City: No One Understands Finance Better Than Me

Chapter 230: The real sky-high price

"390 million"

The current price increase is not large, because several people are testing each other and trying to get Dayu Jiuding with the lowest price, but this approach is meaningless, and will only make the subsequent transaction prices higher and higher.

Except for Chu Ge, the rest of the people were not alone, and their prices rose to 500 million in an instant.

"Eighty million!" Yamada Zhengxiong's face turned red when he was too excited, his mouth kept panting, like a kettle with boiling water, and his hands kept shaking as if he had Parkinson's. It is impossible to take Dayu Jiuding into the bag at a price, so I have to show my wealth and let others take a step back.

The huge price made others hesitate, but Chu Ge was calm. When he knew that the finale was Dayu Jiuding, he knew that the final auction would definitely set off a bloody storm.

When the elegant middle-aged man asked if anyone had increased the price for the second time, Yamada Zhengxiong breathed a sigh of relief. Normally, no one would increase the price. After all, this cultural relic belongs to himself, Yamada Zhengxiong Zhizhi Looking at Dayu Jiuding, his eyes gradually became obsessed, as if he was looking at his beloved girl.

And just at this moment, Chu Ge made his move, he naturally couldn't helplessly watch the great Yu Jiuding fall into the hands of the filthy Eastern Ying people, let alone let Dayu Jiuding and Victoria's crown go together. The Yamada family is full of dust.

For various reasons, he shot. Chu Ge only said one sentence, which was not even five words, but the audience was silent. Because he said "two billion"

Chu Ge didn't speak because it was troublesome, but now he is talking to solve this trouble, and he made these usually arrogant people bow their heads with just one sentence.

The elegant middle-aged man made no further bids after asking three times in a row, so he knocked down the crucial blow to Dayu Jiuding. In order to income Chu Ge's bag.

Others are not saying that they can't afford the two billion, but they are not worth it. No matter which industry 2 billion is invested in, it will make this industry an unprecedented breakthrough and development, and using 2 billion to buy Dayu Jiuding can only get the so-called face, or the face of the heaven, and those The illusory luck is just a phantom.

The most important scientific research value is not what they care about at all, because it brings little benefit, no matter how powerful the background of the people behind the auction house. No matter how dazzling Dayu Jiuding is, it can't be covered up. As businessmen, they won't do business at a loss. But that didn't stop them from admiring the wealthy people in Box No. 19.

Brother Chu stretched his back. It was very interesting to see them fighting each other for Dayu Jiuding like a dog bites a dog. But watching too many dramas will get boring, so he ended the boring drama.

Yamada Zhengxiong's expression at this moment was as if he had eaten a fly and was constipated. His body began to shake and fell backwards in a blink of an eye. If it wasn't for the people beside him to help him, I am afraid that Yamada Zhengxiong would have had a close contact with the floor when he reached the back of his head. .

Under the frantic actions of his subordinates, Yamada Zhengxiong gradually took a breath, but when he saw the sky-high price of 2 billion again, his head was buzzing with pain. He was wearing a red and white dress, which was originally very beautiful. The splendid clothes and his complexion are combined, and it is surprisingly funny.

··0 Seeking flowers.....

If he were to grit his teeth, it would not be a big problem to spend 2 billion with the Yamada family's operations in the East Ying Kingdom for so many years. The "value for money" pigeon egg gems, he bought back beyond the original value of the items, most of which were spent on his own savings.

With his current position in the family, it is still possible to use one billion yuan. If he wants to use two billion yuan at one time, it may even be more than two billion yuan. Not to mention what his subordinates would think, even the elders who were old and immortal in the clan would have an opinion on him. Then his status in the family will be greatly reduced, and it is not worth it for a Dayu Jiuding.

So he once again looked at the box where VIP No. 19 was with resentful eyes, his face kept showing resentment but there was nothing he could do. It is impossible for him to do it here, how strong the background of the owner behind this auction is. He knew that even if he wanted to snatch the treasure of Dayu Jiuding, he wouldn't dare to do it here, because it was a disrespect and provocation to the people behind the auction, and he wasn't so stupid.

But that doesn't mean he will forget it. He will always remember the shame that the people in Box No. 19 brought him today. Dongying people are famous for their stinginess and revenge, and their forbearance is also famous. Once their country was invaded by other great powers, and finally, relying on their own forbearance and relying on "Tomorrow Restoration", they stood at the same level as those great powers.

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