The cleaning staff is very strange. Why is this bodyguard staring straight at him? Has his identity been discovered? Impossible, he clearly concealed it so well. Could it be that this person is gay? The cleaning staff instantly had a layer of goose skin Pimples, and my heart has become very sick. What kind of hobbies do the people of this country like? Yamada Zhengxiong actually likes this kind of thing.

Looking at the bodyguard's huge body exuding male hormones, the staff in the private room are silently calculating themselves, if they run out now, will they be caught? After a very careful calculation, the cleaning staff found that the probability of being caught is very high. , and after being caught, cruel and inhumane things may happen.

Just when the cleaning staff was about to be stared at and wanted to escape, the bodyguard slowly spoke, but the first sentence he said became very embarrassing, "You are..."

Before the bodyguard finished speaking, the cleaning staff spoke at a very fast rate like a cat whose tail was stepped on. "I'm not gay, and you don't want to think too much about me. I tell you, if you dare to approach me, I will immediately call for help, and you'd better stay away from me."

The bodyguard's face instantly became very ugly, like a pig's liver, and his tone became very bad, but after listening carefully, he found a hint of helplessness "What are you thinking in your head? What I want to ask is, are you Chu?" Sir."

The lethality of this sentence is as good as a thunder in the ears of the cleaning staff, but the cleaning staff immediately reacted, "What, Mr. Chu? Don't change the subject, you fucking gay, I said I'm not gay, I won't If you are interested in Mr. Chu, I will not have the slightest interest in you! 35

The strange thing is that the bodyguard did not get angry this time, but said lightly, "You cover up very well, and your ability to change the subject is also very good, but next time you lie, look into other people's eyes, otherwise it will be too easy to be exposed. .

When the cleaning staff saw that he was not hostile, they felt very strange. Does President Chu also have anyone under Yamada Zhengxiong? Then why do you want me to implement this plan.

The bodyguard seemed to see what he was thinking and said, "Don't think about it, I'm not Mr. Chu's subordinate, but I'm on your side."

The cleaning staff didn't trust him immediately, but pretended to be confused, "What the hell are you talking about? I just came up to clean up, and I met you gay pervert and said these strange things to me."

The bodyguard's face became more and more ugly, he wanted to get angry but shook his head helplessly and said, "If I hadn't determined that you were Mr. Chu's subordinate, I would have beaten you up. In fact, I know that you are using this as a means to disguise yourself. , but still want to get angry.

The cleaning staff smiled and didn't say anything, the kind of honest and honest eyes still in their eyes.

The bodyguard shook his head and said, "It seems that you don't need my help, so let's take it slow by yourself." After speaking, the bodyguard took out a medicine from his pocket and then took out a cup to take it from the water dispenser. some water.

After doing this, the bodyguard said to the cleaning staff, "This is a sleeping pill. I'll take it later. You can do whatever you want. Take advantage of this period of time. Come on, this is the first cooperation between our two forces. Don't let Mr. Chu Disappointed."

After saying that, the bodyguard ate the sleeping pill, and then posed as a figure of being attacked from behind by someone and then falling down.

The cleaning staff watched silently from the side. After a while, they stepped forward to check whether the bodyguard was really asleep. After confirming that the bodyguard was really asleep, the cleaning staff began to wonder.

What kind of force would actually help him? President Chu is really unfathomable. No matter where he goes, there are people who help him. The cleaning staff's admiration for President Chu rose by another point.

However, the actions of the cleaning staff were not slow. He took out some white powder, a needle syringe and some transparent bulk crystals from his tool bag, and filled the room with 490 pieces. The cleaning staff wiped the sweat from his forehead and complained, "Why do you sleep so long, are you a pig? And why didn't you tell me before going to bed? Where did Yamada Zhengxiong go? It's too irresponsible."

When the cleaning staff complained, it never occurred to him that if he didn't trust the bodyguard before, maybe the bodyguard wouldn't have to take sleeping pills.

The cleaning staff's anger has reached its peak, and he kicked the bodyguard twice to vent his anger, but he didn't dare to try too hard. After all, although this person is a pig in the same camp as himself, he is very helpless. This pig is his teammate. , After looking at the bodyguard who was still asleep, the cleaning staff left the room.

However, he did not leave the hotel, but changed clothes in the dressing room and became a waiter in the hotel. He is waiting here, waiting for the return of Yamada Zhengxiong and the beginning of the plan.

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