City: No One Understands Finance Better Than Me

Chapter 359: Desperate King Jinya!

It is precisely because of this, why Chu Ge is reluctant to ask Boss Wang to borrow money directly.

He was just afraid that Boss Wang would do such a thing at that time, so he expressed a brief silence during the process.

Who knew that this guy, Boss Wang, not only did not restrain himself, but also appeared to be intensifying.

Now it's even better, it's just a few short conversations, and he's firmly set on him.

Chu Ge also had to sigh with emotion, Boss Wang really deserves to be the top.

When talking about things and doing things, they are neat and neat, and when they do these things again, they show a look of disdain.

"The money is in our hands now, what should we do next? Are we going to short Wang Jinya's stock price? 35

"Don't be in a hurry to look at the market situation. I have already released the news, the lawsuit involved this time, and the connection between the Prophet Investment Bank and you.

It can be said now that in just a few hours, their news has already detonated the entire network, and the stock market volatility caused is also visible to the naked eye. The stock of Wang Jinya's company has dropped by 570.

He didn't think about himself at all, he just wanted to make a lot of money from it, but he fell into such a situation.

Wang Jinya roared in the office, watching his company's stock price drop wildly.

This is what he never imagined that the other party would be so unruly.

But he took a deep breath at this moment and called Chu Ge, making a phone call.

"I was wrong, tell me, what do you want to do, as long as you can come up with a good condition, you can do what you say, I am willing to follow your rules..."

"There are no rules, all the rules simply don't apply to me.

So I don't have rules, and because of this, I have no shame. Since you decided to never die with me, why don't I play with you? Jingjing

"I remember that if I'm not wrong, you seem to be talking to me like this at the time. Do you think I'll lose my temper with you because of this little thing? Or do you think I'm going to tell you about us because of this little thing? To develop peacefully.""

Chu Ge's tone was calm, listening to Wang Jinya crying over there, he didn't take it seriously, and the mobile phone amplifier was placed in front of Shangguanqing and Wang Gongzi.

"You can choose bankruptcy and liquidation, and then I will buy your company. I am now the largest shareholder in your company. You should know that I can decide the direction of the company, and even I can directly fire you!"

Chu Ge spoke calmly, and he could have a good chat with Wang Jinya.

Even at the last moment, he did not forget to ask Wang Jinya if he thought so and what he was going to do.

But Wang Jinya not only didn't take it seriously, but still made Chu Ge angry with a look of laughter.

It's no wonder why Chu Ge chose to hold back at this time.

Chu Ge's attitude was calm, and he didn't even think about leaving a way for Wang Jinya to survive.

He knew that leaving a way out for people like this would be cutting his own back.

There is no need for him to communicate too much with this kind of person, and even he feels that it is very unnecessary to communicate with this kind of person.

"Since you have made a choice, then you should bear the consequences of your choice. Since you have to fight with us endlessly, let's take a stand and fight with real swords. I'd like to see what you can do to fight me!

Chu Ge spoke calmly.

After saying this, Wang Jinya felt desperate, and they also found out many of the most detailed reports. Chu Ge turned out to be the boss of the young investment institution of Prophet Investment Bank.

Moreover, the funds in Chu Ge's hands are incomparable to Wang Jinya.

Shorting Wang Jinya's company is effortless at all, and the whole process is smooth.

Even Wang Jinya didn't realize that when something was wrong, Chu Ge had quietly completed this series of operations.

Chu Ge knows that scum like this will only be arrogant when it's okay.

When there is a problem, I can't even let a fart out.

He also disdains to have too much communication with such people.

Because he knew how to communicate with such a person, he would lose face, he felt that it was necessary to have a good lesson with Wang Jinya, especially at this time.

"Remember to pack your bags. Don't be blamed for not being able to get even a bed sheet. I remember that when you went public, you had your house and car notarized and mortgaged in the name of the company against what you now own. Everything is in the form of a lease to evade tax. Front

"The company is mine now. Your house, car, and your current consumption are all given to you by the company. The company will take it back now."

Chu Ge's words were like pouring a ladle of cold water, completely awakening Wang Jinya.

Wang Jinya is very nervous at the moment, he doesn't know what he will face next, he feels that this time has already made him feel a little dim.

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