City: No One Understands Finance Better Than Me

Chapter 254: The Samsung Empire riddled with holes!

For the veterans of these companies, as long as the stock in hand has not become a pile of waste paper.

Before that, if he sold the stocks in his hand, then everything would be fine, and all the problems would not be found on his own head.

As for what kind of problems they will face in the end, it is not something they have to consider.

The minds of these company veterans are very deep.

At this juncture, the interests of the company can be thrown out of their minds early, and they can even ignore it at all.

In their minds, the most important thing is how to solve the most intractable trouble at the moment.

The trouble is how to quickly sell the stock in hand. The Samsung Group is already for the Samsung Group that has lost its leader, and it simply cannot take off again.

These heirs under his banner are either alcoholics or girls who only know shopping, and even Li Zhiying, who is sitting in the conference room, is not a good person.

Rumor has it that she even fell in love with her bodyguard.

Companies like this simply do not have the 503 necessity to stay. Besides, they have already passed the time when they can fight hard, and now they all want to retire.

"Don't you have the slightest enthusiasm for the company?"

"Company? Enthusiasm? I think you're joking, do you have any idea about the company?

I can say responsibly that I have no idea about the company, and I don't think the company can bring me enough benefits. "5

The honorary director, who was sitting at the conference table smoking a cigarette, spoke calmly without raising his eyelids (caeh).

At this juncture, anyone can be left out.

"Boss, according to the news from our insider, Samsung held a high-level meeting today, which is said to be organized by his eldest daughter Li Zhiying, and it seems that the situation is not very good.

It is said that there was a quarrel in the conference room, and at the end the meeting broke up unhappily, and no one knows what the final meeting turned out to be.

However, according to the first-hand information from our insiders, the effect of the whole meeting was not very good.

News came from the strategic intelligence analysis room.

"Follow Samsung Group, if Samsung Group wants to sell its assets, we can directly pull down Samsung Group's stock completely. According to the current holding ratio, we should be regarded as the third invisible shareholder. Try to start a conversation with Li Zhiying.

Chu Ge hung up the phone after speaking.

Shangguanqing frowned when she saw Chu Ge's pressing step by step, this man was really too aggressive, and her consciousness was making her a little overwhelmed.

Shangguan Qing took a deep breath, cut the steak in her hand and asked Chu Ge.

"Are you sure you want to suppress Samsung Group without any effort?

If the Samsung Group really handed you a mess, what would you do then?

The money poured in is like running water. If you don't bring it up at this time, it is likely to lose everything. "

"The heir of the family can only be inherited by men. The head of Samsung has two sons, one is already a believer and the other is a drunken girl all day long. It's not as good as before, and he has committed a lot of sins."

"If it is said that such a person is to inherit his family business, I am afraid no one will be convinced, and only this Li Zhiying can take it now.

But Li Zhiying, in front of his uncles and uncles, had no room to speak.

In the Great Cold Kingdom, the degree of discrimination against women is no less than in China.

In fact, the status of women in the Great Cold Netherland is lower, and Li Zhiying's appearance cannot convince the people in the company, so she can't make a big wave for such a woman.

As long as the chairman of Samsung has not come out of the ward, then everything is still under control. "

Chu Ge explained to Shangguanqing.

Shangguan Qing nodded and had to say that Chu Ge had done enough information on these matters, and every information was at the highest level.

This is definitely a place that surprised everyone.

"You are very good at using intelligence to analyze the current situation, but your intelligence may be biased, or someone may deliberately guide it."

Shangguanqing explained to Chu Ge with some hesitation.

After all, the scale of the business involved can be described as huge. If there is a slight error, I am afraid that everything will be lost.

This is what Shangguanqing didn't want to see, and because of this, she had to remind Chu Ge in time not to let Chu Ge make mistakes.

Chu Ge even knew how big an earthquake these things would cause, and he had already planned it clearly when he did these things.

And after reviewing all the stock market conditions of Samsung in the past three months, it can be said that Chu Ge has a deeper control of each time node than others.

On this issue, Chu Ge is absolutely infallible.

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