City: No One Understands Finance Better Than Me

Chapter 185 The upper class circle of the magic capital!

As the most luxurious and highest-standard star-rated hotel in Modu, Modu International Hotel is full of dignitaries even on weekdays, not to mention that it is a gathering of the upper classes in Modu today, and the threshold is even more astonishingly high.

Seeing that the Maybach in which Chu Ge was riding slowly stopped in front of the Magic Capital International Hotel, the person in charge of the hotel who was in charge of reception immediately greeted him.

Although the receptionist could see at a glance that Chu Ge's Maybach will not be less than 10 million, and people who can own a car of this level are often distinguished, as the reception person in front of the hotel, he should not have taken this. kind of guests push out.

But unfortunately, the level of today's private banquet is too high, and everyone who can qualify is the top richest man in the magic capital, and the super wealthy family with more than 10 billion yuan.

Therefore, although Chu Ge's Maybach is very honorable, the receptionist still bites the bullet and asks, "Hello sir, today the Magic Capital International Hotel is holding a private banquet and temporarily does not accept foreign guests. Do you have an invitation letter, sir?"

"Invitation?" After Chu Ge heard the words of the hotel manager, a puzzled expression appeared on his face.

After seeing the expression on Chu Ge's face, the receptionist said, "I'm so sorry sir, I can't enter without an invitation."5

"Did the Ma family give us that thing?" Chu Ge looked at Ma Shan next to him, but he didn't remember it.

"Yes, Master Chu," Ma Shan replied respectfully.

"Yeah? 35 Chu Ge looked at Ma Shan suspiciously. He only arrived in Modu yesterday, and he has been staying at Aman Yangyun Hotel since he arrived, and no one from the Ma family came to visit yesterday.

"Yes, Master Chu, yesterday the Ma family sent the invitation letter to your mobile phone," Ma Shan said respectfully.

"Mobile phone?" Chu Ge took out his mobile phone and opened WeChat, clicked on a picture with a very unique design, and said to the receptionist at the door, "Is this?"

"Please wait a moment, I will verify your e-invitation letter immediately" After seeing the picture on Chu Ge's mobile phone, the receptionist immediately showed a respectful look on his face, and took out his mobile phone to scan the picture.

The result came out soon. After seeing the information and confirming that it was correct, the person in charge said to Chu Ge, "I'm sorry, Mr. Chu, and the Magic Capital International Hotel welcomes you."

"It doesn't matter, technology changes life." Chu Ge waved to the person in charge in front of him to indicate that he didn't care, and then said with a smile.

"Mr. Chu, in addition to being a luxurious super hotel, Modu International Hotel also has the most advanced technological products in the world." After the person in charge learned of Chu Ge's identity, he was very respectful to him.

After all, he is very clear that if he can participate in a banquet of this level, it is at least a big family of tens of billions, and more importantly, he just saw on the information column that this invitation letter is not the kind of sub-letter for the children of the big family. It's a real invitation that only a real family owner has.

This also means that the young man in front of him is either the son of a super family of 100 billion, or he controls more than 10 billion in assets, and no matter which type, it can be regarded as the most honorable part of this banquet. batch of people.

Accompanied by the person in charge at the entrance, he had just entered the highest specification hotel in this magic capital, when Chu Ge heard a melodious piano sound coming from inside the hotel, and then he looked up and saw the splendid interior of the hotel. decoration.

Seeing Chu Ge stop to observe the decoration of the hotel, the person in charge stepped forward slightly and said to Chu Ge, "Sir, all the decorations in our Magic Capital International Hotel are real works of art."

"You mean, these vases and ornaments are all real antiques?" Chu Ge asked in surprise.

"Yes, Mr. Chu," the person in charge replied respectfully, and then pointed to a calligraphy and painting on the right side of Chu Ge, "This picture of swimming shrimp is an authentic work written by Mr. Baishi, and it is worth 7.6 million.

Seven million?

He was really surprised this time. There are more than seven million paintings in the lobby. You must know that there are more than a dozen ancient paintings and ornaments that Chu Ge saw.

Even if this painting is the most expensive thing in it, since other decorations can be placed in the hall together with this painting, the natural grade cannot be too different, at least it starts at a million.

If these more than a dozen antiques are added together, I am afraid there are tens of millions!

The luxury of this Magic Capital International Hotel is indeed a bit beyond his imagination.

After a brief introduction to Chu Ge, the person in charge continued to lead Chu Ge's group towards the special elevator. When they got to the special elevator, the person in charge took out a special magnetic card from his hand and swiped the card to open the elevator. After that, the button on the ninety-sixth floor was pressed.

"Mr. Chu, according to the intention of the sponsor of this banquet, Chairman Xiao, the owner of our Magic Capital International Hotel, all the guests today will go to the banquet hall on the ninety-sixth floor to dine first, and then have a restaurant like you. Guests who are truly invited will be guided by a special person to the top floor of our Magic Capital International Hotel to participate in a top-level auction," the person in charge said to Chu Ge.

··0 Seeking flowers·

"Okay" Chu Ge nodded.

Just as the two were talking, the elevator door had opened again, and as soon as the elevator door opened, in addition to the music mixed with the speaking voices, Chu Ge also saw a huge and endlessly luxurious ballroom in front of him. .

Countless ladies and ladies dressed in gorgeous costumes, with iconic professional smiles on their faces, and a large number of elites from the upper class, are scattered in every corner of this hall.

"Mr. Chu, please come with me." The moment the elevator door opened, a waiter who was waiting at the elevator door greeted him, replacing the person in charge who brought them up. After all, the person in charge had to go down to receive other people. guests.

"Okay" Chu Ge and his party followed the waiter toward the ballroom.

Just as Chu Ge and his party followed the waiter into the ballroom, a pair of young people walked towards Chu Ge as if they had found their target.

"This should be Mr. Chu!" A voice appeared in Chu Ge's ears.

After hearing the sound, Chu Ge turned to look at the person who came.

One man and one woman, two people!

The man looks a little older than Chu Ge, about twenty years old, with a gentle smile on his face, and looks high-spirited, but Chu Ge noticed that there was a little worry hidden in the depths of his eyes, as if Is there something to worry about.

The woman next to the man also looked like she was about twenty years old, and there was a high probability that she was related to this man by blood, and most likely she was his own sister.

However, although the genders of the two are different, their temperament is very similar, they are confident but not flamboyant, and their looks are also top-notch!

"Chu Ge, the two should be from the Ma family." Chu Ge thought for a while, he only came to the magic capital yesterday, although there may be a lot of people who know him, but the ones who can come up to chat with him directly are most likely only Ma. home people.

"My dear Ma Xinyuan, this is my sister Ma Huanshan," Ma Xinyuan said.

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