City: No One Understands Finance Better Than Me

Chapter 29 Bulls Who Vomit Blood!

"Fuck, is Nima messing with people? Is it messing with people? I just took half a position long USD/JPY, and then you gave me 99 points, ninety-nine points! Damn it! The bear, wants me to go to the rooftop!"

"In the front, I have already stepped on the roof with half of my foot, and I am two-thirds of the warehouse!"

"In the front, I have already stepped out with one foot. This is the last word I have left in this world. It is better to cut off all the money to buy a house than to be beaten to death by my family."


Chu Ge glanced at the bullet screen and found a lot of new bullet screens. Although he knew that the high probability of dying was just hilarious, this wave of short sellers really made many people lose their money.

Foreign exchange is not that simple. Ordinary people do what ordinary people should do, and don't get involved in the muddy waters of foreign exchange. (Same for everyone, foreign exchange is like a sea, investment is risky, investment needs to be cautious!)

Turning off the barrage in front of him, Chu Ge once again devoted his energy to the USD/JPY chart in front of him.

There won't be too much volatility, this wave of shorts' offensive is over for the time being!

Taking a look at the situation on the scene, Chu Ge, who has the perspective of God, knows that this wave of smashing shorts has come to an end temporarily, and the performance of the bulls is now on.

However, Chu Ge, who has the perspective of God, is a little puzzled. It stands to reason that the bulls who have suffered such a big loss should have fought back wildly and pushed the USD/JPY up again, but how could they only counterattack less than 20 or 30 points? ?

And it was still dawdling. It took a full two hours to do it. Could it be that the power gap with the bears is too great, but if so, why did the bears stop in one go?

860 hands! Do more in the whole warehouse!

Although there are only 20 or 30 points, but after all, it is also a large amount of income. Chu Ge can't see it.

And it was still early before dinner, Chu Ge glanced at his watch, it was less than ten o'clock.

Just after Chu Ge threw all his positions in, the bulls seemed to finally realize that the bears had really retreated, instead of enticing them to take advantage of the opportunity to sweep more stocks, and after a few trials, they became bold.



In just three minutes, USD/JPY in front of Chu Ge has returned to 103.65 from 103.50 dropped by the bears, an increase of fifteen points.

And Chu Ge, who has a long position of 860 lots, also made another profit of $12.9w in just three minutes.

Just yesterday, Chu Ge himself felt that his money was like flowing water. He spent hundreds of thousands of Korean coins just for a visit to a shopping center in the city center, but he just spent more than an hour and made a profit of 430,000 U.S. dollars, a full amount. 3 million celestial coins.

And now it's even more exaggerated. In just three minutes, 13w US dollars arrived.

Seeing that they used only a fraction of their strength to move USD/JPY up 15 pips in just three minutes, the bulls started to float.

More than fifty thousand hands!

All of a sudden, a 100,000-hand long list hit the market, which can surprise the bulls. The expected surge did not occur, and the entire USD/JPY only rose by three points.

my FK?

In just three minutes, there were only 50,000 lots in total, which made the USD/JPY skyrocket by 15 points. But now that the long list is 2.5 times, how come there is only so much gain?

Not right!


No one is a fool!

Those who can act as the main force in the foreign exchange market are all large funds or banks, and the traders who work there are all elites who have been in the financial world for many years.

And as soon as this situation appears, those veterans who have been in the financial market for many years immediately feel that something is wrong.

Then, they found a lull in the market.

Except for some sporadic speculative investors throwing short orders, there is no movement in the market, and the shorts do not have any intention of smashing the market.

More than half an hour has passed, and the trading volume in the entire market is definitely the lowest in the last week, no, even the last month.

In this case, the bulls tentatively threw more than 8,000 long positions into the market, and then the fluctuation of the USD/JPY in the market appeared, and the thing that made them speechless happened again.

103.65! 103.72!

After a short stalemate, USD/JPY was like taking medicine, and it went straight up by a full seven points.

The 100,000-hand lot only rose by 3 points, but the 8,000-hand lot went up by 7 points?

Seeing this situation, the bulls are completely speechless. The weight of co-authoring 100,000 hands is not as good as 8,000 hands?

Playing snakeskin?

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