City: No One Understands Finance Better Than Me

Chapter 257: Reduce capital to raise funds!

"It is indeed like this, but how can you borrow 1.2 trillion yuan, you must know that the non-performing assets in your hands have now reached more than 300 billion yuan.

This is only visible on the surface. If you add those invisible gains, the amount of negative equity on your hands will be as high as a staggering number. "

Chu Ge took his mind back, and he asked Boss Wang calmly.

Indeed, at this juncture, no one could easily say that they would borrow 1200 billion to Boss Wang.

Even if it is these big bosses in the country, even if all the members of the Taishan Club gather together and lend a part of the liquidity in their hands to Boss Wang, it will not be as high as 1.2 trillion.

This is definitely an unrealistic idea.

Boss Wang now has no assets available for mortgage in his 20 hands. Even if he wants to realize the mortgage, it will take a certain amount of time, and no one will give him this time.

"Then what do you say I should do?"

Boss Wang is very clear that although he seems to be very beautiful on the surface, he has firmly seated the throne of the first person.

But he knew in his heart that it was just a false name.

The huge debt made him unable to breathe, and he didn't even have the heart to think about other things.

Every time he thinks of the subprime mortgage crisis mentioned by Chu Ge, it makes him feel like a stone has been pressed all over his body.

"It seems that there is absolutely no way to do it now. If you want to solve this problem, I am afraid that the funds in your hands will have to be re-realized.

If you realize such a large-scale realization, all the funds in your hand will be locked up. "

"However, there is another way to sell all the assets in your hands. During this process, you need to release a message to the outside world, that is, you need to reduce your holdings of assets to alleviate the non-performing assets in your hands."

"Only when you release this news to the outside world, can you sell these non-performing assets in your hands a second time, and the process of selling will not exacerbate the bubble derived from the subprime mortgage crisis.

Chu Ge took out another report, which clearly marked Boss Wang's many overseas assets, referring to the need to sell about 40% of the non-performing assets.

He can use these non-performing assets to fill the gaps in his hands and re-borrow from the bank.

If foreign banks agree to accept it, the loan amount in his hand will drop to about 100 billion, which is enough for him to carry out leveraged cash out during the next subprime mortgage crisis.

For Boss Wang, this is definitely a profitable business.

And Boss Wang also realized this, he took a deep breath now, a little unsure, but there was nothing he could do.

"What you said is really good, then go according to your plan, and then all these operations will be carried out according to your plan.

All the non-performing assets in my hand will be cashed out and sold according to your list. "

Boss Wang raised his hand helplessly. He didn't want to think about the position of the richest man, but he could ensure that the company could still operate normally.

The cultural tourism hotel and entertainment industry in his hands will not be affected, but the real estate project has undergone a large-scale shrinkage.

However, this entry and exit are all pure assets, and will not be borrowed from the bank for the second time.

This is the most important thing for Boss Wang.

"Of course there is no problem with this plan. If you want to try again, this is definitely the best way."

"During this process, we must consider how many drawbacks the funds in hand have for the overall development. In this process, what we need to do is to sell the non-performing assets in our hands on a large scale.

This is the only way to ensure that the next crisis you encounter will not be too stretched.

Boss Wang let out a long breath.

He was also a little hesitant in his heart. Over the years, he has restructured his real estate company and focused on overseas.

But I never thought that 503 living abroad would face such a big turmoil, and it simply would not have much impact at home.

Otherwise, he would be overwhelmed by a full-scale outbreak, and perhaps the real estate company in his hands would simply go bankrupt.

"In this way, it won't have much impact at home, and we can even safely carry out trade and production at home, right?

"That's right, this turmoil won't affect the country, it's just a small accident outside the country.

"These people involved in the admission have not yet understood what kind of turmoil they will face next, and they are now happily counting their money."

"Money is the most important thing to them, and they don't think about anything other than that.

Chu Ge is very clear that before the subprime mortgage crisis broke out, everything was still thriving, and everyone could still see laughter and laughter on the street.

But once the crisis breaks out, I am afraid that these smiles will not be seen.

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