Stubborn African Emirates!

After all, if you want to say that the probability of the number nine is low, it is reasonable, but guessing the size of half and half, Chu Ge can even black nine, so it can only be described as a non-chief.

Moreover, Chu Ge is not an ordinary African chief. He is simply the bottom of the pot. When it comes to the next few games, many people even use Chu Ge as a guiding light. They have indeed made a lot of money. !

Seeing that Chu Ge has to put two chips on the small and the number nine, even the manager sitting next to him is a little hard to see, although in theory the more Chu Ge loses, the more she earns, As Chu Ge lost nearly 2 million now, she has already received nearly 300,000 in commissions.

But she understands one more thing, someone who keeps losing like this will definitely not want to play. After all, no one will want to play a game if he loses all the time. Even if Chu Ge persists longer, he will lose the rest of the game. After millions of chips, it will definitely not continue to be exchanged.

And if you let Chu Ge win a few games from time to time, it will obviously stimulate Chu Ge to continue playing 20. Chu Ge may lose more than 10 million in the end. After all, Chu Ge has already lost 180 in just ten minutes. One hundred thousand, but one night is a long time.

There are winners and losers, more losers and less wins, that's what she really wants to see!

"Mr. Chu, you can try pressing the others, there is no need to hang them on a tree," the manager said softly.

"Didn't you say, I will be lucky today, after all, the god of gamblers will favor the newcomers." Chu Ge waved his hand, "It's only two million, maybe I will win this game?"

Hearing Chu Ge's words, the charming manager couldn't say anything else. After all, she said what she should say and she also said what she shouldn't. Since Chu Ge insisted on giving money, how could she stop her!

As for what Chu Ge said, the next game starts to win, how is it possible!

The odds of betting on a number are ridiculously low!

With Chu Ge's luck, let alone the next game, even if you play until tomorrow, you can't beat it!

After Chu Ge tossed the chips on the small and the number nine, the others at this table quickly put their chips on the big top, and after a full nine sets of baptism, they firmly believed that Chu Ge was their guide. beacon.

Only, it's the opposite!

Buy the dice upside down, the villa is by the sea!

After finally meeting such a rich and stubborn African chief, how could they give up this opportunity!

Seeing this scene, even the dealer who rolled the dice was a little speechless, but she still put the dice cup on the table and said, "Buy and leave! 35

Under the attention of more than 30 people, the dealer slowly opened the dice cup, revealing the three dice inside!

Although there are only nine real gamblers on this table, but because Chu Ge even has nine black hands, many people want to come and see what this super non-chief looks like, resulting in a dozen people around the entire table. , In addition to the manager and several waiters serving Chu Ge, a total of thirty-three people stared at the three dice in the dice cup, with incredible expressions in their eyes.


After seeing the points of the three dice, the whole table was silent for a moment, and then there were countless sounds of gasping for air.

"Actually... hit!"

Everyone's eyes widened, wanting to see if they were wrong!

Although the dealer couldn't believe it, she still said skillfully, "Go! Seven to ten, small, nine o'clock!

"I get together!"

"what's the situation?"

"Didn't you say that you will win if you buy it the other way around? This is all my chips!"

Complaints appeared in the ears of Chu Ge and the manager. He watched the waiter put his two chips and the sixteen-hundred-thousand-dollar chips in front of him. Chu Ge smiled and said to the manager, " Look, didn't I start winning? 39

Looking at Chu Ge's half-smiling expression, although the manager was a little stunned, she quickly responded with a smile on her face, and the smile was sincere. Well!

"Mr. Chu is indeed a person who does big business. He insists on his own ideas. Even if he encounters nine difficulties in a row, he still does not change his original intention. Although I have heard of such a person, this is the first time I have seen it." Manager Naturally, he will not give up any opportunity to tout a big customer like Chu Ge who is stupid and rich.

After all, once the habit of gambling is formed, it is difficult to change it. Even if Chu Ge doesn't care about the money, the exciting feeling will make everyone happy just before the dice cup is revealed!

By having a good relationship with Chu Ge, she will have one more big customer in the true sense, and judging from the generosity of Chu Ge's shots, he may be the biggest of all her big customers!

Just like the stock market goes up and down, someone compliments someone and someone disdains it, especially those who have just been cleared of all the chips in front of them in this round, although this is not Chu Ge's fault at all, and it is not that he asked them to press Big, but red-eye losers don't think so much, they instinctively put the blame on Chu Ge.

"Hmph, it's just luck that I won a game, what's so great?" A gambler sitting opposite Chu Ge who had just lost all his chips said disdainfully.

Chu Ge raised his eyes and glanced at the bald middle-aged gambler on the opposite side, with a smile on his face. "I can see that you are very unconvinced by losing this game? Why don't we both take a gamble!"

"Why bet 473?" The middle-aged gambler actually had some regrets after saying this.

After all, the person who can be accompanied by the senior account manager of the casino is an ordinary little rich man, but just now the hundreds of thousands of chips on his gaming table were emptied, which made him feel a little uncomfortable, so he couldn't help but sneer.

Now that Chu Ge said this, it was obvious that Chu Ge had already remembered him. It was too late for him to apologize at this time. In this case, he might as well be a bachelor, and he could still appear to be very powerful in front of so many people. .

And, in broad daylight, he doesn't believe what Chu Ge dares to do to himself!

"Since sitting on this table, my record is nine losses and one win, so my luck should be very bad," Chu Ge said with a smile, "but I myself am very confident in my luck, why don't we both bet on me? How's the luck? 35

"Betting on luck?" The bald middle-aged gambler looked at Chu Ge in amazement. He had never seen anyone gamble on luck.

"Gamble your luck!" Chu Ge said decisively!

"How to gamble?" the bald middle-aged gambler asked.

"It's very simple, in the casino today, you can do whatever I want, just go back and forth with me," Chu Ge said with a smile.

Playing alone is a bit boring, and now a provocative passer-by appears suddenly, Chu Ge just used it to relieve the boredom!

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