled and looked at the first girl he liked in front of him.

"Yes, you are? Hearing Chu Ge calling her name, Ma Feiyan stopped in surprise and looked at Chu Ge. She did not remember that she knew such a handsome guy.

"Chu Ge" Chu Ge said with a smile.

"Chu Ge?" Ma Feiyan seemed to be trying to recall, frowning slightly.

"Just a little reminder, that little fat man behind your seat in the third year of junior high school," Chu Ge said with a smile when he saw the expression on Ma Feiyan's face.

Seeing Ma Feiyan thinking hard, Chu Ge is not surprised. After all, he was a veritable little fat man when he was in the third year of junior high school. He was 175 and weighed nearly 200. Now he is 178 and weighs only 78kg. A standard figure.

And at that time, Chu Ge was not very confident because he was a little fat, and looked a little shy and shy, but now he exudes an air of extreme confidence all over his body.

In those days, because of his lack of self-confidence, Chu Ge never dared to tell Ma Feiyan about his own affairs, but he regretted it after graduation, and it was precisely because of this that he made up his mind to lose weight.

As a result, the effect was very good. After a summer vacation, Chu Ge turned into a cute boy.

After all, fat people are potential stocks!

"Little fat man?" Ma Feiyan seemed to have suddenly thought of something, and immediately opened her eyes and looked at him in disbelief and shouted "Chu Ge!"

"Remember?" Chu Ge asked with a smile.

"I remember, but you have changed a lot now, and you have completely changed from the past." Ma Feiyan also showed a happy expression on her face.

"Have you become handsome or ugly?" Chu Ge asked Ma Feiyan playfully.

"You're handsome!" "Spoon

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