City: No One Understands Finance Better Than Me

Chapter 203 The investment bank opens!

Just as Chu Ge set the alarm clock, the million hands he threw into the field were eaten up.

Without any hesitation, Chu Ge once again lost 3 million lots in the crude oil market, but this time before the 3 million lots were consumed, a message was sent to the computer next to Chu Ge.

Euro area current account after seasonal adjustment in July (100 million euros)

Previous value: 166, Published value: 200

Data explanation: This data refers to the situation of capital outflows and inflows between a country and foreign countries, including the import and export of goods, labor services, investment income, income from other goods and services, and unilateral transfers.

A current account surplus means that the euro area has more inflows than outflows, and a current account deficit means that the euro area has more outflows than inflows.

If the data is better than expected, it will be good for the euro, crude oil, gold and silver, and vice versa, if the data is lower than expected, it will be bad for the euro. Crude oil, gold and silver.

At the moment when this push appeared, Chu Ge realized that his chance to enter the market was gone, crude oil would rise again, and although he would reap a lot of profits again, his current position was also That's 2.7 million hands.

too few!

For his account net worth of more than 45 billion US dollars, the rise and fall of several hundred million US dollars will still make him happy, but the degree is much weaker.

However, it is enough!

Chu Ge looked at the net worth in his account with a satisfied expression on his face. After all, he earned more than 15 billion US dollars today!

Take your time, Chu Ge is not in a hurry!

At six o'clock in the morning, Chu Ge's biological clock, which was more punctual than an alarm clock, woke him up, and soon Chu Ge, in short-sleeved shorts and a sports suit, started his morning run.

However, this time less than half an hour later, Chu Ge hurried back.

This is not because his physical strength is not as good as before after being together with Shangguanqing, but the alarm clock set on his mobile phone rang, which means that half an hour later, there will be a wave of entry opportunities in the crude oil market.

After a quick rinse, Chu Ge walked into the study with a glass of warm water, took out the computer from the safe again and logged into the account, Chu Ge looked at the account in front of him.

After these days of continuous opening of positions, he has entered the market one after another from the initial more than 2 million lots, and the total position is only one-tenth of his account equity, which is 4.5 million lots!

However, the price of crude oil has not directly rushed to a very terrifying position. Although it has been fluctuating during this period, the price of crude oil has only reached the position of 35.87 to 35.93 in the past week!

Although Chu Ge's average position is only at 35.40, his 4.5 million positions still made him a net profit of $2.1 billion!

Seeing that his account equity was approaching US$50 billion, Chu Ge smiled slightly, and once again took advantage of the drop in crude oil prices to enter a one-million-lot position.

Although after this wave, the average opening position of Chu Ge's account long positions rose to 35.52, but Chu Ge was very satisfied.

Because of this opportunity to enter the market, there will be no more in the next 20 days, Chu Ge selected several node positions to enter the market, although for the time, those node positions were the entry of falling position, but there is no doubt that each subsequent entry will be positioned higher than the previous one.

It's just a pity that Chu Ge can only enter one or two million hands at a time, although this is already a lot, but for him with a position of 45 million.

Still too little!

Still he turned off the computer in front of him, Chu Ge drank the warm water next to him, picked up his phone and suddenly saw a calendar reminder on the phone.

Today, his prophet investment bank will officially open!

Magic TV!

"Little Li, hurry up~"" a woman who looked to be in her thirties shouted at a young man in his early twenties in the office.

"Sister Yu, I'll be fine soon," the young man known as Xiao Li hurriedly said with a smile.

"If something goes wrong with today's report, your regularization this year will be suspended," Sister Yu said with a serious face.

After all, although there are hard indicators to turn positive, if you perform well, you can turn positive in advance.

"Okay, okay." Xiao Li came over with this big bag and several camera equipment that was too heavy to look at. "Sister Yu, you have always refused to disclose the content of today's interview, and now we will go there soon. Well, you can finally tell me.

"Talking in the car" Sister Yu's style has always been vigorous and resolute. When she saw that Xiao Li was ready, she immediately turned around and walked towards the elevator with her interview equipment.

After the two of them got into a Volkswagen equipped by the radio station for each of the external camera crews, Xiao Li asked again, "Sister Yu, what's the big news you're talking about today?"

"Actually, I don't know the specifics." Sister Yu, who was sitting in the back seat, responded casually while sorting out her makeup.

"Ah, you don't know, what if it's fake news, don't we go there for nothing?" Xiao Li was a little dumbfounded when he heard it.

"'Why, I'm afraid of being tired,' said Sister Yu without raising her head.

"How can you, isn't this mainly because you are afraid of being tired?" Xiao Li smirked twice.

"I still don't know your thoughts, let me tell you, young people just have to be afraid of enduring hardships, thinking that when I just graduated, it would be much more difficult than you are now, and now there are special cars in the platform, we used to be buses at that time. The car rushes to the shooting location," Sister Yu said as she touched up her makeup.

"Understood, I know about Yujie." Xiao Li could only smirk and reply respectfully when he heard this set of words he had heard many times.

"You can rest assured that the news is true or false. It was revealed by a person who can be counted in our capital." Sister Yu showed a proud expression on her face: "If I hadn't done an exclusive interview with this person, the first two I heard it when he was chatting with other people when he was doing follow-up reports. Generally speaking, no one knows about this kind of thing. It's cheap, kid!

"Thank you Sister Yu for taking care of me" Xiao Li's words are true (Wang Zhao), after all, he is very clear that although the sister Yu who brought him likes to rely on the old and sell the old, but he is really conscientious to himself.

"It's almost there, turn left on the street ahead." Sister Yu glanced at the street outside the window and said to Xiao Li.

"Sister Yu, turn left on the street ahead is the financial building of our Magic Capital. Are you talking about the rich man in the financial industry in the Magic Capital today?" Xiao Li asked suspiciously. What's going on, what big news can this be.

"That's right, it's the Magic Capital Financial Building. Our goal today is to take a photo." Sister Yu said with a smile, she looked extraordinary after finishing her makeup.

"A photo?" Xiao Li asked suspiciously.

"A photo of the behind-the-scenes boss of the Prophet Investment Bank that will open today," Sister Yu said with a smile.

Just when Xiao Li was puzzled, he saw the scene in front of him that shocked him!

Luxury cars!

Countless luxury cars! Delusional.

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