City: No One Understands Finance Better Than Me

Chapter 262: Money can be lost, but reputation cannot be destroyed!

Once Chu Ge decides to invest in Wang Gongzi's live broadcast platform.

In the eyes of industry insiders, companies targeted by Prophet Investment Banks generally fall into two situations.

One is that they want to take advantage of the situation to short all the stock prices of the company, and directly suppress it without leaving any room.

The other is the way it is now, helping the live broadcast platform to do it directly.

Although this kind of investment is small in scale, it is enough to make many people understand that they will follow the investment, and the impact and consequences of this can be imagined.

I am afraid that there will be countless companies that want to join in at this moment.

At that time, those funds that Wang Gongzi lacks in circulation will be attracted by this method.

In the whole matter, Wang Gongzi did not have any tricks, he just told all the pros and cons of his present.

20 If the capital is still further increasing in the process, then the price can take off directly.

It is estimated that the Kung Fu live broadcast platform will be successfully listed in less than two years.

It is precisely because of this opportunity that Wang Gongzi showed great enthusiasm in this matter.

"This will really be a good thing, once my club becomes the No. 1 in the world and won the first trophy belonging to the Chinese, the influence it will have at that time can be imagined.

"Although clubs of all kinds are emerging in an endless stream in the current club neighborhood, it is not difficult to see that behind these clubs there are really endless, varied, and all kinds of clubs.

But only did not win the world's first. "

The prince is very heroic at the moment, he is full of confidence in his club.

He believed that his club would definitely be able to win the championship, and even put down his rhetoric at this time and said to Chu Ge.

"As long as the two of us can reach a cooperation, even if this cooperation is temporary, there is no problem.

"You have to allow me to go back and do a serious due diligence on this matter.

I can give you the money I have, but my reputation cannot be ruined.

I can't ruin my own reputation by saying it helped you. "

Chu Ge shook his head calmly.

The pros and cons of this matter must not be as clear as what he said, and the problems in it can be seen, and it is more intuitively expressed in everyone's sight.

It's a very simple thing, if there is any accident in the process.

At that time, the brand of the Prophet Investment Bank can be directly collapsed.

Before that, all the efforts made by the Prophet Investment Bank will all dissipate.

Chu Ge is not willing to make such a meaningless and worthless bet with the prince.

At least he needs to know what the whole thing will bring him in return.

It's not that after listening to Wang Gongzi's story about the live broadcast platform, he immediately invested in it.

This is not something a qualified manager should be able to do.

Chu Ge's shaking his head did not surprise the prince, he even nodded calmly.

"Mr. Chu, then I will wait for the good news, this matter cannot be delayed, I hope we can still reach the goal of cooperation as soon as possible.

Chu Ge walked out of the private manor and returned to the company. He wanted to make a large-scale assessment of the entire entertainment industry, and he wanted to be sure.

How much potential can such a live broadcast platform still have to be tapped?

If it is said that this is a speedboat, and it has already set off and is about to reach the shore, it is obviously impossible for them to set off at this time.

So in dealing with this matter, Chu Ge still has his own set of ideas.

The market saturation and the public's visual saturation caused by live broadcast platforms and pan-entertainment culture will lead to the stagnation of the entire live broadcast industry.

And it is very likely that because the capital cannot be poured in, and the threshold becomes very high, those who hitchhike early will take off so directly.

And those guys who want to rely on their own efforts to create popularity, one by one, it will take several years of effort to be able to do 507.

Chu Ge's mobile phone also has corresponding live broadcast platforms, short video entertainment and various chat software.

He wants to see how much capital power they can absorb in the process.

Chu Ge found that there are no projects that can be re-realized in the live broadcast platform.

What he had in his hand was nothing but gifts from the audience, and he couldn't see any business opportunities.

Simply relying on customers to watch the show to get gifts from it is really too unstable.

And in this process, there may be cases where the particles are not harvested.

Chu Ge noticed a news of the ban, and before that, when Gouyu Live had not merged, there were two live broadcast platforms.

When the two live broadcast platforms fought with each other, the anchors who switched jobs were marked with sky-high compensation.

It seems that only millions of compensation can let everyone know what kind of anchor this is, and how popular it is in the process.

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